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GW in Ohio
08-26-2008, 07:35 PM
I will miss the Bush administration because it provided me with the opportunity to feel morally superior for 8 years.

I was able to say to myself, "No matter what else I have screwed up in my life, I am smarter and more ethical than the president of the United States."

That smugness has carried me through the last 8 years. No matter how badly I fucked things up in my little Midwestern corner of the universe, I was able to console myself with the thought, "At least I'm not as big a fuck-up as the idiot in the White House."

But now, as we stand on the threshold of the Obama administration, with its promise of competent government, we're all going to have to be on our best behavior as we try to keep up.

Oh, well.........

08-26-2008, 07:46 PM
You could replace you smuggness with a passion, a passion that a forced abortion policy will be enforced in the US in the sake of population control to protect the environment.

08-26-2008, 08:12 PM
I dont see how being ignorant and proud about it is morally superior to anything. In fact, I think its quite pathetic.

08-26-2008, 08:37 PM
I will miss the Bush administration because it provided me with the opportunity to feel morally superior for 8 years.

I was able to say to myself, "No matter what else I have screwed up in my life, I am smarter and more ethical than the president of the United States."

That smugness has carried me through the last 8 years. No matter how badly I fucked things up in my little Midwestern corner of the universe, I was able to console myself with the thought, "At least I'm not as big a fuck-up as the idiot in the White House."

But now, as we stand on the threshold of the Obama administration, with its promise of competent government, we're all going to have to be on our best behavior as we try to keep up.

Oh, well.........

I do believe even rocks have the same attitude! Right on!!!!!

GW in Ohio
08-26-2008, 08:38 PM
I do believe even rocks have the same attitude! Right on!!!!!

Yes, thank you for making my point.

Even a rock is smarter than George W. Bush.

08-26-2008, 09:32 PM
I will miss the Bush administration because it provided me with the opportunity to feel morally superior for 8 years.

I was able to say to myself, "No matter what else I have screwed up in my life, I am smarter and more ethical than the president of the United States."

That smugness has carried me through the last 8 years. No matter how badly I fucked things up in my little Midwestern corner of the universe, I was able to console myself with the thought, "At least I'm not as big a fuck-up as the idiot in the White House."

But now, as we stand on the threshold of the Obama administration, with its promise of competent government, we're all going to have to be on our best behavior as we try to keep up.

Oh, well.........

wow.....did you free a nation of a dictator.......liberia......did you provide more funds to africa for aids than any president in history.....did you free a nation from religious rule .....afganistan.....were you the first president to approve federal funding for stem cell research......did you grow an economy after the first domestic attack since 1941.....did you stand up and enforce 18 un resolutions against a genocidal dictator.....

yes you are morally superior...please post you credentials.....:fu:

08-26-2008, 09:43 PM
Yes, thank you for making my point.

Even a rock is smarter than George W. Bush.Did you feel the improvement of the nation over the last 7 years?
Editorial NY Times
Where’s the Prosperity?

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Published: August 26, 2008

There is so little good economic news these days that we were cheered on Tuesday after the Census Bureau reported that in 2007 the income of the typical American household rose for the third year in a row. We weren’t cheered for long.
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A closer look confirms what Americans already know: most families reaped none of the benefits of the previous six years of solid economic growth. Median household income last year was still 0.6 percent less than it was in 2000, when the last economic expansion peaked. Households led by someone 65 or under made an average of $56,545 last year — 3.4 percent less than in 2000.

The census offers the same mirage when it comes to health insurance. While the overall number of uninsured dropped — from 47 million in 2006 to 45.7 million last year — that still left the number of uninsured Americans 7.2 million higher than in 2000. The improvements were entirely attributable to an increase in the number of people enrolled in Medicaid and other public programs.

What makes the news particularly bleak is that last year was probably the best year of the economic expansion that started at the end of 2001. Surveying the wreckage since then, it appears all but certain that this year’s census data will be worse.

The report has other grim news. The number of people living under the poverty line rose by 5.7 million since 2000, to 12.5 percent of the population. And the number of impoverished children increased to 18 percent.

There are multiple reasons why Americans are working harder and not getting ahead, including a weak labor movement, globalization, technological change and a slowdown in educational attainment. Except for a few years in the late ‘90s, wages and benefits have grown more slowly than the nation’s income for nearly 30 years. Under the Bush administration workers’ share of national income has fallen with a vengeance, to its lowest point since the 1960s. The Bush expansion may be the first in recorded history in which poverty rose and typical American families never regained the level of income they had attained at the end of the prior one.

What is clear is that economic growth alone will not cut it for most American families. The benefits must be shared more broadly. This means more progressive taxation, increasing access to affordable health care, investing more in public education.

President Bush was too busy cutting taxes on top earners to think about any of these priorities. The next president must do much better.
More Articles in Opinion » A version of this article appeared in print on August 27, 2008, on page

08-26-2008, 09:51 PM
I will miss the Bush administration because it provided me with the opportunity to feel morally superior for 8 years.

I was able to say to myself, "No matter what else I have screwed up in my life, I am smarter and more ethical than the president of the United States."

That smugness has carried me through the last 8 years. No matter how badly I fucked things up in my little Midwestern corner of the universe, I was able to console myself with the thought, "At least I'm not as big a fuck-up as the idiot in the White House."

But now, as we stand on the threshold of the Obama administration, with its promise of competent government, we're all going to have to be on our best behavior as we try to keep up.

Oh, well.........

:clap: that's the spirit !!! Where was all that support and appreciation when our country neeeded it !!! Do the other people in your little corner of the midwest know that you are again the #1 fuck up on the block ? :laugh2:

08-26-2008, 10:49 PM
With all the fun picking his errors apart the next pres will be boring. I hope McBush wins just so the fun can continue. Besides I might be able to afford to move after the next four years. The question will be where.

GW in Ohio
08-27-2008, 07:57 AM
wow.....did you free a nation of a dictator.......liberia......did you provide more funds to africa for aids than any president in history.....did you free a nation from religious rule .....afganistan.....were you the first president to approve federal funding for stem cell research......did you grow an economy after the first domestic attack since 1941.....did you stand up and enforce 18 un resolutions against a genocidal dictator.....

yes you are morally superior...please post you credentials.....:fu:

I'm sorry, did you say "grow the economy"?

Are you aware that the debt has skyrocketed under Bush, people are out of work, the price of gas is through the roof and our dependence on foreign oil is greater than ever, people are losing their homes, jobs are moving offshore faster than you can say, "Dick Cheney's a dickhead," and we're heading into a recession?

GW in Ohio
08-27-2008, 08:01 AM
:clap: that's the spirit !!! Where was all that support and appreciation when our country neeeded it !!! Do the other people in your little corner of the midwest know that you are again the #1 fuck up on the block ? :laugh2:

Yeah, everybody around here knows what a fuckup I am.

And most of the country, except the GOP diehards, acknowledge that George Bush is the biggest fuckup that ever took a nap in the Oval Office.

Have you noticed how McCain is trying to distance himself from President Fuckup?

08-27-2008, 08:50 AM
I'm sorry, did you say "grow the economy"?

Are you aware that the debt has skyrocketed under Bush, people are out of work, the price of gas is through the roof and our dependence on foreign oil is greater than ever, people are losing their homes, jobs are moving offshore faster than you can say, "Dick Cheney's a dickhead," and we're heading into a recession?

Dependence on foreign oil and high gas prices falls right square on the shoulders of the liberal eco-freaks who have prevented drilling for oil and nuclear expansion for power. Speaking of Liberal eco-freaks you can also blame them for companies moving offshore. Obviously not all but many. They have regulated and taxed companies into leaving because they couldn't afford to operate here any more.

I don't like the debt but on the other hand there should not be a surplus either. That means someone is being overtaxed.

People are losing their homes because they were irresponsible for the most. They took out loans that they couldn't afford regardless of economy. If you are stupid enough to take out a loan that is going to require 3/4 of the income of 2 people in order to make payments you deserve to lose your home.

08-27-2008, 09:18 AM
Dependence on foreign oil and high gas prices falls right square on the shoulders of the liberal eco-freaks who have prevented drilling for oil and nuclear expansion for power. Speaking of Liberal eco-freaks you can also blame them for companies moving offshore. Obviously not all but many. They have regulated and taxed companies into leaving because they couldn't afford to operate here any more.

I don't like the debt but on the other hand there should not be a surplus either. That means someone is being overtaxed.

People are losing their homes because they were irresponsible for the most. They took out loans that they couldn't afford regardless of economy. If you are stupid enough to take out a loan that is going to require 3/4 of the income of 2 people in order to make payments you deserve to lose your home.The profit driven business does go overseas. It is not taxes or any other regulatory reason that creates this flight, it is greed.This makes it harder for Americans to have security in employment at decent pay scale.
Oil is in abundance in the Bakkans reserve. Oil companies don't want to drill there se it is not right on the ocean for easy transport to refineries.
The regulators used to prohibit loans as you describe. Raygun changed that and the housing market started to boom. But like all pyramid schemes it had a breaking point and we have reached it.

red states rule
08-27-2008, 09:22 AM
The profit driven business does go overseas. It is not taxes or any other regulatory reason that creates this flight, it is greed.This makes it harder for Americans to have security in employment at decent pay scale.
Oil is in abundance in the Bakkans reserve. Oil companies don't want to drill there se it is not right on the ocean for easy transport to refineries.
The regulators used to prohibit loans as you describe. Raygun changed that and the housing market started to boom. But like all pyramid schemes it had a breaking point and we have reached it.

The US has one of the highest level of taxes in the world - and Dems want to increase them. I do not blame companies from leaving the US and setting up shop where it is cheaper to operate

I do believe libs actually think companies are in business to pay taxes, and if they make "to much" of a profit then their taxes muct be increased for the common good

08-27-2008, 09:38 AM
... it is greed....

Amazingly you were so close to being right, but the greed of which you speak is government greed for higher taxes. Government types either don't understand how our economic structure works or they seek to control more and more of what we do and how we live; either way it's pretty discouraging.

red states rule
08-27-2008, 09:50 AM
Amazingly you were so close to being right, but the greed of which you speak is government greed for higher taxes. Government types either don't understand how our economic structure works or they seek to control more and more of what we do and how we live; either way it's pretty discouraging.

To the modern day Dems and Obamabots, greed is wanting to keep more of the money you earn, and a company's profit motive

One Obamabot when I asked him how much more in taxes he wants the producers to pay - posted "as much as we can squeeze out of them"

Tells you who the hell is really greedy when it comes to wanting money

red states rule
08-27-2008, 10:39 AM

08-27-2008, 11:04 AM
The profit driven business does go overseas. It is not taxes or any other regulatory reason that creates this flight, it is greed.This makes it harder for Americans to have security in employment at decent pay scale.
Oil is in abundance in the Bakkans reserve. Oil companies don't want to drill there se it is not right on the ocean for easy transport to refineries.
The regulators used to prohibit loans as you describe. Raygun changed that and the housing market started to boom. But like all pyramid schemes it had a breaking point and we have reached it.

Good grief!
Other than NOT FOR PROFIT businesses, the rest are FOR PROFIT. Take out the profit and there's no reason to start a business or stay in business. Personally I don't care how much profit a company makes. Hundreds of billions, I don't care. It just shouldn't be government subsidized or propped up.

I know firsthand in California that the majority have left because of regulations and taxation. I did the enviro upgrades that cost companies millions and millions to do. I also did the demolition on the same plants after regulations drove them away. I ran the jobs and talked to the engineers. I know what crippled them. Some went to the midwest others left the country.
So now the air is clean but the jobs are gone, exactly what the Liberal eco-freaks wanted.

red states rule
08-27-2008, 11:15 AM
and lets not forget how libs want to tax dead people after they die. It is not enough for the left, people pay taxes all through life - now the left thinks it is fine for the government to come in and take 50% of the dead persons wealth


Abbey Marie
08-27-2008, 11:27 AM
I will miss the Bush administration because it provided me with the opportunity to feel morally superior for 8 years.

I was able to say to myself, "No matter what else I have screwed up in my life, I am smarter and more ethical than the president of the United States."

That smugness has carried me through the last 8 years. No matter how badly I fucked things up in my little Midwestern corner of the universe, I was able to console myself with the thought, "At least I'm not as big a fuck-up as the idiot in the White House."

But now, as we stand on the threshold of the Obama administration, with its promise of competent government, we're all going to have to be on our best behavior as we try to keep up.

Oh, well.........

Thanks GW, for admitting what I've always believed about angry, bitter libs. Many of you feel like failures, and need someone else to blame. Don't worry; you will find another scapegoat for your problems.

In the meantime, here are a few pics of the great man you love to hate:

With daughter of a 9-11 victim:


Comforting Virginia Tech families:


With military families:


For contrast, here's a very different kind of "hug" featuring a guy you probably see a success:


08-27-2008, 12:24 PM
I'm sorry, did you say "grow the economy"?

Are you aware that the debt has skyrocketed under Bush, people are out of work, the price of gas is through the roof and our dependence on foreign oil is greater than ever, people are losing their homes, jobs are moving offshore faster than you can say, "Dick Cheney's a dickhead," and we're heading into a recession?

Yeah, he said grow the economy. Probably because the economy is growing.

08-27-2008, 01:48 PM
Are you aware that the debt has skyrocketed under Bush, people are out of work, the price of gas is through the roof and our dependence on foreign oil is greater than ever, people are losing their homes, jobs are moving offshore faster than you can say, "Dick Cheney's a dickhead," and we're heading into a recession?

1. There isn't a recession

2. Republicans are the ones who WANT TO DRILL. The dems are all against it. Our dependence on foreign oil isn't going to get any better unless we drill AND research alternative power sources.

3. If the dems continue to try to "stick it to the rich", I wouldn't blaim them for leaving.

08-27-2008, 02:07 PM
Funny post but I've always thought how could America be so blind as to elect this fool and the real president Dickie! But then I read the wingnut replies above and I know.

Re the inheritance tax, ps not a death tax, I've always thought the billionaire Waltons needed the additional 32 billion the repeal of the inheritance tax would give them. I'm sure that will tide them over for a bit as they pay lousy wages, always low, and support China manufacturing.


A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


08-27-2008, 02:20 PM
Funny post but I've always thought how could America be so blind as to elect this fool and the real president Dickie! But then I read the wingnut replies above and I know.

Re the inheritance tax, ps not a death tax, I've always thought the billionaire Waltons needed the additional 32 billion the repeal of the inheritance tax would give them. I'm sure that will tide them over for a bit as they pay lousy wages, always low, and support China manufacturing.


A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


can you explain why the government should get to tax income twice.....

08-27-2008, 02:24 PM
Funny how the wingnuts argue against the inheritance tax which only affects the very wealthy? You have to wonder why? Do they think they are wealthy or are they like little children who need a hero and the people with money are their heroes? Rather odd sentiment for an American. I know a few of the uber wealthy and they all inherited it, hardly an admirable trait as I had to get working class parents. LOL

08-27-2008, 02:31 PM
can you explain why the government should get to tax income twice.....

Because it is income to the inheritors and how do you know it was taxed in the first place and at what rate? You are assuming some simplistic economy that never was and never will be. The wealthy, when they are not crazy, make sure their heirs do fine as there are lots of loop holes. Even you, if you are smart, will start putting your children names in joint ownership of your property etc.

08-27-2008, 02:36 PM
can you explain why the government should get to tax income twice.....

Id like to know why it should get to tax income once.

08-27-2008, 02:40 PM
Id like to know why it should get to tax income once.

i guess the answer to both of our questions .....is those idiots we voted it in made it a law.....

08-27-2008, 02:42 PM
Because it is income to the inheritors and how do you know it was taxed in the first place and at what rate? You are assuming some simplistic economy that never was and never will be. The wealthy, when they are not crazy, make sure their heirs do fine as there are lots of loop holes. Even you, if you are smart, will start putting your children names in joint ownership of your property etc.

in order to get the money in the first place it was taxed.....dividends are taxed.....

and yes both my kids have trust funds and the income was taxed and what i had left they got.....and yes i gift them each year....but at then end if i have too much the government will tax me again and take more of it just because i died.....

08-27-2008, 02:42 PM
Some think we've been in a recession for some time, but conservative corporate owned MSM isn't saying. I think Bush sr and jr are the worst presidents for jobs in history from what have read.


"Unemployment: In April, unemployment was 5%, up from 4.8% in February. For May, this figure is expected to edge even higher, to 5.1%. Well-paying jobs have been evaporating in the manufacturing sector under the rush of imports from China and now in construction with the collapse of the housing market. Many adults, especially those in families with multiple wage earners, have decided it doesn't pay to work and are sitting out until a new president is in the White House.

Private Sector Payrolls: In April, government employment expanded by 9,000 even though overall payroll jobs contracted by 80,000. But failing tax revenues are already crimping state and local budgets, and state and municipal employment is expected to drop beginning in July. That's because it is difficult for the public sector to continue expanding if its tax base--the private sector economy--is contracting.

Construction and Manufacturing: In April, construction lost 61,000 jobs and manufacturing lost 46,000 jobs. Over the last 97 months manufacturing has shed 3.7 million jobs.

What does that mean? Historically, construction and manufacturing offer workers with only a high school diploma the best pay, benefits and opportunities for skill attainment and advancement. Troubles in these industries push ordinary workers into retailing, hospitality and other industries, where pay often lags. These phenomena at are the heart of middle-class and blue-collar discontent coloring the economic debate in the presidential campaign."

08-27-2008, 03:56 PM
What does that mean? Historically, construction and manufacturing offer workers with only a high school diploma the best pay, benefits and opportunities for skill attainment and advancement. Troubles in these industries push ordinary workers into retailing, hospitality and other industries, where pay often lags. These phenomena at are the heart of middle-class and blue-collar discontent coloring the economic debate in the presidential campaign."

That's what happens when a tax increase and higher regulatory burdens are on the horizon.

08-27-2008, 04:12 PM
Funny how the wingnuts argue against the inheritance tax which only affects the very wealthy? You have to wonder why? Do they think they are wealthy or are they like little children who need a hero and the people with money are their heroes? Rather odd sentiment for an American. I know a few of the uber wealthy and they all inherited it, hardly an admirable trait as I had to get working class parents. LOL

A lifetime of jealousy is a pathetic thing, I feel sorry for you.

08-27-2008, 04:23 PM
I will miss the Bush administration because it provided me with the opportunity to feel morally superior for 8 years.

I was able to say to myself, "No matter what else I have screwed up in my life, I am smarter and more ethical than the president of the United States."

That smugness has carried me through the last 8 years. No matter how badly I fucked things up in my little Midwestern corner of the universe, I was able to console myself with the thought, "At least I'm not as big a fuck-up as the idiot in the White House."

Just wait... McCain's looking like the next "Comeback Kid" thanks to Obama's own screw-ups. You'll have another four years to feel morally superior to McCain's administration which won't be much different than Bush's.

But now, as we stand on the threshold of the Obama administration, with its promise of competent government, we're all going to have to be on our best behavior as we try to keep up.

Oh, well.........

In your dreams.

Even if Obama should pull it off, he's not going to be any more adept or morally superior to either Bush or McCain. We are effectively screwed the next four years no matter who wins.


08-27-2008, 05:16 PM
what is the moral justification for the government being able to tax a gift from a parent to their children? i earn money and get taxed on that money, the remainder is allegedly mine, however, should i decide to give it or keep it until i die and then give it to my children, that money is taxed....unless i keep it under my bed....which does NOTHING for the economy or anyone except me and my bed.

08-27-2008, 06:19 PM
what is the moral justification for the government being able to tax a gift from a parent to their children? i earn money and get taxed on that money, the remainder is allegedly mine, however, should i decide to give it or keep it until i die and then give it to my children, that money is taxed....unless i keep it under my bed....which does NOTHING for the economy or anyone except me and my bed.A family partnership avoids that!

08-27-2008, 06:43 PM
I will miss the Bush administration because it provided me with the opportunity to feel morally superior for 8 years.

I was able to say to myself, "No matter what else I have screwed up in my life, I am smarter and more ethical than the president of the United States."

That smugness has carried me through the last 8 years. No matter how badly I fucked things up in my little Midwestern corner of the universe, I was able to console myself with the thought, "At least I'm not as big a fuck-up as the idiot in the White House."

But now, as we stand on the threshold of the Obama administration, with its promise of competent government, we're all going to have to be on our best behavior as we try to keep up.

Oh, well.........

Well... as much as I like Obama, and I have since I heard him at the Dem Convention in '04, there are no real guarantees his administration will be any different than bush's...

sure he might ask people who actually HAVE experience to man or woman positions of influence, but that doesn't mean the world will suddenly be in order.

bush has screwed us up so badly, it may take decades to right the ship... and americans are famous for being short on patience...

you watch...

less than six months after Obama's first day in office, his ratings will be down because he wasn't able to do all the things he said he wanted to do...

still... I agree...

it sure will be nice to have a president that is actually articulate, who can actually speak english, who understands the difference between diplomacy and bluster...

You could replace you smuggness with a passion, a passion that a forced abortion policy will be enforced in the US in the sake of population control to protect the environment.

Bottomline... if YOU don't want an abortion, don't get one.

I dont see how being ignorant and proud about it is morally superior to anything. In fact, I think its quite pathetic.

well then, by that standard, everyone that has supported bush all these years and supports mcsame now, are pathetic.

I do believe even rocks have the same attitude! Right on!!!!!

yep... http://logo.cafepress.com/3/5876394.1711063.jpg

Yes, thank you for making my point.

Even a rock is smarter than George W. Bush.

and his supporters too...

08-27-2008, 07:14 PM
I will miss the Bush administration because it provided me with the opportunity to feel morally superior for 8 years.

I was able to say to myself, "No matter what else I have screwed up in my life, I am smarter and more ethical than the president of the United States."

That smugness has carried me through the last 8 years. No matter how badly I fucked things up in my little Midwestern corner of the universe, I was able to console myself with the thought, "At least I'm not as big a fuck-up as the idiot in the White House."

But now, as we stand on the threshold of the Obama administration, with its promise of competent government, we're all going to have to be on our best behavior as we try to keep up.

Oh, well.........

Just as I thought, another, in a long line of bed wetters, yea, your days of self absorption is just about over.

Where do you people go when the excuses run out?


08-27-2008, 07:29 PM
Just as I thought, another, in a long line of bed wetters, yea, your days of self absorption is just about over.

Where do you people go when the excuses run out?


They continue to blame the previous administration, see Stipehead's post above, Osama's barely been nominated by his party as a candidate and this idiot is already coming up with excuses for his ineptness.

08-27-2008, 07:49 PM
A lifetime of jealousy is a pathetic thing, I feel sorry for you.

LOL A lifetime without a sense of humor - oh, sorry, you are a republican...LOL

08-27-2008, 08:23 PM
LOL A lifetime without a sense of humor - oh, sorry, you are a republican...LOL

I will give you that, you must have a sense of humor if you are going to jump in with the lemmings following Osama off the proverbial cliff. Either that or you lack the common sense that the idiot liar on stage right now, also lacks.

08-27-2008, 10:34 PM
I will give you that, you must have a sense of humor if you are going to jump in with the lemmings following Osama off the proverbial cliff. Either that or you lack the common sense that the idiot liar on stage right now, also lacks.The sense of humor is from reading useful idiots like conservative ditto heads.

08-28-2008, 07:10 AM
A family partnership avoids that!

That neither answered the question nor made any sense. If it is so easily avoidable, why have the estate tax at all?

It's like the video of the fool Kennedy avoiding a question from a high school student about why he avoids paying the estate tax he votes to uphold.

08-28-2008, 04:31 PM
With all the fun picking his errors apart the next pres will be boring. I hope McBush wins just so the fun can continue. Besides I might be able to afford to move after the next four years. The question will be where.

How about you move to cuba, I hear they have great health care there. If you prefer a colder climate you might move to moscow. putin is well known for his compassion. Other places you might like are north korea, china, burma, somolia, iran and syria. They all have ideologies similar to your own.

red states rule
08-28-2008, 04:34 PM
How about you move to cuba, I hear they have great health care there. If you prefer a colder climate you might move to moscow. putin is well known for his compassion. Other places you might like are north korea, china, burma, somolia, iran and syria. They all have ideologies similar to your own.

If Obama wins in November along with a Reid/Pelosi Congress Cubs, Russia, North Korea, and China will come here

More government programs, government censored media, and more government control of our lives

08-28-2008, 05:24 PM
How about you move to cuba, I hear they have great health care there. If you prefer a colder climate you might move to moscow. putin is well known for his compassion. Other places you might like are north korea, china, burma, somolia, iran and syria. They all have ideologies similar to your own.Cuba would be to close. Brazil is more like it. Of course I need to get homeland security to let me leave the country.

red states rule
08-28-2008, 05:25 PM
Cuba would be to close. Brazil is more like it. Of course I need to get homeland security to let me leave the country.

trust me - if you want to leave, I will be do all I can to help :laugh2:

Ine less liberal is always a good thing. Maybe you can take some friends along with you

08-29-2008, 06:40 AM
Cuba would be to close. Brazil is more like it. Of course I need to get homeland security to let me leave the country.

They won't give you any hassle if you promise never to come back. Brazil isn't socialist enough for you, maybe venezuela or equador.

08-29-2008, 04:59 PM
They won't give you any hassle if you promise never to come back. Brazil isn't socialist enough for you, maybe venezuela or equador.Brazil is known for liking German people. Besides i might meet some of adolfs old buddies sons.

red states rule
08-29-2008, 05:01 PM
Brazil is known for liking German people. Besides i might meet some of adolfs old buddies sons.

and have a reunion? View home movies of Dachau with the added laugh track?

08-29-2008, 06:39 PM
Yes, thank you for making my point.

Even a rock is smarter than George W. Bush.

hatred is not preety, its ugly

just remember that

08-29-2008, 07:16 PM
and have a reunion? View home movies of Dachau with the added laugh track?
Sobiborg was better but I was hoping for Mengales relatives. I was fascinated by the Japanese experiments more though. The bomb survival fields must have been wonderful after explosion what with all the moaning and dismembered Chinese women and children. And all the statistics the US has on hypothermia came from the Japanese experiments done on live Chinese.
All the Krauts did was kill expediciously.

red states rule
08-29-2008, 07:19 PM
Sobiborg was better but I was hoping for Mengales relatives. I was fascinated by the Japanese experiments more though. The bomb survival fields must have been wonderful after explosion what with all the moaning and dismembered Chinese women and children. And all the statistics the US has on hypothermia came from the Japanese experiments done on live Chinese.
All the Krauts did was kill expediciously.

You know what the say about the A bomb

Made in the USA

Tested in Japan

08-29-2008, 11:03 PM
You know what the say about the A bomb

Made in the USA

Tested in Japan
