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View Full Version : Rolling Thunder to guard memorials

03-12-2007, 11:35 PM
:clap: :salute:

Monday, March 12, 2007

A local veterans organization will roll to Washington, D.C., this week to stand against anti-war protesters and protect national memorials.
Ken White, president of Rolling Thunder Chapter 5, said he and about 10 of his fellow members will leave Saturday by van, not motorcycle.

But that doesn't make Saturday's trek any less important. Rolling Thunder has sent a national call to members to stand guard against anti-war protesters led by Cindy Sheehan and Jane Fonda.

"I think they're getting responses across the country," White said. "We're going to be barriers and human shields."

The reason word went out to the 80 chapters across the country was after an anti-war demonstration in January when protesters sprayed red paint on the Capital steps and were not stopped by police.

"We won't tolerate any destruction," said retired Air Force Col. Harry Riley in a Rolling Thunder press release. "We believe they will try to damage the (Vietnam Veterans Memorial) because of their past history."

Rolling Thunder members won't attempt to prevent visitors from going to the wall, but will react to anyone carrying a can of spray paint or other item that could be used to deface a memorial.

"They (the anti-war protesters) have every right to protest," White said. "But the memorials are considered hallowed ground to us."

White said Rolling Thunder members, as well as members of other veterans organizations, will be in Washington, D.C., to be a presence. He doesn't know what to expect because this is the first time he'll participate in such an event.

"It's going to be sticky," said Art Foss, of Rolling Thunder. "We're not going there looking for trouble. We're going to protect the memorials, and the wall, from anybody trying to desecrate it. We will keep the honor intact for all those the memorials stand for."

While the Rolling Thunder members are not looking for trouble, trouble might find them if protesters follow past practices of goading and taunting veterans. Foss is cautioning members to leave knives, guns and other weapons at home, or they could end up a presence in a Washington, D.C., jail.

Many Rolling Thunder members are also members of the VFW, American Legion, Vietnam Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart and other veterans organizations.

Foss is asking for all interested veterans and concerned citizens to meet and organize at the Lincoln Memorial at 8 a.m. Saturday.

"We'll have wall-to-wall people in there," Foss said. "We need to let our troops know we're right here opposing these idiots opposing them."

Interested residents should meet at 4 a.m. Saturday at the Uniontown Wal-Mart for departure. Rolling Thunder is only taking two vans, so those interested in making the trip will have to drive themselves or car pool.

03-13-2007, 12:17 AM
Should be an interesting day. Could be the start of the liberal war. There will be some action cause the libs can't do anything peacefully.