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08-27-2008, 06:45 PM
I know there are vets here.

McShame sure claims to support troops and veterans but when the tire meets the road, he doesn't care at all.

McCain Plan Moves Some Out of VA Care

August 22, 2008
Inter Press Service

SAN FRANCISCO -- If John McCain is elected president, wounded veterans could be in for a world of hurt.

On the campaign trail, the Republican's presumptive nominee has talked of a new mission for the Department of Veterans Affairs, suggesting that veterans with noncombat medical problems be given vouchers to receive care at private, for-profit hospitals. In other words, McCain is seeking to cut off the kind of universal health care that the government has guaranteed to veterans for generations.


The Republican senator had argued that giving veterans a VA card that they can use for private doctors would shorten the long wait times that many veterans face in seeing government doctors, who are nearly universally viewed as among the best in the world.

A recent study by the RAND Corporation found that "VA patients were more likely to receive recommended care" and "received consistently better care across the board, including screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up" than that delivered by other U.S. health care providers.

Virtually all veterans groups oppose McCain's plan. The Veterans of Foreign Wars' national legislative director has said the VA card would "undermine the entire system."

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Democrat Barack Obama has received nearly six times as much money from troops deployed overseas at the time of their contribution than has Republican John McCain.


08-27-2008, 07:09 PM
TheStripey1 posts:

A recent study by the RAND Corporation found that "VA patients were more likely to receive recommended care" and "received consistently better care across the board, including screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up" than that delivered by other U.S. health care providers.

Yea, so, YOU have a point?

One minute Vet's aren't receiving equal care, the next, their receiving BETTER care than the citizens of the REST of the country.

Make your fucking mind up, just so I can follow along.........:poke:

08-27-2008, 07:21 PM
I know there are vets here.

McShame sure claims to support troops and veterans but when the tire meets the road, he doesn't care at all.

How very typical of you to quote an article obviously written by a Dem partisan hack to secure vote from the more dense veterans around the country. I read the responses and there were quite a few veterans with enough intellectual prowess to see what a bunch of horse shit it is, you obviously aren't in that group and are proud to push bullshit on others.

Here is a response from a veteran telling the truth......... unlike you.

dman1948 Aug 22, 2008 8:56:38 AM

"This article is purely anti-McCain article publish by military.com..

I also goes further to say Obama has raise more money from military people then McCain...

Treat this article as crap for it says suggest, etc.. It is purely anti-McCain and has left handed writen all over it...

The way I read it after taking out the left handed crap. Is that McCain is suggesting that VETS be allow to go to any doctor they want for care and NOT just the VA.

This would take some of the load off the VA and travel etc for the Vet....

I drive over 100 miles to the VA now, as to where I could go 2 miles to a doctor here in town for the same treatment.

As far as putting some vets back into "Non-Vet" status..well, now that interesting. (now I have not read the purposal).

But to me, if you are a non-vet to begin with and are using the VA for treatment and are being charge for it, well whats the difference?

But, like I said I have not read the purpose bill or change so I can't say for sure, just how non-vets will be treated.

A vet is a vet and it shouldn't matter where you go for treatment as long as you get treated correct?

As for Non-Vets (again) well that rings of using the system for your non-military conditions...

Thats a horse of another color and would have to be studied and a decision made how to handle that..and more then likely, the non-vet is not going to be happy about it...(Think about it).

I have seen non-vets try to use the VA here in AZ, who own their own business and drive caddy's.

Is that fair to the Real Vet? Who waits and waits in line to be seen..who when finally gets in to see the doc, they are so over work, that they make bad decisions..when all those non-vets taking up the time and space and resource's of the VA.

To me, the line has to be drawn some where, and whom ever draws the line is going to be the bad guy, you can rest assured on that.

The liberals and bumocrates will have field day, but not even paying attention to the fact their own party voted for it...they will just want to go after McCain (if he is President) and if Obama does it (and he will), little will be said.
Kinda sucks don't it!!!"

08-27-2008, 07:56 PM
It is what you do and John McCain has proven several times his personal solution for poor veterans is find a wealthy wife. He's writing a book so other vets can find one too.

"Anyone interested in light-hearted, fanciful reading, need look no farther than the ‘John McCain for President’ website. There the reader will find a curious mix of fantasy, unintended humor and the fruits of a mind-boggling imagination. Let us take a look at a few of the gems offered by Mr. McCain.

Under the curious heading, ‘Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life,’ there are several sub-headings, too numerous to study here. But one of them is titled ‘Protecting Marriage.’ Mr. McCain, we are told “… believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.” And Mr. McCain’s beliefs, apparently, are too be forced down the throats of all and sundry. The senator is, of course, an expert on marriage between one man and one woman. A full month elapsed between the dissolution of his marriage to the injured and partially crippled Carol and his wedding to the beautiful, young [wealthy] Cindy. So he can boast that both his marriages were between one man (used twice) and one woman (two different ones, of course). Prince Charming and his two Cinderellas! Although the second one apparently has the means to purchase more castles than Mr. McCain can count."


A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


08-27-2008, 08:11 PM
how is letting veterans get free health care anywhere instead of only VA hospitals a reduction of care?

Mr. P
08-27-2008, 08:12 PM
A recent study by the RAND Corporation found that "VA patients were more likely to receive recommended care" and "received consistently better care across the board, including screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up" than that delivered by other U.S. health care providers.

I guess they didn't count the thousands they have killed..including my Dad.

VA health care SUCKS (so will National Health Care)! Going private is fine with me, what's the f'ng problem with that? If I have a choice of veteran care I'll choose private any day, as long as it's not an HMO, that's as bad as VA care.

08-27-2008, 08:25 PM
As a soon to be retired vet, I will only use the VA system as a last resort. Luckily I have that choice, as some of the injured vets do not. But I cannot see the issue with allowing some to seek care elsewhere? It did not say he was removing them from care, just allowing them to get it on the civian side. Which if you ask me, is better. The three years I was a recruiter, I was nowhere near a base and got civilian care. And it was great. I prefer it over military medical care at the hospital (medical hobby shop). Now don't get me wrong, there are great doctors in the military and va, but they are overworked.

If this plan eases the strain on the system without eroding the care for the vets what is the problem?


08-27-2008, 08:30 PM
It's not like there will be vets who go without care. It's only that their health care will not be done at VA hospitals. Fine with me.

08-27-2008, 08:43 PM
how is letting veterans get free health care anywhere instead of only VA hospitals a reduction of care?

seems like an improvment......

Mr. P
08-27-2008, 08:46 PM
seems like an improvment......

A MAJOR one at that!

Mr. P
08-27-2008, 08:52 PM
It is what you do and John McCain has proven several times his personal solution for poor veterans is find a wealthy wife. He's writing a book so other vets can find one too.

"Anyone interested in light-hearted, fanciful reading, need look no farther than the ‘John McCain for President’ website. There the reader will find a curious mix of fantasy, unintended humor and the fruits of a mind-boggling imagination. Let us take a look at a few of the gems offered by Mr. McCain.

Under the curious heading, ‘Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life,’ there are several sub-headings, too numerous to study here. But one of them is titled ‘Protecting Marriage.’ Mr. McCain, we are told “… believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.” And Mr. McCain’s beliefs, apparently, are too be forced down the throats of all and sundry. The senator is, of course, an expert on marriage between one man and one woman. A full month elapsed between the dissolution of his marriage to the injured and partially crippled Carol and his wedding to the beautiful, young [wealthy] Cindy. So he can boast that both his marriages were between one man (used twice) and one woman (two different ones, of course). Prince Charming and his two Cinderellas! Although the second one apparently has the means to purchase more castles than Mr. McCain can count."


A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


and this has what to do with VA care being private? Geeez, you never stop yer hate do you?

08-27-2008, 10:29 PM
Tell ya what.

Given the choice between VA hospitals and going to my own doctor I'm all for the McCain plan.

Disingenuously pretending it takes them out of care totally is sad hackery and just simply uneducated partisanship. Educate yourself and you won't look this bad in the future.

08-27-2008, 11:45 PM
Good lord, you act as if giving a vet the choice of getting care by the VA and a real health care plan is a bad thing. This vet will tell ya I'd take private health care over the VA in a heartbeat. The VA is a classic example of why government should not be in the business of health care.

08-27-2008, 11:47 PM
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Democrat Barack Obama has received nearly six times as much money from troops deployed overseas at the time of their contribution than has Republican John McCain.

I smell bullshit. I work in the military and I know very few people that even like Obama.

08-28-2008, 04:49 AM
I smell bullshit. I work in the military and I know very few people that even like Obama.

/grins....the bullshit was that the "six times as many" was something under 200 people.....

08-28-2008, 09:04 AM
Good lord, you act as if giving a vet the choice of getting care by the VA and a real health care plan is a bad thing. This vet will tell ya I'd take private health care over the VA in a heartbeat. The VA is a classic example of why government should not be in the business of health care.

08-28-2008, 03:30 PM
I know there are vets here.

McShame sure claims to support troops and veterans but when the tire meets the road, he doesn't care at all.

Yep, what an ass.

Not only is he giving them free care, but he's going to cut down the time they have to wait for it.


08-28-2008, 04:21 PM
I'm always amazed at the republican tools, McCain could say he was planning on euthanizing vets over 60 and the wingnuts would be saying it was a good idea. Completely missing is the ability for partisan hacks to be honest and critical with a party that cares only for the wealthy.

08-28-2008, 05:18 PM
and I can't understand liberals....McCain could propose giving vets free medical care anywhere they want to go and liberals would try to claim it was a bad thing.....oh, wait a minute........

08-28-2008, 05:26 PM
but, if the troops could get better care, less wait times, and still have it paid for, whats the problem?

is it about the federal government, which i believe does not do a good job, or that mccain, wants to take um off government care or you think private care will be worse.

im just trying to understand you.


I know there are vets here.

McShame sure claims to support troops and veterans but when the tire meets the road, he doesn't care at all.

youre right, i should never vote for anyone who is divorced, or is not perfect.

:laugh2: thanks

since when does marital status qualify or not qualify you to be president, and what with the cheap shot against mccain. it is really any of your business why he married cindy, and you dont know mccain, so to assume he married her money is just classless midcan, are youre better then that.

I may not like obama, but im not gonna go this low, and neither should you

It is what you do and John McCain has proven several times his personal solution for poor veterans is find a wealthy wife. He's writing a book so other vets can find one too.

"Anyone interested in light-hearted, fanciful reading, need look no farther than the ‘John McCain for President’ website. There the reader will find a curious mix of fantasy, unintended humor and the fruits of a mind-boggling imagination. Let us take a look at a few of the gems offered by Mr. McCain.

Under the curious heading, ‘Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life,’ there are several sub-headings, too numerous to study here. But one of them is titled ‘Protecting Marriage.’ Mr. McCain, we are told “… believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.” And Mr. McCain’s beliefs, apparently, are too be forced down the throats of all and sundry. The senator is, of course, an expert on marriage between one man and one woman. A full month elapsed between the dissolution of his marriage to the injured and partially crippled Carol and his wedding to the beautiful, young [wealthy] Cindy. So he can boast that both his marriages were between one man (used twice) and one woman (two different ones, of course). Prince Charming and his two Cinderellas! Although the second one apparently has the means to purchase more castles than Mr. McCain can count."


A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


no, your point seems to be.

if the government isn't doing it, you hate veterans

now prove how the government can do a better job, then a veteran CHOOSING his or her own docter.

and as long as its paid for by uncle sam, whats the bloody difference

i thought liberals were about choice, i guess that only applies, if we do what you want and/or have the government ruin it i mean run it :coffee:

I'm always amazed at the republican tools, McCain could say he was planning on euthanizing vets over 60 and the wingnuts would be saying it was a good idea. Completely missing is the ability for partisan hacks to be honest and critical with a party that cares only for the wealthy.

08-28-2008, 11:00 PM
I'm always amazed at the republican tools, McCain could say he was planning on euthanizing vets over 60 and the wingnuts would be saying it was a good idea. Completely missing is the ability for partisan hacks to be honest and critical with a party that cares only for the wealthy.
Right. By allowing Veterans to receive care from other providers than VA hospitals he demonstrates that he cares nothing for them. :rolleyes:

The only tool here is somebody who cannot recognize that getting better service faster is an improvement to the crappy current waiting lists at a VA hospital.

08-29-2008, 07:57 AM
I'm on 100% disability with the VA. For simple checkups I can set up an appointment at the clinic. About a half hour away. Anything more serious and I have to go to the VA hospital in Cincinnati, that's over an hours drive, and I have to have an appointment. Not to mention making sure I have transportation available.

A voucher system where I can go to a local doctor would be much better for me. I hope McCain can push it through.

08-29-2008, 10:19 AM
I've had great experiences with the VA Health Care system - except for prompt appointments, due to their work load. While there I've been treated with respect and received quality health care.

But - Allowing me to visit my local Doctor would be FANTASTIC, as the nearest VA hospital is 100 miles or more from here. I'm due to have surgery through the VA; truth be told, has me a little scared. Having a civilian doctor, and hospital, though, would ease my fears quite a bit.

Good job, McCain! This is a GOOD NEWS story for Vets.

08-29-2008, 10:54 AM
TheStripey1 posts:

Yea, so, YOU have a point?

One minute Vet's aren't receiving equal care, the next, their receiving BETTER care than the citizens of the REST of the country.

Make your fucking mind up, just so I can follow along.........:poke:

You have a reading comprehension problem, don't you? From my TO...

A recent study by the RAND Corporation found that "VA patients were more likely to receive recommended care" and "received consistently better care across the board, including screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up" than that delivered by other U.S. health care providers.

How very typical of you to quote an article obviously written by a Dem partisan hack to secure vote from the more dense veterans around the country. I read the responses and there were quite a few veterans with enough intellectual prowess to see what a bunch of horse shit it is, you obviously aren't in that group and are proud to push bullshit on others.

Here is a response from a veteran telling the truth......... unlike you.

I got my article from that obvious liberal site...

where'd you get yours?

It is what you do and John McCain has proven several times his personal solution for poor veterans is find a wealthy wife. He's writing a book so other vets can find one too.

"Anyone interested in light-hearted, fanciful reading, need look no farther than the ‘John McCain for President’ website. There the reader will find a curious mix of fantasy, unintended humor and the fruits of a mind-boggling imagination. Let us take a look at a few of the gems offered by Mr. McCain.

Under the curious heading, ‘Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life,’ there are several sub-headings, too numerous to study here. But one of them is titled ‘Protecting Marriage.’ Mr. McCain, we are told “… believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.” And Mr. McCain’s beliefs, apparently, are too be forced down the throats of all and sundry. The senator is, of course, an expert on marriage between one man and one woman. A full month elapsed between the dissolution of his marriage to the injured and partially crippled Carol and his wedding to the beautiful, young [wealthy] Cindy. So he can boast that both his marriages were between one man (used twice) and one woman (two different ones, of course). Prince Charming and his two Cinderellas! Although the second one apparently has the means to purchase more castles than Mr. McCain can count."


A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


what's a nice liberal like you doing in a right wing cess pool like this?

how is letting veterans get free health care anywhere instead of only VA hospitals a reduction of care?

Why don't you ask the VFW... since they are against McLame's plan...

Virtually all veterans groups oppose McCain's plan. The Veterans of Foreign Wars' national legislative director has said the VA card would "undermine the entire system."

I guess they didn't count the thousands they have killed..including my Dad.

VA health care SUCKS (so will National Health Care)! Going private is fine with me, what's the f'ng problem with that? If I have a choice of veteran care I'll choose private any day, as long as it's not an HMO, that's as bad as VA care.

VA Health care may have sucked in the past, when you dad died... sorry about that, P....

but it doesn't now... have you tried it?

It's not like there will be vets who go without care. It's only that their health care will not be done at VA hospitals. Fine with me.

you a vet?

seems like an improvment......

what do you know about it? Are you a vet?

A MAJOR one at that!

not according to the VFW... see above quote...

and this has what to do with VA care being private? Geeez, you never stop yer hate do you?

Hate is a republican family value... it has to be because that is alllll they ever talk about...

Tell ya what.

Given the choice between VA hospitals and going to my own doctor I'm all for the McCain plan.

Disingenuously pretending it takes them out of care totally is sad hackery and just simply uneducated partisanship. Educate yourself and you won't look this bad in the future.

Fine... you can go to your private doctor... I don't care... but I want to go to the VA... who are you to deny my right to do so?

Did you serve in the military? Did you volunteer for the war of your youth?

Good lord, you act as if giving a vet the choice of getting care by the VA and a real health care plan is a bad thing. This vet will tell ya I'd take private health care over the VA in a heartbeat. The VA is a classic example of why government should not be in the business of health care.

Are you a vet, hawk? where are you getting your information? Cuz the vets I run into at my local clinic love the care they get there...

I smell bullshit. I work in the military and I know very few people that even like Obama.

Look in your pants...

I'm always amazed at the republican tools, McCain could say he was planning on euthanizing vets over 60 and the wingnuts would be saying it was a good idea. Completely missing is the ability for partisan hacks to be honest and critical with a party that cares only for the wealthy.

I know... it's like these country bumpkins think that just because they carry the water for their masters, they will be allowed to drink from the vessel...


08-29-2008, 10:58 AM
Wow STRIPEY!! THANK YOU For multi-quoting, and not replying 20 times! Very well done :)

08-29-2008, 11:23 AM
I can't complain about the care I get from the VA clinic or the hospital. The only problem I have is getting to them and having to wait for doctor visits. For those that don't have easy access to the VA hospital or clinic this is a good choice. I don't think its going to save money, it's just giving the vets another option.

08-29-2008, 05:07 PM
Why don't you ask the VFW... since they are against McLame's plan...

yet, obviously from the comments of some vets here, they would like to have options......if the majority of the VFW prefers the VA they can continue to use the VA.....if some want to go somewhere else, they can go somewhere else....

09-06-2008, 12:51 AM
I can't complain about the care I get from the VA clinic or the hospital. The only problem I have is getting to them and having to wait for doctor visits. For those that don't have easy access to the VA hospital or clinic this is a good choice. I don't think its going to save money, it's just giving the vets another option.

I guess each vet's experience is different... I haven't as yet had to wait an inordinate amount of time to see anyone... maybe it's because I'm a viet nam vet... maybe it's because I live down the street from the clinic... who knows...

All I am saying is McCain isn't what he seems... even though he's a vet, he doesn't vote FOR veterans' issues...

The government made us a promise that we, should we lay our lives on the line for them, to take care of our medical needs until we die...

who the fuck does John McCain think he is to go against that promise?

And to redstatesrule, the prime A asshole of chickehawks... you need to get your sorry ass down to the recruiter so you can learn how to be a man...

09-06-2008, 04:51 AM
All I am saying is McCain isn't what he seems... even though he's a vet, he doesn't vote FOR veterans' issues...

yet, as is clear, that is a really really stupid opinion....it goes against the very obvious facts.....

09-06-2008, 03:34 PM
I know there are vets here.

McShame sure claims to support troops and veterans but when the tire meets the road, he doesn't care at all.

Leave it to a liberal air head to believe that being given a choice is the same as being denied.

You guys just hate it when we have freedom dont you?

09-06-2008, 04:37 PM
I guess each vet's experience is different... I haven't as yet had to wait an inordinate amount of time to see anyone... maybe it's because I'm a viet nam vet... maybe it's because I live down the street from the clinic... who knows...

All I am saying is McCain isn't what he seems... even though he's a vet, he doesn't vote FOR veterans' issues...

The government made us a promise that we, should we lay our lives on the line for them, to take care of our medical needs until we die...

who the fuck does John McCain think he is to go against that promise?

And to redstatesrule, the prime A asshole of chickehawks... you need to get your sorry ass down to the recruiter so you can learn how to be a man...

ahhh, so anyone who isnt a vet is automatically a "chickenhawk"? or "a man"?

QUOTING YOUR POST:SAN FRANCISCO -- If John McCain is elected president, wounded veterans could be in for a world of hurt.

On the campaign trail, the Republican's presumptive nominee has talked of a new mission for the Department of Veterans Affairs, suggesting that veterans with noncombat medical problems be given vouchers to receive care at private, for-profit hospitals

so, referring to the highlighted parts, how does a "wounded veteran" become a "non combat medical problem'?

as for more money for obama, more money doesnt = more vets, just richer ones.

And that is assuming your claim is true. It all smells like bullshit to me. Provide sources for your claims. Current military supports McCain/Republicans by over 2-1.

09-06-2008, 08:32 PM
name calling, the first refuge of intellectual laziness