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View Full Version : Biden: Obama may seek prosecution of Bush

09-04-2008, 12:46 AM

Apparently if Obama wins they might try to prosecute President Bush. Someone needs to let them know crimes have to be committed and no, opposing their radical agenda isnt a crime no matter how badly they want it to be.

09-04-2008, 05:49 AM
hey face it.....Biden has to promise the base something if they intend to get support.....and that's all the base is after, payback for Clinton......I prefer to vote for a party that looks forward instead of backward......

09-04-2008, 06:32 AM

Apparently if Obama wins they might try to prosecute President Bush. Someone needs to let them know crimes have to be committed and no, opposing their radical agenda isnt a crime no matter how badly they want it to be.

of course we would not prosecute Bush if no crime has been committed.... but I see nothing wrong with examining whether or not an indictment is appropriate.

09-04-2008, 07:17 AM
I'd imagine there have been crimes committed.

Look long and hard enough, I'm sure that in any administration someone can find something illegal done.

However, after hearing the left say that everything they are doing to Sarah Palin is just payback for what has been done to Barack Obama, I'd have to wonder if this is an intelligent move the Democrats are making.

You know the old saying? "What comes around goes around".

But truthfully, once Bush is out of office, he'll be old and forgotten news. No one will give a rat's ass about him.


09-04-2008, 07:18 AM
I heard Biden this morning on Fox and Friends. He said he's NOT going after bush. He said (and I agree) ANY congress needs to ensure laws are followed. If somebody broke laws within the administration, of course they'd seek justice - but nobody is mentioning The President.

09-04-2008, 07:51 AM
I'd imagine there have been crimes committed.

Look long and hard enough, I'm sure that in any administration someone can find something illegal done.

However, after hearing the left say that everything they are doing to Sarah Palin is just payback for what has been done to Barack Obama, I'd have to wonder if this is an intelligent move the Democrats are making.

You know the old saying? "What comes around goes around".

But truthfully, once Bush is out of office, he'll be old and forgotten news. No one will give a rat's ass about him.


Ummm...Yeah, like lying the nation into a war of aggression against a country which posed no immediate or credible threat to America.

09-04-2008, 07:57 AM
Ummm...Yeah, like lying the nation into a war of aggression against a country which posed no immediate or credible threat to America.

Was he under oath?

If not, then I don't think lying is a crime. It is definitely unethical, but a crime?

Also, did he believe there was a threat? That you and I cannot answer. When you get into the Senate and have access to classified documents then maybe, just maybe, I will agree with you on this. As a note here... your blogs are not in my opinion credible documents.

I'll admit. I supported the taking out of Saddam Hussein. From the date of his capture, I have said we should get out.


09-04-2008, 08:14 AM
Ummm...Yeah, like lying the nation into a war of aggression against a country which posed no immediate or credible threat to America.

Well if Bush "lied", then so did Biden and every other Dem that saw the same evidence and voted for the war.


09-04-2008, 08:43 AM
Ummm...Yeah, like lying the nation into a war of aggression against a country which posed no immediate or credible threat to America.

blah blah blah - Bush Lied..blah blah - Dude. Are you the last remaining person on the internet who still clammors about Bush "lying"? Seriously? How many times do you need to be lead to the water of truth before you drink?

It's simply dishonest to say no 'credible' threat. ALL the intelligence from the best of the world had credible evidence of a threat.

Bush specifically argued that Iraq was an enemy for which the concept of "imminent threat" was insufficient.
To take just a few examples, when signing the Congressional resolution empowering him to order an invasion of Iraq last October, Bush stated, "The Iraqi regime is a serious and growing threat to peace." In his address to the United Nations in September of last year, Bush said, "Our greatest fear is that terrorists will find a shortcut to their mad ambitions when an outlaw regime supplies them with the technologies to kill on a massive scale." And when summarizing his case against Iraq shortly before the war began in March, Bush stated, "The dictator of Iraq and his weapons of mass destruction are a threat to the security of free nations. He is a danger to his neighbors. He's a sponsor of terrorism. He's an obstacle to progress in the Middle East. For decades he has been the cruel, cruel oppressor of the Iraq people."

:D (http://www.spinsanity.org/columns/20031103.html)