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View Full Version : Sarah Palin's Speech to Nowhere

Joe Steel
09-04-2008, 07:03 AM
The crowd loved it but...

It was a Speech to Nowhere when Palin said that "I told the Congress 'Thanks but no thanks' on that Bridge to Nowhere, because that was a lie, and the worst kind of lie in American politics, a blatant falsehood that showed utter contempt for the American people that Palin pledged to serve, assuming we are too stupid to look up or know that truth, that she pushed for those funds in Congress and while she got great political mileage out of announcing that she was killing the project, she still has not returned the funds to American people.

It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin also boasted seconds before her lie of fighting against wasteful earmarks in Congress, even though she pushed for and accepted $27 million of such grants when she was mayor of Wasilla.

It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin said that "we've got lots" of oil and gas this country, and while one supposes that all depends upon what you definition of the words "lots" is, the production of oil in the United States has been irrevocably on the decline since 1970, and with her words she showed this nation that she and John McCain will perpetrate the dangerous myths that began with Ronald Reagan at his acceptance speech in 1980, that sunny optimism is the solution to all our energy woes, and not a posture that put energy research on a war footing, or requires moral leadership on conservation, mass transit, or any other common sense answers whatsoever.

It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin boasted that "I stood up to the special interests, and the lobbyists, and the Big Oil companies," and the audience cheered -- after eight brutal years of the same crowd's cheering two oilmen in the White House who fiddled while $4-a-gallon gas burned and while American men and women died in a needless war fought on top of an oilfield, and while lobbyist friends like Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed got rich at the same time.

It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin had the nerve to talk at length about John McCain's "torturous interrogations" in the very same speech when she all but condoned the continuation of similar, abhorrent practices that have been directed for eight years by our own U.S. leaders, when she stated that Democrats are "worried that someone won't read them [terrorism suspects] their rights."

It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin belittled "community organizers" -- thousands of Americans who work long hours for little pay in some of the toughest neighborhoods, trying to assist the American Dream that even the poorest among us can pull themselves out of the muck with a helping hand. Palin and other GOP speakers have turned a noble job into a dirty word tonight -- shame on you! Listen to what CNN's Roland Martin said after Palin's speech was over.

My two parents are sitting home in Houston, Texas and they are both community organizers and the GOP and Sarah Palin might have well have said "being community organizers doesn't matter" to my parents face. I'm disgusted. Community organizers keep people in their homes, keep their lights on, keep food in the fridge.

It was a Speech to Nowhere because it made no mention of the men that Sarah Palin and John McCain are running to replace -- their names are Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, in case you've forgotten this week -- and no acknowledgment that as many 80 percent of Americans believe this country is on the wrong track, or that you can't solve a nation's problems when you deny they exist.

Sarah Palin's Speech to Nowhere (http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytood/Sad.html)

09-04-2008, 07:06 AM
My two parents are sitting home in Houston, Texas and they are both community organizers and the GOP and Sarah Palin might have well have said "being community organizers doesn't matter" to my parents face. I'm disgusted. Community organizers keep people in their homes, keep their lights on, keep food in the fridge.

and that explains why he thinks Obama is qualified to be president....the guy should have titled the OP accurately The Speech to Nowhere I Want To Go....because that's all he's really said....beyond that, he couldn't be more wrong about her speech.....it was first rate....

09-04-2008, 07:17 AM
bush is not running this year, newsflash to idiot libs

09-04-2008, 07:30 AM
I have to give the republicans credit for the ability to always turn the wheel back on the foe. It is an amazing ability. They have for 20 years, more actually, had a great deal of power in Washington and now it is Washington that is at fault. WOW! Notice the only person last night who spoke of important issues was a Hispanic doctor whom no one in the crowd paid much attention to. It was like a black comedy. I am going to write her.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to destroy the beauty of Alaska and our coastlines.

09-04-2008, 07:44 AM
The more I'm exposed to them, the more I'm convinced Liberal hacks have serious mental disorders.

09-04-2008, 08:11 AM
Palin must of done something right, if the communists are attacking her.

She exposed Barack for exactly what he is, an inexperienced twit whose greatest accomplishment is being a "community organizer", and writing about himself.

You libs can scramble all you want in combing through her record, something you conveniently never did for Obama, and it will never change all the accomplishments she got done in Alaska. A new pipeline laid for natural gas, budget surpluss, overthrowing the entrenched corrupt Republicans, and returning tax dollars directly to the citizens.

red states rule
09-04-2008, 08:13 AM
Palin must of done something right, if the communists are attacking her.

She exposed Barack for exactly what he is, an inexperienced twit whose greatest accomplishment is being a "community organizer", and writing about himself.

You libs can scramble all you want in combing through her record, something you conveniently never did for Obama, and it will never change all the accomplishments she got done in Alaska. A new pipeline laid for natural gas, budget surpluss, overthrowing the entrenched corrupt Republicans, and returning tax dollars directly to the citizens.

This Obama/ Biden ticket can't run on issues. If they do, they will lose.

The more the voters get to see and hear Gov Palin, the more they will like her

So far the liberal media is still takling about her family, and Brian williams even played the race card when talking about her speech last night

The left is in panic mode

Joe Steel
09-04-2008, 09:39 AM
Palin must of done something right, if the communists are attacking her.

She exposed Barack for exactly what he is, an inexperienced twit whose greatest accomplishment is being a "community organizer", and writing about himself.

I wonder how much of a bounce Obama will get from Palin's speech.

09-04-2008, 09:56 AM
my guess is a negative 4......

09-04-2008, 10:05 AM
I wonder how much of a bounce Obama will get from Palin's speech.

After all the proverbal faceplants Palin gave Obama, you think he is going to get a bounce? All of his followers are out in full attack mode, while at the same time completely ignoring every point she brought up about Obama's lack of experience.
His campaign is in a state of frenzy in a vain effort for damage control.

09-04-2008, 10:16 AM
they are scrambling around today like chickens with their heads cut off..

the media has once again slit the throats of the Democrat party by going after Sarah Palin like they did..and after last night, they know it..

who need enemies when you have friends like the lamestream media....:laugh2:

09-04-2008, 10:44 AM
my guess is a negative 4......

You're too kind.

Joe Steel
09-04-2008, 10:45 AM
After all the proverbal faceplants Palin gave Obama, you think he is going to get a bounce? All of his followers are out in full attack mode, while at the same time completely ignoring every point she brought up about Obama's lack of experience.
His campaign is in a state of frenzy in a vain effort for damage control.

She has no case. When her claims and implications are examined, she will be exposed as what she is, just another Conservacrit

09-04-2008, 10:48 AM
The more I'm exposed to them, the more I'm convinced Liberal hacks have serious mental disorders.

Not all of them have serious mental disorders. But only the ones that do, are able to write the increasingly bizarre "attacks" on Palin we're seeing today. The rest are lying low.

09-04-2008, 11:25 AM
This is from the Boston Herald, written by a woman without a clue......... it almost makes me feel sorry for them. She actually quotes fag hairdressers....... :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


Stylists to passe Sarah Palin: Let your hair down

All’s hair in love and politics

By Lauren Beckham Falcone
Thursday, September 4, 2008 - Updated 4h ago

Yes, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has a lot on her plate: a pregnant teen daughter, a son on his way to Iraq, an infant with Down syndrome and a looming national election.

But must her hair suffer? With her long, straight, often pinned-up locks, Palin looks one humid day away from fronting a Kiss cover band.

“It’s about 20 years out of date,” said Boston stylist Mario Russo of the Alaska governor’s ’do. “Which goes to show how off she might be on current events.”

For readers who are rolling their eyes about this nonissue - get real. People talk about hair - from Mitt Romney’s perfectly sprayed coif, John Edward’s Breck do, McCain’s unfortunate combover and Barak’s No. 3 buzz cut.

We know the former Miss Alaska runner-up’s stance on on stem cells and teaching creationism in schools, but what’s her position on scrunchies vs. banana clips?

Palin herself told Vogue magazine, “A reporter once asked me about it (her appearance) during the campaign, and I assured him I was trying to be as frumpy as I could by wearing my hair on top of my head and these schoolmarm glasses.”

“The color’s not bad,” Russo offered. “But I did see a picture of her showing up someplace with a fried-out perm. I was like, whoa.”

Whoa indeed. The 44-year-old Palin’s pulled-back, I’m-too-busy-for-blowouts-and-a-blunt-cut look says more than Joe Biden on the Senate floor.

“It gives me the impression that she just washed her hair, pays attention to the front and throws up the back in a bun,” said Belmont stylist Leon De Magistris.

09-04-2008, 11:42 AM

all you can do is shake your head, and than laugh your ass off..:dance:

09-04-2008, 11:46 AM
This bears repeating:

combing through her record, something you conveniently never did for Obama

Of course, you must excuse the liberals and the Democrats completely. When it came to the nuts and bolts of their primary elections, they had Obama and Hillary... in this case they had to choose the lesser of two evils. Besides if they didn't nominate Obama then everyone would see them as racists. By their own words, if you don't vote for Obama then you are a racist. They had no choice but to nominate Obama!


Abbey Marie
09-04-2008, 01:43 PM
I think Sarah looked lovely and elegant. My husband said he thinks women will be buying "Sarah glasses" soon, so we too can have that naughty librarian look. :D

But then again, I'm not a bitter lib trying to find any fault I can with a powerful conservative woman.

Btw, her suit was perfect, too.

09-04-2008, 01:53 PM
I think Sarah looked lovely and elegant. My husband said he thinks women will be buying "Sarah glasses" soon, so we too can have that naughty librarian look. :D

But then again, I'm not a bitter lib trying to find any fault I can with a powerful conservative woman.

Btw, her suit was perfect, too.

i have an overdue book...what, oh what shall my 'punishment' be :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
09-04-2008, 01:54 PM
i have an overdue book...what, oh what shall my 'punishment' be :laugh2:
