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08-19-2008, 12:02 PM
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19 August 2008

Michael Yon

By now, no credible person denies the dramatic success that continues to manifest itself in Iraq. No doubt, there will be years of political dramas ahead for that country, and when they occur, we will blame ourselves for them, as is our habit. Americans have a tendency to blame ourselves nearly everything from wildfires to genocidal wars on the other side of the globe. And what we don't blame ourselves for, others will. Some might see our ability to take initiative and shoulder responsibility as naiveté. I think it's one of America's greatest strengths...

However history finally judges him, President Bush will be remembered for two decisions. In 2003, he invaded Iraq. And in 2006, he did not surrender.

Whether or not the first decision was right seems difficult to answer definitively without falling back onto ideological bias, partisan politics, or wishful thinking. Reasonable people likely will disagree about that decision for as long as the event is remembered. If Iraq falls apart or again becomes a tyrant state, then Bush was a brash, imperialistic President invading a sovereign nation without cause, who made things worse and spent lots of money and lives in doing so. If Iraq becomes a stable and prosperous nation even vaguely similar to the United Arab Emirates or Qatar, then most fair-minded people likely will judge Mr. Bush as a little-understood visionary who paid a moderate price to dramatically improve an important region of the world.

But few reasonable people who have been paying attention can disagree that the second decision was correct. In January 2007, one prominent Senator predicted that the Surge would only deepen the sectarian conflict in Iraq. "I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there: In fact, I think it will do the reverse."

Now it's difficult to tell exactly what Senator Obama thinks about the Surge, for each remark he makes on the subject seems to veer in a different direction without ever actually going anywhere.

Please remember all those politicians and journalists who insisted that splitting Iraq into three parts was the only way. Meanwhile, those of us who were actually in Iraq kept insisting that the idea of splitting Iraq was ridiculous. There is no substitute for being on the ground over a sustained period.

History will show that after five years and more than four thousand American lives, we have proved that we never planned to steal Iraq's oil. To see a real war for oil, one need only look at what Russia is doing in Georgia. Vladimir Putin's Russia is reminding the world how much it needs America....

I have just left Nepal and landed in Bangkok, en route to Kabul. My plan is to spend some time in Afghanistan, head back over to Iraq in late September, then possibly return to Afghanistan before the year's end. In any case, I plan to keep my boots in Iraq and Afghanistan through the U.S. elections.

The last time I headed to Afghanistan, I spent far more money than I earned. Folks just didn't seem to care about that war. I am willing to stick it out, and have already proven that willingness in Iraq, but I simply will be unable to do so without generous reader support. These days support is scant. Folks seem to think I got rich off Moment of Truth in Iraq (I didn't). There will probably be no independent journalists who spend more than a month or so in Af-Pak during any given year. Same with the mainstream reporters I know. This means there will be almost no firsthand reporting from the Af-Pak battlefields, and less than a trickle comes to today. If readers want me there, I'll commit, but reader support is absolutely critical. I can't do it without you, and your support is needed TODAY. I should be in Afghanistan later this week.

Just to illustrate why:


08-19-2008, 12:38 PM
from the article................. President Bush will be remembered for two decisions. In 2003, he invaded Iraq. And in 2006, he did not surrender.

But few reasonable people who have been paying attention can disagree that the second decision was correct.

In January 2007, one prominent Senator predicted that the Surge would only deepen the sectarian conflict in Iraq. "I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there: In fact, I think it will do the reverse."

Now it's difficult to tell exactly what Senator Obama thinks about the Surge, for each remark he makes on the subject seems to veer in a different direction without ever actually going anywhere.

obama and yet another poor observation and decission......

08-19-2008, 12:47 PM
fro the article................. President Bush will be remembered for two decisions. In 2003, he invaded Iraq. And in 2006, he did not surrender.

But few reasonable people who have been paying attention can disagree that the second decision was correct.

In January 2007, one prominent Senator predicted that the Surge would only deepen the sectarian conflict in Iraq. "I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there: In fact, I think it will do the reverse."

Now it's difficult to tell exactly what Senator Obama thinks about the Surge, for each remark he makes on the subject seems to veer in a different direction without ever actually going anywhere.

obama and yet another poor observation and decission......

Woe to those that rep too much. Sorry!

08-19-2008, 12:53 PM
Woe to those that rep too much. Sorry!

just made the observation on what the author wrote.....good link though thank you....

08-19-2008, 02:40 PM
Yon is always a good and accurate read. Glad he's moving on to the action in af-pak.

Interesting that a certain liberal poster here was always saying iraq needed to be divided into three parts.

08-19-2008, 02:47 PM
Why should the MSM accept advice from a right-wing blog?
But he is wrong on one key point: Dubya will be remembered for allowing the U.S. to be attacked, then using the attack as an excuse to settle a personal grudge.

08-19-2008, 02:54 PM
Why should the MSM accept advice from a right-wing blog?
But he is wrong on one key point: Dubya will be remembered for allowing the U.S. to be attacked, then using the attack as an excuse to settle a personal grudge.

the us and its interests have been attacked almost every year since the iran hostage crisis.....

what personal grudge ..... the assasination plot on bush I .....

clinton was attacked 1/2 a dozen times and did nothing about it .... is that how you prefer your presidents to react ....