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View Full Version : Behind the scenes, the morning after Palin's speech

09-04-2008, 10:56 AM

Abbey Marie
09-04-2008, 11:34 AM
That sounds about right.

It's like a malevolent version of the Whisper Down the Lane game.

09-04-2008, 12:50 PM
you know what struck me most about Palin's speech......after two solid days of the left calling her everything except human, she walked out on that stage with a smile on her face, not a blink in her eye and spoke as if she were justing getting up from having coffee with the neighbors.....

and I want to say one other thing....how many of you know high school seniors who after getting a girl pregnant and having 275 million people find out about it would be willing to get on a plane from Alaska, sit next to their girlfriend in front of thirty or forty million people and hold her hand......my hat's off to Levi......

Abbey Marie
09-04-2008, 12:51 PM
you know what struck me most about Palin's speech......after two solid days of the left calling her everything except human, she walked out on that stage with a smile on her face, not a blink in her eye and spoke as if she were justing getting up from having coffee with the neighbors.....

The hallmarks of a person who knows who they are.

09-04-2008, 01:20 PM
you know what struck me most about Palin's speech......after two solid days of the left calling her everything except human, she walked out on that stage with a smile on her face, not a blink in her eye and spoke as if she were justing getting up from having coffee with the neighbors.....

It'll take a whole lot more to rattle her than that, she's solid. She's going to destroy Biden.

09-04-2008, 01:23 PM
you know what struck me most about Palin's speech......after two solid days of the left calling her everything except human, she walked out on that stage with a smile on her face, not a blink in her eye and spoke as if she were justing getting up from having coffee with the neighbors.....

and I want to say one other thing....how many of you know high school seniors who after getting a girl pregnant and having 275 million people find out about it would be willing to get on a plane from Alaska, sit next to their girlfriend in front of thirty or forty million people and hold her hand......my hat's off to Levi......

i am not sure little miss sarah gave him much of a choice......i bet thier chat peeled the paint of the walls.....

09-04-2008, 01:39 PM
i am not sure little miss sarah gave him much of a choice......i bet thier chat peeled the paint of the walls.....

Ringy ding ding...........Ringy ding.....



"Yes Ma'am"

"Are you ready to go?"


"Are you packed and ready to go?"


"The car will be there for you in fifteen minutes. You will be standing in the front yard ready"


When you reach the airport and meet up with everyone you will call me!"


All all of these instructions perfectly clear Levi?"

"Yes Ma'am"

09-04-2008, 05:07 PM
As a former 17 year old with a 16 year old girlfriend that was quite fond of premaritial sex that had a very uncomfortable conversation with a concerned mother over these topics, I can only cringe at Levi's pressure right now.

09-04-2008, 05:28 PM
i am not sure little miss sarah gave him much of a choice......i bet thier chat peeled the paint of the walls.....

I don't know.....she had the option of downplaying the whole thing even more....I would say Mom's position would have been the same with him there or without him....I think he was there for Bristol, not for Sarah.....