View Full Version : Dissing Military Especially McCain

Joe Steel
08-23-2008, 05:02 AM
John McCain may indeed be a "thug" as the original poster intimates. Thugs are all over the military and they certainly have their place there. John McCain's actions while serving this country in a Navy fighter bomber aircraft were admirable from a military point of view. It is the politicians and the civilian leadership at the Pentagon to work all the rest of it out with whatever defense and credibilities they can. John McCain performed superbly and as ordered.

It's not enough.

Nazi deathcamp guards "performed superbly and as ordered." That wasn't a defense. They knew they were killing innocent persons. McCain did, too.

08-23-2008, 05:17 AM
McCain is a dishonorable person.

Killing a civilian or two once or twice is an accident. Participating in a program of death is a crime.

please make this a campaign issue.....push it hard and push it a lot....

Joe Steel
08-23-2008, 06:06 AM
please make this a campaign issue.....push it hard and push it a lot....

Are you saying Americans like war criminals?

08-23-2008, 06:10 AM
Are you placing the service of John McCain, hundreds of thousands of American troops and me on the same level as "Nazi deathcamp guards", js?

It's not enough.

Nazi deathcamp guards "performed superbly and as ordered." That wasn't a defense. They knew they were killing innocent persons. McCain did, too.

If so, I can speak with great authority that you are a chickenshit that knows nothing of which he speaks and even less about the actions, justified or not, of the troops and veterans of the Viet Nam war.

Kiss my ass, punk.

Joe Steel
08-23-2008, 06:20 AM
Are you placing the service of John McCain, hundreds of thousands of American troops and me on the same level as "Nazi deathcamp guards", js?

At this point, only McCain and similarly situated persons.

McCain probably knew he was killing civilians and continued killing them. The average service person probably didn't kill civilians deliberately.

Did you kill civilians deliberately?

08-23-2008, 07:19 AM
I will not debate the philosophy or ramifications of war with you, js. I certainly have my problems with those myself. You have no clue as to what John McCain knew or even suspected at the time as you know nothing as to what I knew or suspected. John McCain never, not once, killed any innocent civilian in any deliberate or intentional manner as you feebly intimate. Neither did I. That's the final word on that subject.

At this point, only McCain and similarly situated persons.

McCain probably knew he was killing civilians and continued killing them. The average service person probably didn't kill civilians deliberately.

Did you kill civilians deliberately?

Like you, js, I am now as anti-war as anyone out there. I have a lifetime of experience, knowledge, contemplation and self-reflection that has led me to my present state of mind about war and the taking of human life in general. I do not, however, apologize for having served my country in the best fashion that I could at the time. I continue to serve my country but from an entirely different embracement.

Your condemnation of John McCain's service, and now mine and all other veterans service, is unwise, uncalled for and simply ridiculous. You do yourself no favors by insisting that yours is the correct view on this issue.

Joe Steel
08-23-2008, 08:35 AM
Your condemnation of John McCain's service, and now mine and all other veterans service, is unwise, uncalled for and simply ridiculous. You do yourself no favors by insisting that yours is the correct view on this issue.

Can you read?

08-23-2008, 08:44 AM
Do you have a problem?

Can you read?

Well, do you?


Joe Steel
08-23-2008, 09:17 AM
Do you have a problem?

Well, do you?



You're posting non-sequiturs.

08-23-2008, 09:25 AM
I don't think so, punk.


You're posting non-sequiturs.

If you have a problem with me or anything I have said to you then spit it out. Do you read?

Joe Steel
08-23-2008, 09:38 AM
I don't think so, punk.

If you have a problem with me or anything I have said to you then spit it out. Do you read?

Let me spell it out for your, dumbass:

"McCain probably knew he was killing civilians and continued killing them. The average service person probably didn't kill civilians deliberately.

"Did you kill civilians deliberately?

08-23-2008, 09:43 AM
And I answered completely your stupid inference and statement you stupid shit. Obviously it is you that doesn't read.

Let me spell it out for your, dumbass:

"McCain probably knew he was killing civilians and continued killing them. The average service person probably didn't kill civilians deliberately.

"Did you kill civilians deliberately?

Keep it up, cowgirl. You're treading on awfully thin ice with me. Do you understand that?

Joe Steel
08-23-2008, 09:56 AM
And I answered completely your stupid inference and statement you stupid shit. Obviously it is you that doesn't read.

Keep it up, cowgirl. You're treading on awfully thin ice with me. Do you understand that?

Hey, dumbass!

Answer the question.


08-23-2008, 10:00 AM
And I answered you that already, punkass!!!!! Can you not fuckin' read, you stupid sonofabitch?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

Joe Steel
08-23-2008, 10:13 AM
And I answered you that already, punkass!!!!! Can you not fuckin' read, you stupid sonofabitch?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

Were you in combat?

08-23-2008, 10:19 AM
I've split the thread, flame away if that is your desire.

08-23-2008, 07:09 PM
Psychoblues, you and I have had our disagreements over the years, but this punk ass individual is NOT, I repeat, NOT, worth the sweat off your balls.

Pay him NO ATTENTION, and give little to no thought to what he has to say.

I'd love to run up against one of these butt fuckers in a bar somewhere, course, they wouldn't dare to say the things they'll say on a forum.

Carry on.................:cheers2::lame2::finger3:

08-23-2008, 07:43 PM
I have come to realize that what you say is exactly true, trobby, and I shouldn't have let the pissyass punk get under my skin. Good for both of us that he wasn't standing in front of me and made that remark/question.

Psychoblues, you and I have had our disagreements over the years, but this punk ass individual is NOT, I repeat, NOT, worth the sweat off your balls.

Pay him NO ATTENTION, and give little to no thought to what he has to say.

I'd love to run up against one of these butt fuckers in a bar somewhere, course, they wouldn't dare to say the things they'll say on a forum.

Carry on.................:cheers2::lame2::finger3:

Thanks for your support, trobby, and have a good day!!!!!!!!! I owe you!!!!!


08-23-2008, 10:52 PM
wait a minute. are you saying the military are thugs?, criminals, evil, comparable to nazi's

clue me in, i do NOT want to put words in your mouth

It's not enough.

Nazi deathcamp guards "performed superbly and as ordered." That wasn't a defense. They knew they were killing innocent persons. McCain did, too.

08-23-2008, 10:59 PM
Joe, i think its sad, that

#1 your attacking mccain's service record. Dont get me wrong, if he ordered 10,000 people killed, or raped young kids, we might have something to talk about. BUT, were talking about the vietnam war, which you seem to confuse, pretend, i dont know, that the enemy hid out in the jungle, and the civilians are attacked because america is evil and likes killing innocent civilians.

War is complicated, if it were simple we wouldnt have so many wars.

I dont understand, how you think, based on what evidence i dont know that only john mccain, and what percentage of our military again?, go around killing people.

Where and when did you get such a negative opinion of our military.

I find it unrealistic and un-believable that you believe only john mccain and a few of his supposed ilk kill people, you love the military, but think a few are evil killers?

and since when is any organization perfect?

the vast 95-99% of them are loving and wonderful people.

I just dont get your seeming paranoia, anger, and delusion.

At this point, only McCain and similarly situated persons.

McCain probably knew he was killing civilians and continued killing them. The average service person probably didn't kill civilians deliberately.

Did you kill civilians deliberately?

08-23-2008, 11:28 PM
He certainly has problems, marteen. Problems for which neither of us can properly address or solve for him. I don't, however, intend to allow his self induced delusions of American military atrocities to affect any ideology that I hold as true and correct. Can you dig it?


08-23-2008, 11:32 PM
oh yeah, i can dig it.

Im not gonna lump all dems in together

views are one thing, but some people just go off the deep end, and im not gonna blame you, or any normal dem for it.

Nor do i believe groups that are similar to him, represent you.

You represent you, and im talking to you, psychoblues, so i wanna know, and know preety well what you think and feel about politics and policies.

can you dig that blues man :laugh2:

He certainly has problems, marteen. Problems for which neither of us can properly address or solve for him. I don't, however, intend to allow his self induced delusions of American military atrocities to affect any ideology that I hold as true and correct. Can you dig it?


08-23-2008, 11:49 PM
joe steel would die on his knees and beg guys like psycho and trob to save his little candy ass......

hell john kerry is a better man than you .....

08-24-2008, 12:00 AM
You bet I can dig that, marteen!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah, i can dig it.
Im not gonna lump all dems in together
views are one thing, but some people just go off the deep end, and im not gonna blame you, or any normal dem for it.
Nor do i believe groups that are similar to him, represent you.
You represent you, and im talking to you, psychoblues, so i wanna know, and know preety well what you think and feel about politics and policies.
can you dig that blues man :laugh2:

Even ol' evil m'59 had to dig down deep and come up with something respectable!!!!!!!!!!


09-13-2008, 03:01 AM
It was your choice to combat with me, chickenshit.

Were you in combat?

Have you something with which you can defend yourself? You are an idiot.

