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Joe Steel
08-31-2008, 06:18 AM
John McCain (who was a POW) and his handlers must know his chances of being president were slim and fading.

The Senator was widely thought to be on the fifty-yard line, nose to nose with Barack Obama. But this selection reveals the Republican campaign strategists knew better. Picking the obscure and under-experienced governor from Alaska for veep means McCain and his people recognize they are in a very weak position for the fall campaign. So weak they decided to throw a forty-year Hail Mary pass and hope audaciously for a lucky catch.

It won't succeed. In fact, I expect this gambit is going to drive far more voters to Obama's column than it does for McCain.

Choosing Palin kills the "experience" argument. Republicans must have recognized from their own market research that it wasn't working for them. For two months or more, McCain and his handlers have smeared and slandered Obama, mocked his star quality talents, belittled his lack of tenure in Washington back rooms and accused him of unpatriotic egotism. Clearly, their internal polling told them this line of character attack wasn't grabbing the public. Playing the wise old man was not going to be enough to overcome McCain's other significant handicaps, his somewhat doddering style and memory lapses, his deadly embrace of right-wing cant and G.W. Bush.

McCain's Hail Mary Pass (http://www.commondreams.org/view/2008/08/30-0)

Just about everything McCain does highlights his lack of judgment. Throw desperation into the mix and you get monumental mistakes.

08-31-2008, 08:51 AM
Democrats keep saying it kills the experience argument. I don't see how it does. Both Republicans on the ticket are more experienced than Obama. Seems to me it makes Obama look worse.

08-31-2008, 08:55 AM
The desperation in the Democrats after McCain picked Sarah Palin has been great fun to watch..

Kudos to McCain for making my day..:dance:

Joe Steel
08-31-2008, 09:33 AM
Democrats keep saying it kills the experience argument. I don't see how it does. Both Republicans on the ticket are more experienced than Obama. Seems to me it makes Obama look worse.

Palin hasn't dealt with national issues. Her "experience" is mostly dealing with potholes, marauding bears and oil royalties.

08-31-2008, 09:43 AM
Palin hasn't dealt with national issues. Her "experience" is mostly dealing with potholes, marauding bears and oil royalties.

and the Obambams national issues experience has been, preaching to us big bad Americans that we are all bullies, and only HE can save us from ourselves....

face it..Palin has way more experience than your boy wonder and you all can see the writing on the wall..:coffee:

08-31-2008, 12:30 PM
Palin hasn't dealt with national issues. Her "experience" is mostly dealing with potholes, marauding bears and oil royalties.

so getting a domestic pipeline approved that had been tabled for 30 years and negotiating with the russians and the candians and the us govt to do it ......


give me obama's equivilent......

hell give me biden's ..... mccain's .....

she may be the most qualified .....

she has done more domestically .... internationally and economically in a shorter amount of time .....

09-01-2008, 12:04 PM
Palin hasn't dealt with national issues. Her "experience" is mostly dealing with potholes, marauding bears and oil royalties.

Two challenges all ready, come on Joe, inform us of all of Obamas experience with national issues.

What's that? He has none? Ya, we already knew that.

09-01-2008, 12:10 PM
John McCain (who was a POW) and his handlers must know his chances of being president were slim and fading.

Just about everything McCain does highlights his lack of judgment. Throw desperation into the mix and you get monumental mistakes.

Gee whiz Joe..............now that I know this I'm gonna vote for Barack Obama!

09-02-2008, 02:27 AM
Palin hasn't dealt with national issues. Her "experience" is mostly dealing with potholes, marauding bears and oil royalties.
Don't forget pipelines to Canada and taking on the Alaskan GOP Old Boys Network. You know........ the crooks.