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View Full Version : Texas school district now packs heat

08-16-2008, 01:09 AM
I got this link in my e-mail. I know you gun nuts will approve.


08-16-2008, 01:29 AM
From the article:

It's the type of decision, Fallon added, that makes Texas a laughingstock nationally.

I got this link in my e-mail. I know you gun nuts will approve.


The case in question was probably justified. Houston, however, overwhelmingly voted the policy down.

Katie's Got A Gun: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

08-16-2008, 01:31 AM
The policy would likely be useless in Houston. I am sure the majority of students (and their parents) are already armed.

08-16-2008, 01:39 AM
Have you ever been to Houston, gabby?

The policy would likely be useless in Houston. I am sure the majority of students (and their parents) are already armed.

I have and I don't agree at all with your assumption. There are certainly armed people walking around Houston, I don't question that at all. But saying that the majority of Houston students and their parents are walking around armed is not a credible statement, IMHO. I have, however, noticed some NRA tie tacks, cufflinks and ear rings. Are you intimidated or otherwise afraid of that? Maybe, that's the point?!??!??!?!?

One more time, Katie's Got A Gun (was that Aerosmith?): :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

08-16-2008, 09:08 AM
Why does a desire for self defense make one a gun nut?

Mr. P
08-16-2008, 10:19 AM
Thweatt said the small community is a 30-minute drive from the sheriff's office, leaving students and teachers without protection. He said the district's lone campus is situated just 500 feet from heavily trafficked U.S. 287, which could make it a target.
Considering that, it sounds like a very wise move.

In an urban district like Houston's, Fallon said, she'd worry that students would get their hands on employees' guns.

"We could end up arming half the gangs in Houston," she said.

What would we expect from a union goon, and teacher? Pssstt..Ms. Fallon...the gangs are already armed and probably bring guns to school too.

The plan could also backfire, so to speak, said Bryan Clements, executive director for security and technology support for the Galena Park school district.

"It is foolish to introduce more weapons into the school environment, even under the guise of wanting to provide better protection for our students," he said. "Staff would have to be constantly concerned with weapon security and retention, thus taking away from their ability to focus on their main goal, teaching students. In the event of a crisis there is no manageable way to integrate armed staff into the crisis response plan."

And this guy is just an IDIOT! He has no clue what concealed weapons permits are and should be fired. Executive director of security...my ass. Whatcha gonna do Clements, what's the answer?

08-16-2008, 07:25 PM
If people already have concealed weapons permits, then why not let them carry in a school?

08-16-2008, 08:11 PM
One more time, Katie's Got A Gun (was that Aerosmith?): :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:
It's "Janie's Got A Gun"

08-16-2008, 09:15 PM
Why does a desire for self defense make one a gun nut?

It's the kind of vague smear gabby uses when she can't find anything genuinely wrong with an idea, but doesn't like it anyway. Instead of admitting that her thought processes are screwed up, she tries to pretend everyone else's are.

Mr. P
08-16-2008, 10:00 PM
What exactly is a "gun nut"?

08-16-2008, 11:25 PM
"Gun nuts" are people who love guns more than they love personal safety.

As for Houston, I don't want to live someplace where they "lose" poisonous snakes. :p

08-16-2008, 11:33 PM
"Gun nuts" are people who love guns more than they love personal safety.

sometimes a person who doesn't know about the subject they are speaking about... should just be quiet or look stupid..

Pretending you know everything doesn't make it so..:cheers2:

08-16-2008, 11:40 PM
sometimes a person who doesn't know about the subject they are speaking about... should just be quiet or look stupid..

Pretending you know everything doesn't make it so..:cheers2:

or as they say.......better to remain quiet and appear stupid than speak and remove all doubt......

08-16-2008, 11:50 PM
Does anyone really think allowing teachers to carry guns on school property is a wise idea? Are they supposed to wear holsters or vests like police do? Who is responsible for all the weapons?
Who wants to see a return to the Old West, where everyone walks around armed? That would be great for road rage -- someone cuts you off, so you catch up and shoot them. Neighbor playing his stereo or TV too loud? Just go shoot him.

08-16-2008, 11:52 PM
Does anyone really think allowing teachers to carry guns on school property is a wise idea? Are they supposed to wear holsters or vests like police do? Who is responsible for all the weapons?
Who wants to see a return to the Old West, where everyone walks around armed? That would be great for road rage -- someone cuts you off, so you catch up and shoot them. Neighbor playing his stereo or TV too loud? Just go shoot him.

thank you for removing all doubt......

08-17-2008, 12:01 AM
Does anyone really think allowing teachers to carry guns on school property is a wise idea? Are they supposed to wear holsters or vests like police do? Who is responsible for all the weapons?
Who wants to see a return to the Old West, where everyone walks around armed? That would be great for road rage -- someone cuts you off, so you catch up and shoot them. Neighbor playing his stereo or TV too loud? Just go shoot him.

1. so police are the only ones who get guns?

2. yes, who is responsible for the guns/weapons?

3. you believe the clint eastwood movies about the 'old west'....lol, silly girl, go to school in the north west parts, :poke:

08-17-2008, 12:05 AM
Does anyone really think allowing teachers to carry guns on school property is a wise idea? Are they supposed to wear holsters or vests like police do? Who is responsible for all the weapons?
Who wants to see a return to the Old West, where everyone walks around armed? That would be great for road rage -- someone cuts you off, so you catch up and shoot them. Neighbor playing his stereo or TV too loud? Just go shoot him.

Gabs, you need to get ahold of yourself..

If I had actual road rage..I wouldn't take the time to pull out my gun, I would take my 2000 lb tank I was driving and run over your ass..

again...you have no idea about guns and the responsible people who carry them...all you know about is the criminals who shoot indiscriminately, and what you see on the TeeVee..

08-17-2008, 12:43 AM
Does anyone really think allowing teachers to carry guns on school property is a wise idea? Are they supposed to wear holsters or vests like police do? Who is responsible for all the weapons?
Who wants to see a return to the Old West, where everyone walks around armed? That would be great for road rage -- someone cuts you off, so you catch up and shoot them. Neighbor playing his stereo or TV too loud? Just go shoot him.

I think teachers carrying is a wise idea. They should carry concealed and know how to use their weapons. It would in all likelihood prevent loss of life in a tragedy situation like Virginia Tech. After the psych doctors drive an already troubled person over the edge with their mood altering drugs the teacher would have been able to subdue the shooter and saved lives.

Here's my personal favorite way to carry concealed:

08-17-2008, 01:05 AM
Before I say anything I will remind us, we have had several incidents in our country where unfortunately it was easy for some whacko to enter a school and kill our children and educators.

Question for Gabby.
Remember the shootings at the Amish school where the idiot came in slaughtered the children? How nice it would have been for that teacher to have been armed and capable of using a handgun an incident like that terrible tragedy could not have happened huh. Or would you really prefer to know that little school children were completely vulnerable to whackos who would choose to do them harm.

Personally, I would like to know that anyone who carries a handgun is properly trained and capable of good decision making ability as it applies to usage of a handgun. We all would. Feeling this way does not make me a "gun nut". I do however feel that those who are qualified, capable and willing should be allowed to have their guns. A concealed weapon is concealed. Men can wear, and women too for that matter an ankle holster which will house a small revolver or automatic weapon that could be easily accessed in case of need, concealed and out of view and most of all....handy. This would in my opinion be the best choice for a teacher as it would keep the weapon properly stored and ready to use. A child is not going to be "up the pants leg" of a teacher so NO influence of negative impact would be possible. Noone would know who had the guns and a properly trained teacher would be able to provide additional defense in the unlikely event that they ever had to. I know I would feel alot better knowing that my grandchilren's teacher had a weapon and were properly trained to use it to prevent harm from coming to them in case a whacko happened to choose their school to exercise their crazy ass rage.

I can't understand the rationale of anyone who would not feel this way. We are not talking about purse guns laying around on top of school desks. We are not talking about guns worn on hips like police officers.I think back to when I was a child and I have to say that I would be very uncomfortable growing up in a school where policemen were toting guns around. Why are they there? A child has an imagination. I think they should be channeling that imagination into their studies, not worried about why police officers are walking around the school wearing guns. I know it is necessary in inner city enviornments but not every school in the country has the ability to have an armed officer around every minute of the school day.

As for this little school district in Texas. Bravo for the board's wise decision to allow protection for their children. I bet you one thing, you are not going to hear about an incident where some moron goes in there and slaughters innocent children at random. If you do hear a story about this school and a problem it will probably be related to children having to witness this guy's carcess being hurried out of the builing so as not to distract the children.

Man, phoebics like Gabs are the problem, not the solution to issues involving "right to carry laws", the liberty to self defend and related issues of gun ownership. Their immaginations just away with them. Responsible armed citizens are among you every day, you don't see the guns because they are responsible gun advocates, not "nuts". If in the event you are ever protected by one of these individuals I'm sure you will change your opinion. Personally I would of course that is never the case but you really need to wake up. Criminals have guns and always will. No law on earth will prevent them from having them. The only laws that can cause you to be affected are the ones written to prevent responsible citizens from having the gun that could save your life in case an idiot criminal decides to use one in your presence at random.

I have carried a handgun on my person since age 17. I was in the military at 17 for you folks looking to jump me on that. My children (I was a single parent most of my life) were educated on gun usage. They never touched my guns because I eliminated the curiosity factor. They were aware of the damage that they could do because I showed them. They were instructed to never touch my guns or go near them. They obeyed because the facisnation factor was eliminated. A child who gfrows up in a gun phoebic household is several times more likely to "have an accident" involving a gun than one who is raised by responsible gun owners. I might also mention that a child who grows up in a household where there are no guns is several times more likely to be killed by a gun than a kid who isn't raised in a similar household. Criminals usually don't break into houses where they know in advance armed persons are. Criminals use logic. They attack the unarmed.

My grandma never fired a gun in her life but three times. My grandpa taught her in 1931, when he bought her a small revolver, how to shoot it. According to him, it took her three tries to hit the target he set up for her. From that point it wasn't rocket science. You reach in your purse, take out the weapon and fire it. I was 15 years of age before I knew she had it or had ever fired a gun. I was not the type of kid who would prowl around in my grandma's pocketbook and had I ever saw her gun it would have suprised me, due to the fact that she never mentioned it, but if I had encountered her gun I would have simply ignored it because I was "trained" about guns at a young age. I knew what they did, I knew what they were for and I knew how to use and properly handle a gun, even though I was not allowed to touch the only gun I knew about in the house. It was grandpa's, it was in the coffee table in the living room, loaded, ready to fire at all times and I knew it. Made me sleep good too knowing that my grandpa would always have the ability to protect me if anything happened. mI never thought about it really, but I knew it was there.

I also knew a little secret about my high school gym coach. He had a gun too. I saw his holster strap one time when he was dressing out. Never bothered me. I didn't say anything to anyone, I didn't sit around beating it to death or making it a political issue, it just felt good to know that a man I trusted wholeheartedly had the ability to protect his students in case of emergency. I didn't even know he wasn't suppose to have it. I just assumed he had it to protect children from a crazy with.

One more question. To the "anti-gun nuts"! What are you going to do the night an armed burgler breaks in your house? How about when the crazy guy who is distraught about losing his job enters the resturant you are in on a Friday night and decides to shoot everybody in the place? I can tell you.

Do you know what the last thought was of everybody who was ever killed in their home by a crazed gunman who broke? I guarentee you it was , I wish I had a gun right now!

Properly trained teachers with properly concealed handguns is a win win situation. What's to lose? Children protected, employees safer. Come on, lose this gunphoebia before you too become the victim of random crime. Responsible gun owners don't hurt anyone with a gun. It has NEVER happened and it never will. Wake up!!!!!

08-17-2008, 08:58 AM
"Gun nuts" are people who love guns more than they love personal safety.

As for Houston, I don't want to live someplace where they "lose" poisonous snakes. :p

Um.... guns are for personal safety. They can be used otherwise, but then, you can kill someone with a pool cue if you're determined enough. Let's look at countries where they ban guns for a moment. Does murder stop? No, you just get a lot more stabbings.

As for a the safety of the guns, first you would have to know which teachers have them, which none of the students do, then you need to know where the gun is being kept (I assume they've heard of "locks" before), then break or pick the locks, and wield the gun, all of this in a room that, for almost the entire day is populated by the teacher of the class, with sole exception of when she goes to the bathroom, or takes the class out of the room (thus bringing the kids away from wherever the gun is being kept).

Gab, you demonize the guns, and those who keep trying to get this idea across to you, but really, the guns aren't the problem. Guns are as capable of killing a person as a hammer is of building a house. Yes, in the hands of a person, they can do that, or the gun can be used only for personal defense, and the hammer to tear down what it helped build. On their own however, all they do is sit and collect rust together. It is not the tool, it is the manner in which we use that tool that determines good or ill.

08-17-2008, 04:11 PM
This is a very good topic for which good and honest debate is certainly appropriate!!!!!!! Some of you, and sometimes myself as well, intend only to smear others of different opinions or even if they agree with us it appears that we want to just smear the poster.

That has become par for the course on this message board and I hope that at least some of you will agree with me and make some effort to change that paradigm and return the tenor to a more productive and enlightening conversation with which we can all be proud of.

Thank You, Jesus, And Pass The Ammunition: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

08-17-2008, 06:51 PM
since you lack the common sense to understand how guns in the hands of THE RIGHT PEOPLE, can prevent needless deaths, and crime.

your opinion is about as useful as bill clinton's wedding vows :poke:

I got this link in my e-mail. I know you gun nuts will approve.


08-17-2008, 07:03 PM
And just who do you think are "THE RIGHT PEOPLE", marteen? Even the right ones many times make very wrong decisions, marteen.

since you lack the common sense to understand how guns in the hands of THE RIGHT PEOPLE, can prevent needless deaths, and crime.

your opinion is about as useful as bill clinton's wedding vows :poke:

And just what do you know about the marriage vows or even the marriage of Bill Clinton, marteen? I suspect you know nothing whatsoever about either.

Why are you just slamming gabby and bill clinton, marteen? That is not ordinarily like you. Share with us your opinion on the subject at hand and lay off the personals, OK?. The subject is valid for debate and conversation, don't you think?

In the meantime,,,,,,,,,,

Hit it, Robert, I've Got The 32 Blues: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

08-17-2008, 08:19 PM
but blues man :laugh2:

the right people are those that get proper training, and youre right, human beings make mistakes, but i play the odds, that a highly trained individual has a better chance of saving lives, then only having the perpetratior of a crime have a gun

and as far as gabby, i was just being a butt, as they say in texas.

gabby is a sweetheart, and i hope she knows, i was just giving her gruff :laugh2:

And just who do you think are "THE RIGHT PEOPLE", marteen? Even the right ones many times make very wrong decisions, marteen.

And just what do you know about the marriage vows or even the marriage of Bill Clinton, marteen? I suspect you know nothing whatsoever about either.

Why are you just slamming gabby and bill clinton, marteen? That is not ordinarily like you. Share with us your opinion on the subject at hand and lay off the personals, OK?. The subject is valid for debate and conversation, don't you think?

In the meantime,,,,,,,,,,

Hit it, Robert, I've Got The 32 Blues: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

08-17-2008, 08:21 PM
i went back and found out why i got upset, i didnt like mrs gabs saying gun nuts.

And just who do you think are "THE RIGHT PEOPLE", marteen? Even the right ones many times make very wrong decisions, marteen.

And just what do you know about the marriage vows or even the marriage of Bill Clinton, marteen? I suspect you know nothing whatsoever about either.

Why are you just slamming gabby and bill clinton, marteen? That is not ordinarily like you. Share with us your opinion on the subject at hand and lay off the personals, OK?. The subject is valid for debate and conversation, don't you think?

In the meantime,,,,,,,,,,

Hit it, Robert, I've Got The 32 Blues: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

08-17-2008, 09:13 PM
That's fine with me, and probably gabby too, marteen!!!!!!! I'm sorry I interfered in the dialogue there!!!!!!! There are certainly "gun nuts" running around, marteen, and a lot of them are trained and are card carrying members of the NRA. Neither of those circustances makes anyone a "nut" but neither stop anyone from being a nut either, can't you see?!?!?!?!??!??!?

i went back and found out why i got upset, i didnt like mrs gabs saying gun nuts.

I have noticed lately a lot more personal attacks than I've seen in the past and I guess I'm getting a bit over sensitive about it. I don't think the personals help the board in any way and I am doing my level best to change my approach on that subject. Even then, the personals remain as they have always been here and I am no less guilty than anyone.

That said, can I get you an ice cold bottle of H20?!?!?!??!????!

99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall, 99 Bottles Of Beer: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

08-17-2008, 11:59 PM
That's fine with me, and probably gabby too, marteen!!!!!!! I'm sorry I interfered in the dialogue there!!!!!!! There are certainly "gun nuts" running around, marteen, and a lot of them are trained and are card carrying members of the NRA. Neither of those circustances makes anyone a "nut" but neither stop anyone from being a nut either, can't you see?!?!?!?!??!??!?

I have noticed lately a lot more personal attacks than I've seen in the past and I guess I'm getting a bit over sensitive about it. I don't think the personals help the board in any way and I am doing my level best to change my approach on that subject. Even then, the personals remain as they have always been here and I am no less guilty than anyone.

That said, can I get you an ice cold bottle of H20?!?!?!??!????!

Okay, handling the other point later, as to the gun issue, we aren't talking about shotguns, or assault rifles here. we're talking small handguns, and only with certificates declaring that, yes, you have been taught the proper care and handling of it, and are able to pass a screening saying you're allowed to have one in the first place (Teachers would need this requirement anyhow just to teach).

As to your other observation, I've noticed the same thing, that most threads degenerate, or even start, with insults that almost invite flaming, with little to no actual debate of issue. I think you need only look at how the two main parties act toward one another to see where we get it from, following the old adage, "Attitude reflects leadership". Even pointing this out, and getting people to admit that yes, both sides have screwed up, changes nothing, as both will simply go back to spitting bile at each other one or two threads later. The ones that don't spiral down tend to just fall flat entirely if they contain no flame seeds.

08-18-2008, 02:41 AM
We can do better, ds'72, and I think we SHOULD do better!!!!!!!!!

Okay, handling the other point later, as to the gun issue, we aren't talking about shotguns, or assault rifles here. we're talking small handguns, and only with certificates declaring that, yes, you have been taught the proper care and handling of it, and are able to pass a screening saying you're allowed to have one in the first place (Teachers would need this requirement anyhow just to teach).

As to your other observation, I've noticed the same thing, that most threads degenerate, or even start, with insults that almost invite flaming, with little to no actual debate of issue. I think you need only look at how the two main parties act toward one another to see where we get it from, following the old adage, "Attitude reflects leadership". Even pointing this out, and getting people to admit that yes, both sides have screwed up, changes nothing, as both will simply go back to spitting bile at each other one or two threads later. The ones that don't spiral down tend to just fall flat entirely if they contain no flame seeds.

But, like you say, without the flames and the flame seeds the conversations disappear rather quickly and that's just a damned shame, IMHO.

In my day, in high school, we knocked a few teeth loose or cut a lip or two but I never saw or heard of a gun in any school I went to. Guns were simply not a consideration at that point in American school history as far as I know about. This is no longer the case, if I understand it correctly. And the big deal that some make against gun regulation only exacerbates the paradigm to a newer more forceful and certainly more dangerous level, also IMHO. Kids hear their parents and grandparents exclaiming, "I'll be goddamned if those idiots are gonna take my goddamned guns!!!!!!" First off, nobody is trying to take their damned guns away so stop dragging that herring around only to make a point that is false on it's premise!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno, ds'72?!?!?!?!? Sometimes I get just a little wound up in these conversations myself!!!!!!!!! BTW, I know that you and I have had some words in the past and I am truly sorry if I have upset you in any way. Sometimes I say things that I regret and sometimes I am just plain stupid. Can you dig it? I am trying to do better and I thank you for your contribution in that respect. Whether we agree or not politically should not be a point of personal contention. But, this ain't exactly Utopia is it?!?!?!?!?!??!

Catch me in the Lounge in the Serious Drinkers thread and let me buy you a refreshment!!!!!!!!!!

Hit it, Merle, No It's Not Love, But It Ain't Bad: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

08-18-2008, 12:02 PM
Nobody trying to take their guns? Have you been listening to politicians, lately? Forget the nuts in Washington who like to wax poetic about how our society would be all sunshine and lollipops if they could just ban guns. There are lawyers and lawmakers in New York trying to sue Georgia gun sellers out of business because some guns purchased in Georgia make their way into the hands of New York criminals.

Edit: Also, the concern for bringing guns to school has nothing to do with kids hearing parents talking about taking their guns. That's stupid. The reason we're talking about guns in schools is because school shootings are on the rise and it's bringing up the question of Constitutionality on those gun bans. The reason those shootings are on the rise has nothing to do with the availability of guns, as that has gone down, but instead probably has more to do with the fact that nobody disciplines their kids anymore.

08-18-2008, 06:40 PM
We can do better, ds'72, and I think we SHOULD do better!!!!!!!!!

But, like you say, without the flames and the flame seeds the conversations disappear rather quickly and that's just a damned shame, IMHO.

In my day, in high school, we knocked a few teeth loose or cut a lip or two but I never saw or heard of a gun in any school I went to. Guns were simply not a consideration at that point in American school history as far as I know about. This is no longer the case, if I understand it correctly. And the big deal that some make against gun regulation only exacerbates the paradigm to a newer more forceful and certainly more dangerous level, also IMHO. Kids hear their parents and grandparents exclaiming, "I'll be goddamned if those idiots are gonna take my goddamned guns!!!!!!" First off, nobody is trying to take their damned guns away so stop dragging that herring around only to make a point that is false on it's premise!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno, ds'72?!?!?!?!? Sometimes I get just a little wound up in these conversations myself!!!!!!!!! BTW, I know that you and I have had some words in the past and I am truly sorry if I have upset you in any way. Sometimes I say things that I regret and sometimes I am just plain stupid. Can you dig it? I am trying to do better and I thank you for your contribution in that respect. Whether we agree or not politically should not be a point of personal contention. But, this ain't exactly Utopia is it?!?!?!?!?!??!

Catch me in the Lounge in the Serious Drinkers thread and let me buy you a refreshment!!!!!!!!!!

Hit it, Merle, No It's Not Love, But It Ain't Bad: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

No prob, I've never been one to hold a grudge, and generally I'll back someone if they've got a point, regardless of side I'm on.

Guns are given undue celebrity by both the people who are for guns, and by those who are against them. It's like with Colombine, when they tried to pin it on Marilyn Manson, and First Person Shooters like Doom. They began slapping down the restraints at that point, and the fact is that they stopped looking at the actual question: How did we miss them for that long? It's a tougher question, one that requires us to look at ourselves, and frankly, most people don't want to.

Guns in the schools will neither cause nor will it stop school shootings. that is not the actual issue, which in fact is to look at just what we are expecting out of our children, because, in general, they become what we expect of them.