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View Full Version : Another U.S. star flips off America

03-13-2007, 03:40 AM
You've seen him in some endearing roles – such as the paternal figure to the shepherding pig "Babe."

You've seen him in the role of the "heavy," like playing the criminal father of "24" hero Jack Bauer.

But you may not know the real James Cromwell – the 6-foot-7-inch, 67-year-old Oscar-nominated American actor who is also featured in the upcoming "Spider-Man 3."

Here he is speaking to the London Telegraph: "I can't handle living in the United States of America when I know the last two elections were rigged, and that we were denied our right to vote, where we live in a country where 32 percent of the people vote and even those people's votes don't count, and the people who should really have a stake, kids, don't have any say at all – people of color, very little to say, unions, practically nothing any more … we're losing our jobs. …"

No, that's no Alec Baldwin. It's James Cromwell, another U.S. star who chooses to flip off America on foreign soil.


"His diatribe is liberal boilerplate, but it's mesmerizing nonetheless, thanks to years of formal actor-training, his charisma and sincerity," explains reporter Susan Dominus.

So why would a man who views the world – and his country – this way agree to play in the hit series "24," which is the focus of much criticism from others who see evil when they look at America?

"I am on the horns of a dilemma – I can walk away if I think it's really bad," Cromwell explains. "It's hard to explain. It's a job."


03-13-2007, 04:03 AM
No one can accuse all actors of being stupid...

But I think we can accuse a lot of them of being greedy snots... And quite a few of them.....are idiots..

:slap: :lame2:

03-13-2007, 06:19 AM
Once again,James...if you don't like it here...then leave


He must need money. He is taking a spot on a show he doesn't know if he likes,and blasting the U.S. on foreign soil. The celebs love to use Bush to make money when their down.:coffee:

03-13-2007, 06:30 AM
Hmmm...I wonder if he petitioned for a change of citizenship while over there...bet it never crossed his mind.

03-13-2007, 06:53 AM
And people ask me why I don't watch movies, hmmmm.

03-13-2007, 08:15 AM
If he doesn't like this country.....MOVE!

Don't like the system.....MOVE!

He's just showing his greed and ignorance.