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View Full Version : Little Known Sarah Palin Facts

08-29-2008, 05:36 PM

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin's hotness is the largest single contributor to melting polar ice caps.

Little Known Fact: during the beijing olympics, Sarah Palin wore a Michael Phelps bodysuit just to add more gold medals to her collection

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin let the dogs out.

Little known fact: When Sarah Palin yells "Who's my daddy?!" at the RNC next week, McCain will raise his hand.

Little known fact: When Sarah Palin yells "Who's my daddy?!" at the RNC next week, McCain will raise his hand.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin destroyed the periodic table of elements.; the only element she recognizes is the element of surprise.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin turned down the opportunity to be Mrs. McCain #4, veep nomination is the booby prize.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin is distantly related to Michael Palin.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin just pooped in my son's diaper.

Little Known Fact: during the beijing olympics, Sarah Palin wore a Michael Phelps bodysuit just to add more gold medals to her collection

Little known fact: Nobody makes Sarah Palin bleed her own blood.

Little Known Fact: Do not taunt Sarah Palin.

Little Known Fact: When Sarah Palin walks, she's like a samba...swings so cool & sways so gentle.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin cured Lance Armstrong's cancer.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin was born with a tail and a third nipple.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin wants more cowbell.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin started the fires at Woodstock '99

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin is reading every one of these LKF Tweets. And taking names. Don't make her mad.

Little known fact: Sarah Palin utterly pwned Obama's American Idol campaign.

Little known fact: noneck is a fabulous source of Palin trivia. Love this stuff.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin was Jane Fonda's stunt double in Barbarella.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin has thick muscular thighs.

Little known fact: Sarah Palin's Comcast connection is not capped

Little known fact: What's the frequency, Sarah Palin?

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin is also known as Miss Jackson, cause she's nasty.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin will be hosting the all night show on 95Crave this weekend, but wont plug the RNC cause we're commercial.

Little known fact: Sarah Palin is Chuck Norris' mother.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin prefers to just kill the hookers in GTA IV

Little known fact: Sarah Palin thinks wifi is a curse and wants to eradicate it

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin was asked to sing Kevin Richardson's part on the upcoming BSB tour, but took the VP nominee instead.

Little known fact: How much wood could a Sarah Palin chuck if a Sarah Palin could chuck wood? Answer: all of it.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin = Nilap Haras, which refers to the name of a Wiccan High Priestess from Hogwarts School

Little known fact: Sarah Palin appears in every single Monty Python episode as Michael's tiny midget sister (look by his ankle)

Little known fact: Sarah Palin was your dad's high school sweetheart.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin was so disappointed to miss Burning Man this year for that silly, silly announcement event.

Little Known Fact: John McCain is Sarah Palin's grampa.

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin is aware her online marketing director is not staying on top of the mentions of her on Twitter.

Little Known Sarah Palin Fact: She actually loves polar bears, esp. grilled over an open fire with a side of fava beans and a nice chianti

Little Known Fact: Sarah Palin was the inspiration for the Deadliest Catch.