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View Full Version : how does one distinguish between personal attack & legitimate political issue/questio

08-25-2008, 02:17 AM
Case and point, asking a legitimate question about someone's background or character vs a cheap political attack, I would like some feedback here

08-25-2008, 06:34 AM
Does the issue or question involve the nation and all its people, if so it is usually legitimate as a start. If it involves only the other candidate or party then it is usually partisan. Full disclosure: I will post lots of partisan comments because that too creates an image of a candidate.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

GW in Ohio
08-25-2008, 08:44 AM
Case and point, asking a legitimate question about someone's background or character vs a cheap political attack, I would like some feedback here

If it's initiated by Karl Rove, or by one of his gnome-like disciples, it's a personal attack.

Remember in 2000 when rumors of John McCain's black love child were circulated during the South Carolina primary? That was classic Rove.

Rove successfully painted John Kerry as an elite snob in '04, who was out of touch with ordinary Americans.

And of course we're all familiar with the Swiftboat tactic.

Watch for more of the same this election. Rove is in semi-retirement, but his acolytes are on the GOP payroll.

08-25-2008, 12:42 PM
If it's initiated by Karl Rove, or by one of his gnome-like disciples, it's a personal attack.

Remember in 2000 when rumors of John McCain's black love child were circulated during the South Carolina primary? That was classic Rove.

Rove successfully painted John Kerry as an elite snob in '04, who was out of touch with ordinary Americans.
And of course we're all familiar with the Swiftboat tactic.

Watch for more of the same this election. Rove is in semi-retirement, but his acolytes are on the GOP payroll.

Hate to mention this, but isn't this exactly what your doing in the other thread?????????

Tell ya what. If Kerry wasn't out of touch because of his wife's millions, than neither is McCain.

Sorry, can't have it both ways.


He's a rich guy who's completely out of touch with the realities that the overwhelming majority of Americans are faced with every day.

08-25-2008, 04:56 PM
Flip a quarter.

08-25-2008, 06:41 PM
If you question the background or character of a Dimocrat, its a cheap political attack.....
If you question the background or character of a Repub,.its legit.....:coffee:

08-25-2008, 06:46 PM
I don't think anything is off limits. I could care less about personal attacks in politics....so long as they aren't out and out LIES about the other person. For example, pointing out that an opponent has lied about something and proving it is NOT a personal attack.

But nitpicking at off-the-cuff comments which may be tacky or outrageous, but otherwise have no bearing on the candidate's politics or anyone else's life is a personal attack, and should be avoided.

But it won't be, and really, it won't matter in the end.

08-25-2008, 08:01 PM

it is personal if directed at a dem....


legit if directed at a pub....