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View Full Version : Buyer's Remorse and The Democratic Convention

08-20-2008, 12:06 PM
Hillary? Who knows?


August 20th, 2008 7:19 am
Sulli-vating, buyer’s remorse and Dracula remakes
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I have little to add to ...Sullivan and the MSM are in the midst of buyer’s remorse regarding the shallow Obama and desperate to find a way out or some justification. Via Glenn, I have discovered even the most soddenly conventional of all MSM purveyors of conventional wisdom - David Gergen - is sounding alarms. And now Zogby is reporting a five-point McCain lead in the summer (when the Dems have almost always been way ahead… hello, Hillary?) Sullivan - the conformist masking as a rebel - rushes to the fore like a refugee from a Vampire movie with his cross silliness. Opera bouffe, I suppose....

Links at both sites.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sullyboating, Swiftboating, sandals, sticks, stickage, and strawberries.
Sullyboating. It's not Swiftboating....

red states rule
08-21-2008, 06:26 AM
Did the DNC actually check Obama out to see what he could offer? Now the Messiah has flip floped so much even the monbats do not even know where he stands on an issue anymore