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View Full Version : Praying For Rain

08-25-2008, 04:19 PM
Did y'all hear about the media director, Stuart Shepard, for James Dobsen's evangelical group, Focus on the Family Action, asking Dobsen's followers to pray that rain of Biblical Proportions fall on Barack Obama during his acceptance speech in Denver this week?

The You Tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohxdvio9n2Q)

well... Keith Olbermann then annointed him as the Worst Person in the World for that request:

KO's You Tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjRL_szQndo&NR=1)

and then... after a flurry of protests about that video... it was pulled from the web...

Focus On Family Pulls Controversial Obama 'Rain' Video
Video Had Asked Prayers For 'Rain Of Biblical Proportions' (http://www.thedenverchannel.com/politics/17166715/detail.html)

I don't really have any idea where the majority of Dobsen's followers live, but I imagine a good portion of them are southerners...

well... this thread isn't so much about the idiocy shown in the video but more about what has happened in Florida since that request was made August 11...

y'all hip to how much rain has fallen in Florida since Tropical Storm Fay came ashore and came ashore, and then came ashore and then, yes, came ashore again?

Any idea how much rain has fallen on the east coast of Florida?

Yes... biblical proportions have fallen... over 2 FEET of rain in some locales... and Fay still isn't done... after maintaining her tropical status while traversing the land portion of Florida TWICE, she has finally fallen back to a tropical depression but has reversed her direction and is now over Alabama and Georgia, dumping yes... more rain of Biblical proportions over the region commonly refered to as the Bible Belt...

So I have this question...

Does God want Obama to win?

08-25-2008, 05:26 PM
where you been, stripey??? :)

08-25-2008, 05:39 PM
Did y'all hear about the media director, Stuart Shepard, for James Dobsen's evangelical group, Focus on the Family Action, asking Dobsen's followers to pray that rain of Biblical Proportions fall on Barack Obama during his acceptance speech in Denver this week?

The You Tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohxdvio9n2Q)

well... Keith Olbermann then annointed him as the Worst Person in the World for that request:

KO's You Tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjRL_szQndo&NR=1)

and then... after a flurry of protests about that video... it was pulled from the web...

Focus On Family Pulls Controversial Obama 'Rain' Video
Video Had Asked Prayers For 'Rain Of Biblical Proportions' (http://www.thedenverchannel.com/politics/17166715/detail.html)

I don't really have any idea where the majority of Dobsen's followers live, but I imagine a good portion of them are southerners...

well... this thread isn't so much about the idiocy shown in the video but more about what has happened in Florida since that request was made August 11...

y'all hip to how much rain has fallen in Florida since Tropical Storm Fay came ashore and came ashore, and then came ashore and then, yes, came ashore again?

Any idea how much rain has fallen on the east coast of Florida?

Yes... biblical proportions have fallen... over 2 FEET of rain in some locales... and Fay still isn't done... after maintaining her tropical status while traversing the land portion of Florida TWICE, she has finally fallen back to a tropical depression but has reversed her direction and is now over Alabama and Georgia, dumping yes... more rain of Biblical proportions over the region commonly refered to as the Bible Belt...

So I have this question...

Does God want Obama to win?

Hey elitist asshole,
It's Dobson, dickhead, and his giant Focus On THe Family campus is across I-25 from the U.S. Air Force Academy outside of Colorado Springs.

It gets a bit boring listening to assholes from the two coasts denigrate the entire Southern part of the Country. I live deep in the South now but have lived all over the rest of the country including that overpopulated, overtaxed, overpriced, over-regulated, mudslide prone, earthquake prone, riot loving shit hole you call California. You clowns have left that soon to be over run state and spread like cancer to ruin all of the rest of the country. What really sucks is you leave that shit state and try to turn where you end up into it. You are as bad as the Katrina jerks, maybe worse since you have money. You destroy the real estate market every time you asswipes choose a new state to fuck up. You've destroyed what was great about Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Washington, even Austin,Texas.

I've always disliked Dobson and his evangelistic rip off mentality, he has made a giant business out of using the word of GOD. He will surely get his in the end, his spreading of hate will, no doubt, condemn him for eternity. You destroyed any point you were trying to make by denigrating the South for this asshole's rain request.

I would wish for a heavy, wet snow storm, a white-out just within that stadium, that would cover the assholes that are at that bullshit, fake coronation...... I won't be praying for it....... my prayers are reserved for my family, our members of the U.S. Military in harms way, and the personnel here in the States that serve to help and protect their fellow citizens...... they are worth praying for.

I see you still haven't figured out that a Snow Leopard doesn't have stripes, you are such a tool.

08-25-2008, 06:44 PM
where you been, stripey??? :)

On a really big board... with lots of posters from both sides of the aisle and imagine this... a fair moderator staff...

and also...

lots of guests, or lurkers as I like to call them...

the board I'm on now usually has more lurkers than most other boards have members and guests combined...

thanks for asking...

08-25-2008, 06:46 PM
Hey elitist asshole,
It's Dobson, dickhead, and his giant Focus On THe Family campus is across I-25 from the U.S. Air Force Academy outside of Colorado Springs.

It gets a bit boring listening to assholes from the two coasts denigrate the entire Southern part of the Country. I live deep in the South now but have lived all over the rest of the country including that overpopulated, overtaxed, overpriced, over-regulated, mudslide prone, earthquake prone, riot loving shit hole you call California. You clowns have left that soon to be over run state and spread like cancer to ruin all of the rest of the country. What really sucks is you leave that shit state and try to turn where you end up into it. You are as bad as the Katrina jerks, maybe worse since you have money. You destroy the real estate market every time you asswipes choose a new state to fuck up. You've destroyed what was great about Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Washington, even Austin,Texas.

I've always disliked Dobson and his evangelistic rip off mentality, he has made a giant business out of using the word of GOD. He will surely get his in the end, his spreading of hate will, no doubt, condemn him for eternity. You destroyed any point you were trying to make by denigrating the South for this asshole's rain request.

I would wish for a heavy, wet snow storm, a white-out just within that stadium, that would cover the assholes that are at that bullshit, fake coronation...... I won't be praying for it....... my prayers are reserved for my family, our members of the U.S. Military in harms way, and the personnel here in the States that serve to help and protect their fellow citizens...... they are worth praying for.

I see you still haven't figured out that a Snow Leopard doesn't have stripes, you are such a tool.

dobsen, dobson, who gives a shit... he's an idiot with a whole shitload of morons for followers...

and I sincerely hope those that were stupid enough to pray for rain, are getting what they deserve...


hey sit... sit on this and spin...


08-25-2008, 07:26 PM
... a fair moderator staff...

and also...

what's that supposed to mean? I mean, the implication is this board does not have that - when it's absolutely fair. :)

Abbey Marie
08-25-2008, 07:36 PM
what's that supposed to mean? I mean, the implication is this board does not have that - when it's absolutely fair. :)

D, meet Stripey. :laugh2:

Mr. P
08-25-2008, 07:46 PM
I may be wrong but I don't think God cares much for politics.

As far as rain goes, we sure as heck need it...so it's "God sent?".

08-25-2008, 07:49 PM
Yes, I'm rooting for him.



08-25-2008, 07:54 PM
what's that supposed to mean? I mean, the implication is this board does not have that - when it's absolutely fair. :)

That's exactly what he's saying and he's full of shit, the moderation on this board is extremely fair.:salute: