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View Full Version : Communist guru Saul Alinsky’s son: “Obama learned his lesson well”

09-04-2008, 10:59 AM
Well I think this pretty much shows us where Berry's affections lie. As if we didn't already know. This also answers the question as to what a community organizer is as well.

In Artful Dodger style, Barack Obama, plays down his mentorship with Communist author Saul Alinsky. But Alinsky’s son, L. David Alinsky, credits Obama for “learning his lesson well” from the Communist guru.

Indeed, Alinsky Jr. who credits his late father for the success of last week’s Democratic National Convention, may have done something that Obama’s detractors couldn’t: blown the cover on the presidential hopeful’s communist leanings.


Son sees father's handiwork in convention

August 31, 2008

ALL THE elements were present: the individual stories told by real people of their situations and hardships, the packed-to-the rafters crowd, the crowd's chanting of key phrases and names, the action on the spot of texting and phoning to show instant support and commitment to jump into the political battle, the rallying selections of music, the setting of the agenda by the power people. The Democratic National Convention had all the elements of the perfectly organized event, Saul Alinsky style.

Barack Obama's training in Chicago by the great community organizers is showing its effectiveness. It is an amazingly powerful format, and the method of my late father always works to get the message out and get the supporters on board. When executed meticulously and thoughtfully, it is a powerful strategy for initiating change and making it really happen. Obama learned his lesson well.

I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.



09-05-2008, 04:12 AM
Heck that looks familiar! :laugh2:

09-05-2008, 08:40 AM
Obama is a closet communist. He knows if he is exposed he'll lose miserably.

09-05-2008, 08:53 AM
He's probably not even a closet communist. I'd say he's probably a social democrat which means the real hard leftists think he's a wuss.

09-05-2008, 10:16 AM
Wrong. During the election he has to rebrand himself as "moderate" to have a chance in hell of winning. He is WAY to the left of all the democrats in office. Make no mistake about it, he is the most left-wing nut politician in America, and his record proves it. If you listen to his language closely, you'll notice the terms he uses. He thinks anyone making a good living isn't "fair" to people who make less. When anyone questions his motives, he gets very agitated and quite often says he "won't let anyone question" him. He is already trying to strong arm the Department of Justice and IRS to silence his political opposition....just imagine what he'll do when he is President.

I have no doubts this scumbag will become a tyrant if he is elected.