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08-18-2008, 02:59 PM
Obama did not, of course, cite any particulars of why Thomas was "unfit". Just that he was "not strong enough", despite his holding steady though a "confirmation" process that tried harder to destroy the man personally, than had any such confirmation in history.

Obama did admit, to his credit, part of the real reason: Thomas is solidly law-abiding, and supports what the Constitution says whether it clashes with popular feeling or not.



Obama: Clarence Thomas Unfit for Supreme Court

Monday, August 18, 2008 2:41 PM
by: Jim Meyers

Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama declared that he would not have nominated Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court because he was not a “strong enough jurist” for the job.

Appearing at a forum at pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., on Saturday, Obama and Republican presidential rival John McCain were both asked which Supreme Court Justices they would not have nominated.

McCain said, "with all due respect" the four most liberal sitting Justices because of his different judicial philosophy.

Obama said: "I would not have nominated Clarence Thomas. I don't think that he … was a strong enough jurist or legal thinker at the time for that elevation. Setting aside the fact that I profoundly disagree with his interpretation of a lot of the Constitution."

He added that he also wouldn't have nominated Antonin Scalia, and perhaps not John Roberts, “though he assured the audience that at least they were smart enough for the job,” The Wall Street Journal noted in an editorial on Monday.

The editorial continued: “So let's see. By the time he was nominated, Clarence Thomas had worked in the Missouri Attorney General's office, served as an Assistant Secretary of Education, run the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and sat for a year on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, the nation's second most prominent court.”

Obama, on the other hand, “isn't yet four years out of the Illinois state Senate, has never held a hearing of note [with] his U.S. Senate subcommittee, and had an unremarkable record as both a ‘community organizer’ and law school lecturer,” The Journal observed.

“Justice Thomas's judicial credentials compare favorably to Mr. Obama's presidential résumé by any measure.”

08-18-2008, 03:26 PM
What a fucking hypocrit. Obama is the most inexperienced person to ever run for President, and he has the audacity to say Clarence Thomas wasn't experienced enough?

08-18-2008, 03:28 PM
What a fucking hypocrit. Obama is the most inexperienced person to ever run for President, and he has the audacity to say Clarence Thomas wasn't experienced enough?

experience only matters with conservative black men.

08-18-2008, 03:33 PM
experience only matters with conservative black men.

Yup, and for liberal half-black men its all about "judgement". But wait...we're not allowed to talk about his judgement in befriending Rev. Wright or Ayers....