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View Full Version : Clinton Supporters Split Over Biden As VP

08-23-2008, 09:55 PM
This ain't happening!!!!!!!!! The reichwing media will not allow it!!!!!!!!! At all!!!!!!!!


DENVER (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton's supporters had mixed reactions Saturday to the selection of Joe Biden as the Democrats' vice presidential candidate.

Some realized a long time ago that Barack Obama, the party's presumptive nominee for president, was not going to pick Clinton as his running mate. Others held out hope until they awoke to the announcement Saturday morning.

Susan Castner, a Clinton delegate from Portland, Ore., said she sees some of Clinton's qualities in Biden. She likes his experience, especially on foreign policy.

"It really kind of humanizes Barack Obama," Castner said. "He has this air of perfection, and Joe Biden is more down to earth."

"I love his passion," Castner said of Biden. "I like him a lot."

Obama announced Saturday that Biden, a senator from Delaware for the past 36 years, would be his running mate, passing over Clinton, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh.

Clinton issued a statement Saturday praising Obama's decision and calling Biden "an exceptionally strong, experienced leader and devoted public servant."

Some of her supporters were less charitable............

Much More: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20080824/D92OB5TO0.html

It'll all work out by November. No problemo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


08-23-2008, 09:59 PM
we must demonize the opposition ?

second, what do YOU think of biden :poke:
This ain't happening!!!!!!!!! The reichwing media will not allow it!!!!!!!!! At all!!!!!!!!


DENVER (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton's supporters had mixed reactions Saturday to the selection of Joe Biden as the Democrats' vice presidential candidate.

Some realized a long time ago that Barack Obama, the party's presumptive nominee for president, was not going to pick Clinton as his running mate. Others held out hope until they awoke to the announcement Saturday morning.

Susan Castner, a Clinton delegate from Portland, Ore., said she sees some of Clinton's qualities in Biden. She likes his experience, especially on foreign policy.

"It really kind of humanizes Barack Obama," Castner said. "He has this air of perfection, and Joe Biden is more down to earth."

"I love his passion," Castner said of Biden. "I like him a lot."

Obama announced Saturday that Biden, a senator from Delaware for the past 36 years, would be his running mate, passing over Clinton, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh.

Clinton issued a statement Saturday praising Obama's decision and calling Biden "an exceptionally strong, experienced leader and devoted public servant."

Some of her supporters were less charitable............

Much More: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20080824/D92OB5TO0.html

It'll all work out by November. No problemo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


08-23-2008, 10:10 PM
Demonizing the opposition is your style, not mine, marteen.

I really, really, really do like Joe Biden!!!!!!!!!!! My wife and I are ecstatic over the choice of him as the Veep candidate!!!!!!!!! The party will grow because of it!!!!!!!!!


08-23-2008, 10:12 PM
Where do people get this idea that Hillary Clinton has any experience?

She is about as experienced as Obama. Which is why her arguments about experience were so pointless. Saying Biden is experienced as Clinton is an insult to Biden.

08-23-2008, 10:21 PM
Considering that both are about the same age, give a few years between 62 and 65, and that both have been in politics for all of their adult lives and that both enjoy sex in much the same way, I don't know where you have a problem, a'21?

Where do people get this idea that Hillary Clinton has any experience?

She is about as experienced as Obama. Which is why her arguments about experience were so pointless. Saying Biden is experienced as Clinton is an insult to Biden.



08-23-2008, 11:47 PM
hey, only sometimes that is my style :laugh2:

Demonizing the opposition is your style, not mine, marteen.

I really, really, really do like Joe Biden!!!!!!!!!!! My wife and I are ecstatic over the choice of him as the Veep candidate!!!!!!!!! The party will grow because of it!!!!!!!!!


08-24-2008, 12:30 AM
And I ain't takin' nothin' back, marteen!!!!!!!!!!

hey, only sometimes that is my style :laugh2:

That's my style!!!!!!!!!


08-24-2008, 12:32 AM
Well Hillary and all of her supporters have been properly broomed and discarded. So much for the Dream Ticket! :suck:

Susan Castner, a Clinton delegate from Portland, Ore., said she sees some of Clinton's qualities in Biden. She likes his experience, especially on foreign policy.

"It really kind of humanizes Barack Obama," Castner said. "He has this air of perfection, and Joe Biden is more down to earth."

Yea, it "humanizes" the divine Barack Obama, brings him down from the clouds. :laugh2:

08-24-2008, 12:47 AM
In your wildest freakin' dreams, huck!!!!!!!!

Well Hillary and all of her supporters have been properly broomed and discarded. So much for the Dream Ticket! :suck:
Yea, it "humanizes" the divine Barack Obama, brings him down from the clouds. :laugh2:

The party is sound. And we do get loud!!!!!!!!!!!


08-24-2008, 03:13 AM
Well, this sure takes the pressure off of McCain to cough up a legitimate VP! I mean how many people voted for Biden in the primary election, about 200 or so?

08-24-2008, 04:56 AM
Ok, McCain makes Bobby Jindal the vp choice; first VP debate, "Hey Joe, nice to see you outside of a 7-11." J/K.

Of all the democrat contenders, I liked Biden best. However, his experience is being over rated. He has been on foreign affairs and judiciary committees forever, so he knows more than a little about them, as a LEGISLATOR, not in an executive position.

He does have the knowledge not to say, as Obama did, that he'd meet with all these 'heads of state' in his first year, no conditions. On the other hand, I'll admit it sounded good to me at the time, his idea of sectioning up Iraq was not such a good one, in HINDSIGHT. I certainly wouldn't say that makes him an idiot, but considering how long he's been there, he should be more farseeing than myself.

I think Biden was the best Obama could do. Hillary would have ensured his 'win', but not a successful administration.

08-24-2008, 05:17 AM
Ok, McCain makes Bobby Jindal the vp choice; first VP debate, "Hey Joe, nice to see you outside of a 7-11." J/K.

ROFL....I love it....have him make a campaign ad, saying "Hey Joe! Are you calling the Louisiana governor's mansion a 7-11?"........

08-24-2008, 05:23 AM
ROFL....I love it....have him make a campaign ad, saying "Hey Joe! Are you calling the Louisiana governor's mansion a 7-11?"........

Thank you! 5 am is probably my best time. :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
08-24-2008, 11:49 AM
Ok, McCain makes Bobby Jindal the vp choice; first VP debate, "Hey Joe, nice to see you outside of a 7-11." J/K.

I think Biden was the best Obama could do. Hillary would have ensured his 'win', but not a successful administration.

The 7-11 joke is very funny, Kath!

As for Hillary as his VP, it would mean that Obama would also have to employ a food taster.

09-03-2008, 11:00 PM
About as funny as a heart attack, abby?

The 7-11 joke is very funny, Kath!

As for Hillary as his VP, it would mean that Obama would also have to employ a food taster.

Think again. Hillary will be a force to be reckoned with for years to come.

Hit it, Bobby Blue Bland, I Pity You Fools: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

09-03-2008, 11:48 PM
Considering that both are about the same age, give a few years between 62 and 65, and that both have been in politics for all of their adult lives and that both enjoy sex in much the same way, I don't know where you have a problem, a'21?

what political office did hillary hold for 30 years.........