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View Full Version : I am voting for Obama

09-01-2008, 05:41 PM
because he has more experience than mccain's veep pick....and

I will not vote for a white person as that makes me racist

I will not, not vote for a half black guy as that makes me racist

I will not, not vote for a half white guy as that makes me racist

obama has less experience than mccain's veep...why should i vote for him?

can any lib actually answer this? why, if palin is so bad, should i vote for obama? mccain has gone up a notch in my book for choosing her, he read the masses right.

09-01-2008, 09:54 PM
I'm voting for Obammy too! I'm insulted by the Palin VP pick. How dare McCain show America a woman who got to where she is because of her own merits, instead of one that got famous because of her husband. How dare McCain bring someone in from outside Washington, in fact from just about the furthest away from Washington as you can get. We're supposed to be changing the culture of Washington, and to do that we need a Washington insider who has been there for over 25 years.

09-02-2008, 02:37 AM
I think a great reason for not voting for Obama can be found by looking up the name Todd Stroger. Todd is the truly amazing President of the Cook County Board, endorsed by Obama!