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View Full Version : Liberal Media Wants "Red Meat"

red states rule
08-27-2008, 05:16 AM
The loyal supporters of the messiah, known as obama, are upset t=over the lack of red meat being tossed out at the Dem convention

Being the #1 fan of the messiah, willl they get their wish? rememebr the polls are tight, and so far no bounce for Obama after his pick of Biden as VP, and after the first night of the convention

Frustrated by Lack of 'Red Meat,' Not 'Hitting McCain Hard Enough'
By Brent Baker
August 27, 2008 - 03:22 ET

Most prevalent theme during Tuesday night's coverage of the Democratic National Convention, after speculation over healing the Clinton-Obama fued: TV journalists worrying about how the Democrats are not adequately aggressive in their attacks against John McCain as reporters, especially on CBS, repeatedly pressed for more “red meat” and wondered if the speakers are being “hard enough” or “tough enough” on McCain?

CBS's Bob Schieffer rued to keynoter Mark Warner that “normally keynote speeches” deliver “a lot of red meat,” but “I didn't hear a lot of that.” Over on NBC, Brian Williams pushed Warner: “You know there's some in the party who feel that this gathering isn't tough enough against a John McCain who, after all, hasn't let up for a day against this party.” Back to CBS, Jeff Greenfield asserted Barack Obama needs Hillary Clinton “to wake up this hall after a speech that was not only not red meat by former Governor Warner, but more like tofu with sprouts.” Couric even asked Michael Dukakis “if he thought the Democrats were hitting John McCain hard enough?” Clinton's speech left Couric unfulfilled: “We expected a lot of red meat from Senator Clinton tonight...Are you surprised she didn't sort of attack him more vociferously?”

Previewing Ed Rendell early in the evening, CNN's Wolf Blitzer wondered: “Let's see if he has some red meat.” On MSNBC, Chris Matthews was “amazed why they don’t have more fun with the man who calls himself Dick Cheney,” as he lamented: “It seems like they’re pulling their punches.” Analyst Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post yearned:

I am waiting for someone to take the podium and say the word “torture.” I'm waiting for someone to take the podium, say the word “Iraq.” I'm waiting for someone to take, to take the podium and talk about domestic surveillance"

Not to be left out, ABC's Charles Gibson set up a series of clips of speakers attacking McCain even as he maintained that convention attendees want to know “when are they going to start going after John McCain?” Apparently, they have:

One of the things that has been raised about this convention is when are they going to start going after John McCain? I talked about the under-card of speakers a few moments ago. There's been a stream of speakers that have been going on through the late afternoon and early evening here in Denver. And they have been taking some very direct shots at John McCain. So, we're going to give you some sense of what's happened in this convention today, right up until now. Let's take a look.


08-27-2008, 07:06 AM
No need for red meat we'll leave that up to the republicans who can only win on negativity - remember South Carolina. But I do wish they would counter the right wing single topic nonsense with statistics about the real consequences of republican rule: death and deficits, and always low wages, always, and no healthcare and the outsourcing of social security to friends. This I wish they would present to Americans.

red states rule
08-27-2008, 07:10 AM
No need for red meat we'll leave that up to the republicans who can only win on negativity - remember South Carolina. But I do wish they would counter the right wing single topic nonsense with statistics about the real consequences of republican rule: death and deficits, and always low wages, always, and no healthcare and the outsourcing of social security to friends. This I wish they would present to Americans.

I laughed when one liberal talking head said how Dems do do negative campaigning very well

He must have forgot how Dems have played the race card in this election, or radio ads that told voters every time they voted for a Republican a black church burned

Dems will not do what you ask of them midcan. You see Dems know they have an all liberal ticket, and they also know liberals do not win national elections

Look at the current polls. Obama did not get a bounce with his choice of Biden, and McCain has pulled ahead in the daily tracking poll