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View Full Version : Colbert King Implies PUMAs Are Racist

red states rule
08-31-2008, 06:21 AM
This is how screwed up the Obamabots in the liberal media are. Now the Hillary supporters who will not back Obama are racists; and Hillary shows her compassion for children by her sup[port for Roe V Wade

Once again, if you do not back the messiah klnown as Obama - you are a racist

You show how much you are about children by murdering them before they are born

Liberal logic and reason is a sight to behold folks

A Suicidal Choice for Clinton Supporters

By Colbert I. King

I get the part about feeling disappointed and bitter. I can even understand their impulse to sit this one out. After all, this was supposed to be Hillary Clinton's time.

What stumps me, however, is the possibility that some of her most ardent Democratic supporters, angered by her defeat, might vote for Republican Sen. John McCain.

That makes about as much sense as swallowing hemlock.

How can Democrats, drawn to Hillary Clinton by her powerful advocacy for children, inspired by her support for the rights guaranteed in Roe v. Wade, emboldened by her work as a champion for middle- and working-class men and women and her courage in the face of relentless right-wing attacks, even think of putting a John McBush in the White House?

But that is afoot, I hear, even after both former president Bill Clinton and the New York senator gave Barack Obama ringing endorsements at the Democratic National Convention.

I can appreciate the hurt many Clinton supporters felt. This was the year America would have elected its first female president. That Clinton came so close to winning the nomination makes her defeat all the more painful and difficult to accept.

Her reversal in fortunes was stunning.
