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08-29-2008, 11:51 PM
Oh Boy! Sarah Palin! Now i am in a jam here! I've ran my mouth about how I cannot be swayed from my dedication to the Libertarian party and what does Mccain do but choose my absolute favorite conservative politician in the United States to be his running mate.

I thought about not even chiming in on this because of this very fact. Not that anyone is interested in hearing my opinion on this but as you all know I am willing to offer it anyway.

As I mentioned, Sarah Palin is and has been a favorite of mine for a while now. I LOOOOOVVVVE Sarah Palin. And not because she is hot! Which of course she is!

Sarah Palin represents to me everything I respect in a politician. She does not subscribe to the status quo first of all which her record clearly indicates. She is a conservative who stands up for her values and is not influenced by lobbyists, pocket money or creepy politics. She stands up for the 2nd Amendment, is against abortion and her stand on civil liberty meets my approval (which is not easy). Basically the lady just reeks of perfection!

Governor Palin is as everyone will soon see, as genuine as she has been described today since the announcement of her having been selected. Only in the days to come for those of you less associated with her attributes, will you begin to realize what a fabulous choice Senator McCain has made. I'll be damned. I'm blown over myself and have found myself in quite a situation.

It has been interesting to hear on the radio, where I get most of my news, since I watch very little TV, the remarks coming from the left. They know they are in BIG trouble as Palin provides just the catalyst THEY would have wished to be in possession of during this important leg of the election campagne.

Should McCain/Palin win, I think by the time that 2012 comes, the country will be so in love with woman that we will put a crown on her head and just declare her the queen. Single handedly she will convert the philisophical thinking of many younger girls and women who have now been taught dimented lefty ideas to strive for more, set their standards higher and set expectations more along the line of family values. I can't think of a time when one individual has had more opportunity to become a positive influence for change in my lifetime.

Little girls all over the world are going to look at this woman's accomplishments and realize that they don't have to "sacrifice" anything to have a family and a career. They will see that there is no shame in being a full time mom with children (and maybe stop aborting theirs). Maybe they will even start getting married again instead of living in sin in the realization that they will not be held back from anything because of having done so.

Sarah Palin has rose to every occasion when required. She has fought wrong and conquered it. She has overcome all kinds of odds. She has paid more dues than Barack Obama could understand. All the while she has done it with a pleasant smile on her face and a champion's spirit.

Anyone who would be concerned that she is not as capable as anyone else in stepping to learn what she doesn't know about foreign policy is a fool. Anybody who would think that she would not be honest and root out excessive government waste is a fool. Frankly, she would be a better president than any of the people on any ticket, either President or VP, ANY PARTY! That's right, I said it. ANY PARTY!!!!!

Lastly, concerning the foriegn policy thing or any concern that she couldn't negotiate on a world stage with thugs and terrorists..............I'm laughing! It would probably be all the SS could do keep her from going and finding Osama herself and blowing his head off.

Johnny Mac may have today, made the most important historical decision in our lifetime. If nothing else, he has elevated Sarah Palin to the National level, now watch over the next 16 years what she does with that and remember that some idiot on this board told you so.

Have at it lefties but I guarentee you......the last laugh on this one.....will be mine!

08-30-2008, 12:00 AM
Nice post, Emmett.

She truly is a class act, what you saw on stage is the real deal. She is an awesome person all the way around - she walks the walk and talks the talk with zero BS.

08-30-2008, 12:28 AM
Nice post, Emmett.

She truly is a class act, what you saw on stage is the real deal. She is an awesome person all the way around - she walks the walk and talks the talk with zero BS.

Like I said NT, I'm not unfamiliar with Governor Palin. I have been associated with her actually since before she won the Governor's race. I read a couple of articles about her a while back (2005 or so) after she announced her candidacy for the office. I knew her whole story then. I must admit, I was facinated with her. I must admit, some of it was probably go goo gah gah but in all actuality I liked her from the start.

I am an avid Libertarian and since she is pretty much one herself on liberty issues it was easy. I have always struggled with Libertarians views on abortion but nothing is perfect. Sarah Palin, nor anyone else will ever stop it. If it is illegal, it will be conducted in back rooms and underground. It's a moot issue to me. I believe it to be wrong but it is like drugs. You won't stop it. Making it illegal just makes it worse. It comes deguised as freedom of choice but is isn't about that at all. The choice, or the bad choice rather, has already been made when a woman who desires not to have a child gets pregnat.

Sarah Palin's choice to have a child with "Down Syndrone" proves she possesses character far beyond that of normal. She has put her money where her mouth is and that speaks volumes about what you can believe when you back it up with the rest of the principle.

I think America has just met it's new mom. I really do. She would probably never have ran for president in a normal world and to imagine how her life has just become so complicated. She has been asked to serve, and she has accepted. That is a little different from aspiring to be president.

I'm anxious to see how the next few weeks unfold in regards to this dynamic individual. The opportunity we have to egt from her what we can will only be here for a short time if MCain does not win but I think now that she has been introduced and will undoubtedly be followed and scrutinized over the weeks to come will place Sarah Palin on a permanent national stage. 2012 could now hold some suprises in store for the United States of America.

By the time she is done with us I think we'll be ready to decalre her the queen myself.

08-30-2008, 12:58 AM
Honestly, the more I read about her the more I think she should be the one at the top of the ticket. We'd still have the experience issue over Obama.

I have my difference with McCain and I was alittle wary about supporting him. But I think I am 100% behind McCain now.