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08-19-2008, 01:28 AM

Apparently it's between Pawlenty and Romney. He is going to announce on the 29th after the DNC is over.

08-19-2008, 07:50 AM
I also heard Alaska's Gov. Sarah Palin's name mentioned. From what I read about her a while back she seemed fairly impressive. She might not be a bad choice.

08-19-2008, 04:48 PM
I also heard Alaska's Gov. Sarah Palin's name mentioned. From what I read about her a while back she seemed fairly impressive. She might not be a bad choice.

Not to mention, she's pretty hot.

08-19-2008, 11:50 PM
Not to mention, she's pretty hot.

That would certainly be factor among many of you guys. She could appear at NASCAR races and wrestling/extreme fighting events in shorts and a halter. McCain would be unstoppable. :p

08-20-2008, 12:07 AM
That would certainly be factor among many of you guys. She could appear at NASCAR races and wrestling/extreme fighting events in shorts and a halter. McCain would be unstoppable. :p

All I hear from the left is how good looking Barry is. How is a round headed, nappy haired, semi-black Alfred E. Newman (check out the ears)look alike...... good looking? Obama takes his coat off and rolls up his sleeves and the looney left thinks that he actually knows what it is to work for a living. Then he ends of bowling a 37 and announcing to the world that he thinks we have 60 states, revealing that he can only shoot a basketball and hasn't memorized the amount of states in our country.:laugh2:

08-20-2008, 12:39 AM
Of course you folks won't like it. It is unique as are most of my brainstorms. Okay. According to you extremely dedicated right wingers, who will stick to your party loyalty despite knowing that Republicans have left you like a bag of trash on the curb, how about a compromise.

Okay, stay with me here! Alot of you have said that you can't vote Libertarian because you feel it will cost John MCain and the country a vote it needs. Ok then, what about if John McCain chose Bob Barr as his running mate so as to eliminate this possibility. I mean, Barr is really a Republican and would certainly add the economic strength to the ticket, I mean since he has probably forgotten more about economics than the two presidential candidates have collectively. He is foriegn policy genius as we all know. He is a real (spelled R E A L) conservative republican as we all know. Why then, would it not be the pick of a lifetime for John McCain to just ask Bob Barr to join him as his running mate.

Okay..........:laugh2: Just kidding! I just wanted to get you all riled up.

John McCain should pick Fred Thompson. It is the most practical choice. Fred is a conservative who will be met with the approval of real Republicans. He has Senate experience with a pretty good voting record and is the type of person who would serve well as replacement when John checks out early. He may be able to win back some of the Libertarians as well.

His name recognition is high as he is the most visual due to his acting background and is a hard core supporter of small government. always has been.

It would be a good choice. See! I'm capable of non biused opinion.

08-20-2008, 12:49 AM
All I hear from the left is how good looking Barry is. How is a round headed, nappy haired, semi-black Alfred E. Newman (check out the ears)look alike...... good looking? Obama takes his coat off and rolls up his sleeves and the looney left thinks that he actually knows what it is to work for a living. Then he ends of bowling a 37 and announcing to the world that he thinks we have 60 states, revealing that he can only shoot a basketball and hasn't memorized the amount of states in our country.:laugh2:

Hey....that was an awesome shot he made from three point range. You gotta hand it to the guy. He can jump!

Obama is a direct piece of proof that the left has no fucking clue what is required of a president. I can not wait to see who he chooses as his VP. I just cannot wait! The anticipation is killing me. If he chooses Koby though, I think he will be making a bad decision. The only skills he has displayed thus far that impress me (his ability to hit the three pointer) will be undermined by a guy like Kobe. If he is smart, he will go to Joe Lieberman and beg him to accept the deal. Joe would all but stitch it up for the Demmies as he carries alot of centrist support. Even Republicans like him. That would be scary!

Obama is a fake. He needs some legitamacy. The Democrats need legitamacy. Personally, I think he will derail. McCain will eat his lunch in a head to head debate no matter who he chooses.

08-20-2008, 10:02 AM
Not to mention, she's pretty hot.

I wasn't going to go there, but WOW!!! I picked up the Alaska magazine to find who that hot woman was on the cover and found out it was Palin. After I read the article I was even more impressed with her accomplishments than her looks.

red states rule
08-20-2008, 10:05 AM
I wasn't going to go there, but WOW!!! I picked up the Alaska magazine to find who that hot woman was on the cover and found out it was Palin. After I read the article I was even more impressed with her accomplishments than her looks.

She would be a good choice. I have seen her on TV and would be a plus to the campaign

She is easy on the eyes

08-20-2008, 11:12 AM
McCain should pick Fred Thompson or Duncan Hunter.

08-20-2008, 11:16 AM
Can't wait for the conventions!

Just for mulling, :laugh2:


This Veep Watch Is Officially Getting Out of Control [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

An e-mail:

Good Morning Kathryn,

I was just looking over the list of speakers for the GOP convention, and noticed something:

Go here:


Look down the list, to Wednesday’s schedule. It currently shows this:

Wednesday - 9-3

Senator Norm Coleman

Meg Whittman

Carley Fiorina

Governor Mitt Romeny

Cindy McCain

Governor Bobby Jindal -

Vice Presidetial Nominee

Note the hyphen behind Jindal’s name.

Could be nothing…could be something.

08/20 11:16 AM

08-20-2008, 11:36 AM
McCain should go with Jane Fonda. They have similar backgrounds and would appeal to the 60's flashback vote. Not to mention the Asian vote.

08-20-2008, 11:41 AM
McCain should go with Jane Fonda. They have similar backgrounds and would appeal to the 60's flashback vote. Not to mention the Asian vote.

Sorry Gabs but Hanoi Jane is one of yours. You have to claim her.

08-20-2008, 11:43 AM
Sorry Gabs but Hanoi Jane is one of yours. You have to claim her.

Exactly, obviously more at home with her ex, Tom Hayden and Ayers.

red states rule
08-20-2008, 11:44 AM
Sorry Gabs but Hanoi Jane is one of yours. You have to claim her.

Another poster child for the kook left

08-20-2008, 11:54 AM
Exactly, obviously more at home with her ex, Tom Hayden and Ayers.

The boys of summer for Obama:


Daniel Flynn
Obama’s Boys of Summer
A Who’s Who of 1968 radicals supports the candidate.
29 June 2008

...Klonsky, whose disgust for mainstream politics led him to launch a new, Maoist Communist Party in the 1970s, today supports Barack Obama so enthusiastically that until recently he was blogging on the Illinois senator’s campaign website....

Former SDS president Tom Hayden is also in the Obama camp. Hayden organized the made-for-TV protest outside the 1968 Chicago convention. But the catharsis of throwing debris at the Chicago police, the purer-than-thou sanctimony that tolerated no distinction between Lyndon Johnson and Eugene McCarthy, and the exhilaration of “voting in the streets” instead of in election booths combined to ensure liberal defeats. Hayden’s orchestrated anarchy proved more damaging to Humphrey’s presidential aspirations than any dirty trick Nixon’s henchmen could have dreamed up. Klonsky remembers Hayden plotting to spread nails on a highway; another SDS leader recalls Hayden encouraging activists to firebomb police cars. If the Democrats couldn’t run a convention, many Americans wondered, how could they run the country? “Did the radicalism of Chicago elect Richard Nixon?” Hayden asked, clearly pained, in his 1988 memoir. “Having struggled with that question for twenty years, I find there is no ‘neat’ answer.”

Now Hayden is one of the organizers of Progressives for Obama....

Progressives for Obama resembles a Who’s Who of SDS luminaries. In addition to Hayden, Rudd, and Davidson, the group includes Bob Pardun, SDS’s education secretary during the 1966–67 school year; Paul Buhle, a radical professor who has recently attempted to revive SDS; Mickey and Dick Flacks, red-diaper babies who helped craft 1962’s Port Huron Statement, a seminal New Left document; and SDS’s third president, Todd Gitlin. Age and experience have mellowed some of the SDSers in Obama’s camp. Gitlin, for instance, has evolved into a respected Ivy League professor and milquetoast liberal. But others still glory in a past that can only damage Obama’s future. The aging New Left still practices a therapeutic politics that places a higher value on feelings of personal liberation than on restrained pursuit of political aims.

Obama has already taken political hits for his connection to Weathermen Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. In the sixties, Ayers advocated that young people kill their parents, and Dohrn praised the Charles Manson murders....

Oh those moderate Democrats. Interestingly enough, seems that the loss of support for Obama is from his 'base', those who think he's not 'progressive' enough.

08-21-2008, 05:13 PM
That would certainly be factor among many of you guys. She could appear at NASCAR races and wrestling/extreme fighting events in shorts and a halter. McCain would be unstoppable. :p

What do you mean, you guys? I'm not a Republican.

red states rule
08-21-2008, 05:18 PM
I wasn't going to go there, but WOW!!! I picked up the Alaska magazine to find who that hot woman was on the cover and found out it was Palin. After I read the article I was even more impressed with her accomplishments than her looks.

A picture is worth 1000 words
