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View Full Version : Women hating on their own

Abbey Marie
09-03-2008, 03:34 PM
Gov. Sarah Palin has evoked a firestorm of negative posts here from a few women. We even have a formerly occasional poster (female), who has the most posts for today, all of them extremely negative about Governor Palin. Dozens and dozens of them in fact. Some anti-Palin posts rise to the tin foil variety (i.e., the infant is not hers). Some even try to justify releasing most of her SSN.

Do you wonder why this is? I do. It must be something beyond the obvious "she's not a Dem" reasons, since our most prolific anti-Palin poster claims to not be a Dem.

I have three possible explanations:

1. The idea of a pro-life woman (who even has the nerve to walk the walk) in a position of such power is enraging to them. Result: Illogical hatred.

2. The idea that the Republicans scooped the "feminists" in nominating a woman enrages them. Result: Illogical hatred.

3. Christianphobia becase she is a apparently strong Christian. Result: Illogical hatred.

And please don't even try to say it is because of Gov. Palin's so-called scandals. The attacks against her and her family on this board, began prior to any of these scurrilous attacks in the media.

09-03-2008, 03:46 PM
We even have a formerly occasional poster (female), who has the most posts for today, all of them extremely negative about Governor Palin.

Me! Me!! Me!!!

Wait..................I'm "former"? And occasional? Darn, I've got a lot of posts here, 1515. What do you have to do to be a real poster here?

since our most prolific anti-Palin poster claims to not be a Dem.

Oh, come on, Abbey, call me Mundame. You know? And no, I'm not a Dem. I'm an angry ex-Republican, furious that they stole my party.

I have three possible explanations:

None of the above.

My personal anger is that she's a dodo bird, chosen simply because she's a pretty young thing, chosen as a cave-in to the far right evangelical Forbidders and Interferers. Chosen with NO sort of care for whether she would work, and she has destroyed McCain's chances.

I think it's an insult to women and to the office of vice-president to choose someone so wildly unqualified.

I guess I'm so angry because I wanted to find a reason to vote for McCain, but now I think he's just an idiot.

However, I take your point ------- you think I'm taking up too much air time, and I am, and I should leave you to celebrate Palin and her speech tonight in peace. Okay, and thanks for listening, and there were a lot of good posts here and I enjoyed it.

Thanks, all.

09-03-2008, 04:42 PM
How about D. All of the above. Not to mention she is pleasant to look at with brains and common sense.

For the first time since he began running McCain has given me a reason to vote for him.

I think mundane is jealous. He didn't chose an elitist snob.

09-03-2008, 04:50 PM
How about D. All of the above. Not to mention she is pleasant to look at with brains and common sense.

For the first time since he began running McCain has given me a reason to vote for him.

I think mundane is jealous. He didn't chose an elitist snob.

It's worse than that---a MAN chose her. That women didn't do the work to earn the position. She may as well have slept to the top and we know how women feel about THOSE kind. :laugh2:

09-03-2008, 04:54 PM
Me! Me!! Me!!!

Wait..................I'm "former"? And occasional? Darn, I've got a lot of posts here, 1515. What do you have to do to be a real poster here?

Oh, come on, Abbey, call me Mundame. You know? And no, I'm not a Dem. I'm an angry ex-Republican, furious that they stole my party.

None of the above.

My personal anger is that she's a dodo bird, chosen simply because she's a pretty young thing, chosen as a cave-in to the far right evangelical Forbidders and Interferers. Chosen with NO sort of care for whether she would work, and she has destroyed McCain's chances.

I think it's an insult to women and to the office of vice-president to choose someone so wildly unqualified.

I guess I'm so angry because I wanted to find a reason to vote for McCain, but now I think he's just an idiot.

However, I take your point ------- you think I'm taking up too much air time, and I am, and I should leave you to celebrate Palin and her speech tonight in peace. Okay, and thanks for listening, and there were a lot of good posts here and I enjoyed it.

Thanks, all.

Have you ever listened to her speak?

All of this overraction is so rediculous. At the end of the day she is going to have the most useless job in US government.....Vice President...

09-03-2008, 04:57 PM

it would seem that at least ONE fairly prestigious republican woman intellectual is not tickled pink by the Palin pick! :lol:

09-03-2008, 06:27 PM
Me! Me!! Me!!!

Wait..................I'm "former"? And occasional? Darn, I've got a lot of posts here, 1515. What do you have to do to be a real poster here?

Oh, come on, Abbey, call me Mundame. You know? And no, I'm not a Dem. I'm an angry ex-Republican, furious that they stole my party.

None of the above.

My personal anger is that she's a dodo bird, chosen simply because she's a pretty young thing, chosen as a cave-in to the far right evangelical Forbidders and Interferers. Chosen with NO sort of care for whether she would work, and she has destroyed McCain's chances.

I think it's an insult to women and to the office of vice-president to choose someone so wildly unqualified.

I guess I'm so angry because I wanted to find a reason to vote for McCain, but now I think he's just an idiot.

However, I take your point ------- you think I'm taking up too much air time, and I am, and I should leave you to celebrate Palin and her speech tonight in peace. Okay, and thanks for listening, and there were a lot of good posts here and I enjoyed it.

Thanks, all.

A dodo???? On what possible basis have you reached this assinine conclusion?

09-03-2008, 07:55 PM
Oh, come on, Abbey, call me Mundame. You know? And no, I'm not a Dem. I'm an angry ex-Republican, furious that they stole my party.

Now wait just a cotton-picking moment here. When was the Republican Party pro-abortion as you? Certainly not in your lifetime.

How do you figure the Republican Party was your party? I'm an ex-Democrat... turned Republican... turned ex-Republican who now can't stand either political party. Can I claim both parties to be "My party"?


09-03-2008, 08:35 PM
My personal anger is that she's a dodo bird,

holy crap, mundame....you've read some of the bullshit that's been posted and printed about her......certainly she looks like Einstein compared to liberals........