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View Full Version : Belafonte Unleashed

03-12-2007, 01:29 AM
Posted Mar 11 '07 at 8:35 PM by breitbart

Viral Videos - Singer Harry Belafonte elaborates on his reference to Condi Rice as a 'house slave' and explains why Bush is more of a tyrant than Castro.

Just one of our lovely Hollyweird Rich Americans...Not that the one hit wonder IS SOMEBODY........But for some reason the media has a thing for him....


Can you Democrats........Believe how he is speaking about a BLACK AMERICAN REPUBICAN?

DO YOU CARE????????????

03-12-2007, 07:12 AM
Posted Mar 11 '07 at 8:35 PM by breitbart

Viral Videos - Singer Harry Belafonte elaborates on his reference to Condi Rice as a 'house slave' and explains why Bush is more of a tyrant than Castro.

Just one of our lovely Hollyweird Rich Americans...Not that the one hit wonder IS SOMEBODY........But for some reason the media has a thing for him....


Can you Democrats........Believe how he is speaking about a BLACK AMERICAN REPUBICAN?

DO YOU CARE????????????
Harry Belafonte is a piece of shit that needs to go back to his mothers native country of Jamacia. This man only bad mouths others but what the hell has he done politicly. He has the nerve to trash talk one of the most intellegent women in politics. Where did Harry get his 1st PhD from ohhh wait he doesnt have one.

I love how "actors" think anyone actually cares about their politicle views like they have some great insight and the rest of us are just morons walking around unable to have a thought of our own.

You know just because you play a Dr. in the movies doesnt make you qualified to be one... These jackasses need to shut up and leave real life to those of us whoe live it....

:pee: Harry Belafonte :fu: