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08-31-2008, 01:58 AM

Exactly, who has more experience here?

08-31-2008, 10:53 AM
That partisan hack Sen Chris Dodd was on CNN a few minutes ago. He was asked to respond to Fred Thompson's comments on the fact that Palin has more executive experience than Obama. Dodds answer? He said there was many more Republican women with more experience than Palin, he said nothing about Obama's experience(or lack thereof). I guess his point was there are alot of Republican women with alot more experience than Obama. :laugh2:

08-31-2008, 12:21 PM
That partisan hack Sen Chris Dodd was on CNN a few minutes ago. He was asked to respond to Fred Thompson's comments on the fact that Palin has more executive experience than Obama. Dodds answer? He said there was many more Republican women with more experience than Palin, he said nothing about Obama's experience(or lack thereof). I guess his point was there are alot of Republican women with alot more experience than Obama. :laugh2:

there are boxer shorts with more experience than Obama.....

08-31-2008, 12:23 PM
awesome avi, that changed my pov on her, she is a great pick

08-31-2008, 12:26 PM
how about this simple litmus test......

if you were looking for a job and you were interviewed by obama or palin.....

which one of those two companies would you want to work for......

08-31-2008, 06:18 PM
its funny how the libs avoid this thread like the plague...

they bitch about palin yet can't explain how obama has any more experience than her :laugh2:

09-01-2008, 03:45 AM
I wonder why there has not been more static given Obamadude about his wife's company getting earmarks? That one I did not know. I'm actually pissed off about that. That one somehow got by me.

09-01-2008, 04:48 PM
what are you scared of libs, you rant on and on and insult on and on about palin but cannot answer a simple question :laugh2:

09-01-2008, 06:19 PM

09-01-2008, 06:50 PM

09-01-2008, 07:00 PM
by Katha Pollitt

"...seriously. Vice President? After a stint as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of less than 8000, and barely two years as governor of a state with more grizzly bears than people? She makes Obama's resume look as thick as Winston Churchill's.

Here's the reality: Palin is a rightwing-Christian anti-choice extremist who opposes abortion for any reason whasoever, except to save the life of the girl or woman. No exception even for rape, incest, or the health of the woman. No exception for a ten-year-old, a woman carrying a fetus with no chance of life, a woman on the edge of suicide-- let alone the woman who is not ready to be a parent, who is escaping domestic violence, who is already stretched to the limit as a single mother. She wants to force over one million women and girls a year to give birth against their will and judgment. She wants to use the magnificent freedom the women's movement has won for her at tremendous cost and struggle--the movement that won her the right to run those marathons and run Alaska -- to take away the freedom of every other woman in the country.

Her selection does not tell us McCain is a "maverick" who is just stringing the Christian right along, wink-wink. It tells us that he has thrown in his lot with James Dobson, the Family Research Council, the Catholic hierarchy and others for whom criminalizing abortion is the number-one issue. His record of votes against abortion and birth control--125 votes out of 130 in his congresssional and Senate career-- apparently wasn't quite enough for them. By choosing Palin, he wins their enthusiastic support."


09-01-2008, 07:05 PM
typical, no direct answer from the libs, more smoke and mirrors....:laugh2:

midcan, you crack me up

explain how obama has more experience than her...

real simple smart guy

09-01-2008, 09:20 PM
Really now, all this phony outrage over Palin from the left is so over the top. Where was all the concern about foreign policy experience when John Edwards was nominated as VP? Where was it when Hillary ran for President? Where was it when Barack started his run for the Presidency? Where was it when Pelosi was appointed to the seat that is 3rd from the President?

I think what is really eating up the liberals is the idea this woman could become the first female President someday, instead of it being Hillary. They've brainwashed themselves into believing Hillary is the only women who can represent women. They can't stand the idea that a Republican woman truely represents women working their way up to such an office on her own merits. Whereas we wouldn't had ever had been talking about Hillary as President if her last name wasn't Clinton. Palin made a name for herself, Hillary rode on the coatails of B.J.

09-01-2008, 10:06 PM
Really now, all this phony outrage over Palin from the left is so over the top. Where was all the concern about foreign policy experience when John Edwards was nominated as VP? Where was it when Hillary ran for President? Where was it when Barack started his run for the Presidency? Where was it when Pelosi was appointed to the seat that is 3rd from the President?

I think what is really eating up the liberals is the idea this woman could become the first female President someday, instead of it being Hillary. They've brainwashed themselves into believing Hillary is the only women who can represent women. They can't stand the idea that a Republican woman truely represents women working their way up to such an office on her own merits. Whereas we wouldn't had ever had been talking about Hillary as President if her last name wasn't Clinton. Palin made a name for herself, Hillary rode on the coatails of B.J.


still no loobs with the bravado to defend obama's "experience"

09-02-2008, 05:49 PM

09-03-2008, 12:30 PM

09-03-2008, 12:59 PM
I think what is really eating up the liberals is the idea this woman could become the first female President someday, instead of it being Hillary. They've brainwashed themselves into believing Hillary is the only women who can represent women.

Naaaaaaaaah, it's because Palin is a brainless nincompoop.

Can we survive that in a nuclear age? I am pretty scared about the idea that someone as dense and inexperienced as Palin is likely to be hoorahing around threatening people with war till they bomb us.

09-03-2008, 01:04 PM
Naaaaaaaaah, it's because Palin is a brainless nincompoop.

Can we survive that in a nuclear age? I am pretty scared about the idea that someone as dense and inexperienced as Palin is likely to be hoorahing around threatening people with war till they bomb us.

is obama more experienced?

09-03-2008, 01:08 PM
is obama more experienced?

Not to speak of.

At least Obama had a decent education, somewhere OTHER than West Dogsled, Alaska.

What burns me up is that McCain has chosen someone WORSE than Obama!! How could he do that? It must have been hard even finding someone worse!

09-03-2008, 02:34 PM
Not to speak of.

At least Obama had a decent education, somewhere OTHER than West Dogsled, Alaska.

What burns me up is that McCain has chosen someone WORSE than Obama!! How could he do that? It must have been hard even finding someone worse!

Are you kidding?---no one can live up to the image that's been created for him.

09-03-2008, 02:40 PM
no one can live up to the image that's been created for him.

You don't believe it and I don't either. So much for "image."

09-03-2008, 03:08 PM
Not to speak of.

At least Obama had a decent education, somewhere OTHER than West Dogsled, Alaska.

What burns me up is that McCain has chosen someone WORSE than Obama!! How could he do that? It must have been hard even finding someone worse!

so i guess his ivory tower education makes him more qualified to be president? unbelievable. at least you are honest that obama is not more experienced than palin...too bad the libs on this board will not be honest and admit this fact.

09-03-2008, 03:10 PM
so i guess his ivory tower education makes him more qualified to be president?

You better hope so, because it looks like Obama is it.

09-03-2008, 03:15 PM
You better hope so, because it looks like Obama is it.

no, i don't hope so, nor do i think so. i asked if you thought so. having an education doesn't always make someone more qualified. real world expereince and common sense are necessary to make that education a reality. as just one example, an individual graduated top of the class at my lawschool, numero uno, but had no common sense and believed book smarts meant everything. she never got work and left law.

palin is as qualified if not more than obama in terms of experience and ability. obama's lame response that running for president gives him experience shows what an utter moron he is and how is relies far to heavily on his ivory tower 'education' for knowledge.

09-03-2008, 03:30 PM
palin is as qualified if not more than obama in terms of experience and ability.

Nope. And why? Because HER personal and professional life is a complete hash of her own making.

Obama at least has an orderly personal life. Except for the Wright scandal, he did not explode on the scene like a three-ring circus of catastrophe like this woman Palin.

The whole nation is talking of NOTHING else, waiting to see what other awfuls will turn up about Palin.

Can't McCain just RECALL her??? Darn, get rid of her, get someone normal.

09-03-2008, 03:36 PM
Nope. And why? Because HER personal and professional life is a complete hash of her own making.

Obama at least has an orderly personal life. Except for the Wright scandal, he did not explode on the scene like a three-ring circus of catastrophe like this woman Palin.

The whole nation is talking of NOTHING else, waiting to see what other awfuls will turn up about Palin.

Can't McCain just RECALL her??? Darn, get rid of her, get someone normal.

you can't be serious...

so because the media is all over palin and there has been so many effing lies about her, that makes her less qualified? so because the media hardly touched on any REAL obama issues (barely his racist church of 20 years) and nothing about rezco and ayers, that makes him more qualified?

good lord mundame

09-03-2008, 03:56 PM
Nope. And why? Because HER personal and professional life is a complete hash of her own making.

Obama at least has an orderly personal life. Except for the Wright scandal, he did not explode on the scene like a three-ring circus of catastrophe like this woman Palin.

The whole nation is talking of NOTHING else, waiting to see what other awfuls will turn up about Palin.

Can't McCain just RECALL her??? Darn, get rid of her, get someone normal.

hey, if your worried, just get rid of Obama and run Hillary......I'll take Palin with 'trooper-gate' and a pregnant daughter before I take Obama with Ayer's-gate and killing babies on demand any day.....besides, I haven't seen anything really 'awful' about Palin yet....just a bunch of liberal hullabaloo....

09-04-2008, 07:52 PM
bump :finger3:

09-05-2008, 02:55 PM
ah, come on libs, you are so strong in disparaging palin and brag how much more experience obama has, well prove it

here is your chance....again

09-07-2008, 01:38 PM

09-12-2008, 03:35 PM
LOOOL, whats the matter, you dems have been running around, matt damon included, saying palin has no experience, come on, show us how obama has any more experience...


09-15-2008, 04:10 PM