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09-04-2008, 03:56 PM
Attack dog and baiting posts aside, I really have nothing against Sarah Palin. She seems like a nice, intelligent woman. I have nothing against her family. It's not like she is the first working woman whose daughter has gotten pregnant.
The point is, I come into this forum every day and it is filled with Obama/Dem/liberal attack posts. Pages and pages of them. Of which you are seem to subscribe and agree with, no matter how thin the premise is.
But let someone throw out a few contrary threads and everyone starts foaming at the mouth. For the record, I don't consider Bristol Palin a "child" by any means. She is 17 years old. When you are a public figure, the tabloids declare open season on you.
Anyone who believes the tabloid media is biased never saw the issues "revealing" the stories about "Obama's love child" and "Hillary is the anti-christ." Hillary and Bill are regular fixtures in the tabs.
The tabloid media does sees stories as GOP/Dem or liberal/conservative. They see What Will Sell. Teen pregnancy sells. Look at the whole obsession with Britney Spear's 16-year-old pregnant sister, or the entire gamut of celebrity babies.
What is even more ridiculous? You slam me for using Daily Kos and Huffington Post as sources, but you regularly use the equally biased Newsbusters (and other right-wing blogs) as well as Malkin and Coulter. What is shit on one side of the fence stinks equally on the other side.
I have more important responsibilities than the brain damaged RSR, so I can't sit here 16 hours a day and spam DP with meaningless bullshit. But I will endeavor to toss red meat out to starving DP conservative hounds whenever possible.

My name is Gabriella and I approved this thread. :p

09-04-2008, 04:15 PM
Comparing Malkin and Coulter to the DailyKOS is complete crap. The DailyKOS uses blantant lies to attack, Malkin and Coulter use facts and voting records. The DailyKOS is the equivlant to the KKK, its pure hatred and garbage.

09-04-2008, 04:15 PM
I don't buy it one bit - somebody who bitches at Palin as much as you have the past couple days, doesn't get instant credibility just because you say "...It's only cuz of YOU guys..."

09-04-2008, 04:25 PM
as if mccain has never had a negative against him...

there are plenty of libs on this board gabs, you just can't handle that your attacks had zero merit and you were called on it. i guess it must be harder debating with grown ups huh gabby dearest....

09-04-2008, 04:35 PM
Comparing Malkin and Coulter to the DailyKOS is complete crap. The DailyKOS uses blantant lies to attack, Malkin and Coulter use facts and voting records. The DailyKOS is the equivlant to the KKK, its pure hatred and garbage.

Complete absolute bullshit! You are lying out your ass.

I don't buy it one bit - somebody who bitches at Palin as much as you have the past couple days, doesn't get instant credibility just because you say "...It's only cuz of YOU guys..."

I'm not looking for credibility. None of you have any. Why should I?

there are plenty of libs on this board gabs, you just can't handle that your attacks had zero merit and you were called on it.

Sure there are. What is the ratio? And my "attacks" had just as much merit as anything you have posted.

i guess it must be harder debating with grown ups huh gabby dearest....

Outside of Abby and Mr. P, let me know when you come across any.

09-04-2008, 05:18 PM
Attack dog and baiting posts aside, I really have nothing against Sarah Palin. She seems like a nice, intelligent woman. I have nothing against her family. It's not like she is the first working woman whose daughter has gotten pregnant.
The point is, I come into this forum every day and it is filled with Obama/Dem/liberal attack posts. Pages and pages of them. Of which you are seem to subscribe and agree with, no matter how thin the premise is.

The point isn't that you posted the Daily KOS crap...the point was that you actually believed it and commented on it like it was absolute fact without any basis of fact, you just believed it because it was on KOS...

I have never seen on this site someone post anything about an Obama love child, of anything that ridiculous, never....and DP isn't a tabloid

the nuttiest thing I've seen here is that Obama isn't a US citizen and then the poster got blasted from both the left and right....or any serious poster claim that Hillary is the anti-Christ....so you can stuff that nonsense...

But let someone throw out a few contrary threads and everyone starts foaming at the mouth. For the record, I don't consider Bristol Palin a "child" by any means. She is 17 years old. When you are a public figure, the tabloids declare open season on you.
Anyone who believes the tabloid media is biased never saw the issues "revealing" the stories about "Obama's love child" and "Hillary is the anti-christ." Hillary and Bill are regular fixtures in the tabs.
The tabloid media does sees stories as GOP/Dem or liberal/conservative. They see What Will Sell. Teen pregnancy sells. Look at the whole obsession with Britney Spear's 16-year-old pregnant sister, or the entire gamut of celebrity babies.
What is even more ridiculous? You slam me for using Daily Kos and Huffington Post as sources, but you regularly use the equally biased Newsbusters (and other right-wing blogs) as well as Malkin and Coulter. What is shit on one side of the fence stinks equally on the other side.
I have more important responsibilities than the brain damaged RSR, so I can't sit here 16 hours a day and spam DP with meaningless bullshit. But I will endeavor to toss red meat out to starving DP conservative hounds whenever possible.

My name is Gabriella and I approved this thread. :pS

09-04-2008, 05:55 PM
I'm not looking for credibility. None of you have any. Why should I?

^^^ :lame2:

09-04-2008, 06:23 PM
I really have nothing against Sarah Palin. She seems like a nice, intelligent woman. I have nothing against her family. It's not like she is the first working woman whose daughter has gotten pregnant.

Let's investigate, shall we?

It's not the fact that McCain's VP choice is a woman from Alaska. It is the fact that the VP choice is a totally inexperienced woman from Alaska who is obviously lying out her ass to protect her reputation and validity as a pro-family Evangelical Christian.
What would the former mayor of Wassalia Alaska possible know about domestic and international affairs? She can't even raise her own kids!!

You people are fucking unbelievable! You believe (and perpetrate) every thin rumor about Obama. But when McCain's VP choice is obviously lying out her ass, you choose to ignore it!
What kind of mother condones her teen daughter having two children out of wedlock? She lied about the first one. You are only hearing about this one because she is running for president! Are all of you THAT dense?

This is a Palin family picture (since pulled) taken last fall. Daughter is obviously pregnant. Palin is obviously not pregnant.

Yep, I sure did appreciate your retraction :D

Admit that you are all full of shit and you are afraid to look into the matter. This woman is openly lying. I don't condone lying.

The issue is NOT that Palin's daughter had a child at 16. This issue is that she is flat out LYING about it.

Looks like John McCain has chosen a master of lies and deceit as his VP choice.
The beloved Daily Kos, with the unwilling help of the Anchorage Daily News, has discovered that Palin's alleged fifth child is really that of her eldest daughter.
Anchorage school records show that Palin's daughter was out of school for seven months, allegedly with mono. A disease that runs its course in six weeks, at the most. Palin then "announced" her pregnancy at seven months. At time where she was not showing and was known to have participated in the normal physical workouts she was known for.
Palin and her husband are devout Evangelical Christians who are staunchly opposed to such things as premarital sex.
Two family pictures that apparently show Palin's daughter to be pregnant have disappeared from her web site. All photos of Palin from that time period have been taken of the state of Alaska site.

Interesting stuff, eh?

Yes indeed, Gabby. Fascinating how you were sold on that bullshit story. But wait, there's more!

Since when does freshman governor of Alaska and mayor of a hick town qualify as "executive experience"?
Jim, you can't believe everything you cut and paste off of the internet.

All of us "hicks" here in Wasilla are suitably chastised by your cruel barb, btw.

So this is your ticket: A slow witted, quick tempered old fool steeped in scandal who hopes no one figures out that he was a traitor to his country during wartime, and an idealistic younger woman who is all style and no substance. But hey, she is a friend of Rush!

By the way, you're the only idiot I've ever heard accuse McCain of being a traitor. Enduring over 5 years of torture at the hands of the Viet Cong and passing up an early release in favor of his fellow POWs, makes you despicable as a fellow American for making such a vile statement about him.

No one alive has more patriotic credentials than McCain, especially you. Scumbag.

Thanks to everyone who avoided everything in my post. Even you people can't account for McTraitor's immense idiocy in this situation.
If Obama had chosen the former mayor of Barstow, Calif. to be his running mate, you people would STILL be laughing and carrying on.
Obviously, none of you have considered the fact that McCain has a high chance to dying during his potential term of office. Do you really want to have Ms. Backwater Alaska negotiate with China and Russia?

Yes, see previous comment. Idiot.

Looking back on your posts and judging by your very own words, I'd say you do have a problem.

What happened in the last 24 hours to make you change your tune? Perhaps you watched Sarah Palin's speech and you suddenly had your mind opened for you?

I love men. I even married one.

LOL, I can't imagine the hell he's in. The poor bastard.

Mr. P
09-04-2008, 06:55 PM
Aren't you tired of diggin yourself into a hole yet, Gabby?

You've been looking pretty silly, to put it mildly, for the last several days.

09-04-2008, 07:04 PM
Excellent post NightTrain, I'd rep ya but I have to spread it around first.

Gabby you've been spewing hatred for Palin since DAY 1. You swallowed the lies about her fifth child belonging to her daughter hook-line-and sinker with no proof what so ever.

09-04-2008, 09:27 PM
Thanks, Trigg

In reviewing my post, I caught another discrepancy that should be called out:

Anchorage school records show that Palin's daughter was out of school for seven months, allegedly with mono. A disease that runs its course in six weeks, at the most. Palin then "announced" her pregnancy at seven months. At time where she was not showing and was known to have participated in the normal physical workouts she was known for.

You wouldn't know, Gabby, since you are not from here and don't know shit about what you speak, but Bristol went to school with my daughter in the Mat-Su Borough School District.

So I imagine that your "Anchorage School" records informant is full of shit :D

Pssst : Wasilla is in the Mat-Su Borough.

09-04-2008, 09:40 PM
so we post a lot of negative articles here about the Obambam..

yet, I'm sure at your two favorite sites, the dailykos and huffopost, they post all kinds of lovely sweet articles about McCain, Palin and other Republicans.....

NOT..I visit the huffopost everyday just to see what bs their joke of writers have to say..and not one good thing is EVER SAID about a Republican..

i don't get that..:dunno::tinfoil:

and I refuse to visit the dailykos..I'm afraid I'll pick up a std through my computer..

09-04-2008, 09:46 PM
Excellent post NightTrain, I'd rep ya but I have to spread it around first.
Gabby you've been spewing hatred for Palin since DAY 1. You swallowed the lies about her fifth child belonging to her daughter hook-line-and sinker with no proof what so ever.

i got em for ya....

09-04-2008, 09:49 PM
Thanks, Trigg

In reviewing my post, I caught another discrepancy that should be called out:

You wouldn't know, Gabby, since you are not from here and don't know shit about what you speak, but Bristol went to school with my daughter in the Mat-Su Borough School District.

So I imagine that your "Anchorage School" records informant is full of shit :D

Pssst : Wasilla is in the Mat-Su Borough.

Maybe that's why Bristol was not shown as attending school in Anchorage for the seven months. Another liberal "DOH" moment.

09-04-2008, 09:55 PM
Maybe that's why Bristol was not shown as attending school in Anchorage for the seven months. Another liberal "DOH" moment.

most of the lamestream media were probably too afraid to venture out of Anchorage..

they were probably warned..if they stuck a microphone in someones face be, prepared for anything...

people up there don't take kindly to their privacy being invaded..especially by a bunch of good for nothing shark like journalist..:coffee:

09-05-2008, 12:39 AM
Maybe that's why Bristol was not shown as attending school in Anchorage for the seven months. Another liberal "DOH" moment.

Not sure why I didn't catch that glaring lie the first time around.. probably because the whole preposterous scenerio was so funny. Watching all these idiots charge in with the "scoop of the decade" has been enormously entertaining.

We "hicks" from Wasilla don't pay attention when laughing our collective asses off, you know.

09-05-2008, 02:34 AM
Attack dog and baiting posts aside, I really have nothing against Sarah Palin. She seems like a nice, intelligent woman. I have nothing against her family. It's not like she is the first working woman whose daughter has gotten pregnant.
The point is, I come into this forum every day and it is filled with Obama/Dem/liberal attack posts. Pages and pages of them. Of which you are seem to subscribe and agree with, no matter how thin the premise is.
Good thing you said "seem.." because we conservatives mostly only subscribe to them if we have a good basis too, unlike those who jumped all over the total bullshit that liberal rag the Daily Kos put out.

But let someone throw out a few contrary threads and everyone starts foaming at the mouth.

First, we dont "foam at the mouth", and the contrary threads are usually stupid, mindless, emotional dribble that flies in the face of logic, reason and facts. If it was a reasonable civil and intelligent response, we would respond in kind more than likely, most of the time.
A good example is the abortion debate, when a pro lifer presents scientific information, then the counter is "its her choice, because its her body", it shows that the pro abortionist DIDNT EVEN CONSIDER a single word, or point that the pro lifer had posted. Instead the response would just be a trite canned response that is meaningless and not even true, but emotionally loaded, which is why it actually does work on many in the general public.
But we arent the general public.

For the record, I don't consider Bristol Palin a "child" by any means. She is 17 years old. When you are a public figure, the tabloids declare open season on you.

The daily kos is not a tabloid, Obama, Hillary and Edwards all attended their convention, I doubt they attend the convention of "The Enquirer", and responsable media, or those that should be, like MSNBC, shouldnt be like a tabloid. They have a responsability, they are given the privledge of using OUR PUBLIC AIRWAVES to inform us. They are suppose to be unbiased so we can be informed accurately, so WE CAN MAKE OUR CHOICES.

Anyone who believes the tabloid media is biased never saw the issues "revealing" the stories about "Obama's love child" and "Hillary is the anti-christ." Hillary and Bill are regular fixtures in the tabs.
The tabloid media does sees stories as GOP/Dem or liberal/conservative. They see What Will Sell. Teen pregnancy sells. Look at the whole obsession with Britney Spear's 16-year-old pregnant sister, or the entire gamut of celebrity babies.

Tabloids are not the issue. What is, is the MSM. Where are the daily headlines regarding "Bush's war"? Now that the tables are turned, and we are winning, suddenly it isnt news anymore. Yea, tabloids attack anything that will get them readers, but the MSM is tremendously biased in favor of liberals/democrats. If you cant admit that, then see above about "emotional responses"

What is even more ridiculous? You slam me for using Daily Kos and Huffington Post as sources, but you regularly use the equally biased Newsbusters (and other right-wing blogs) as well as Malkin and Coulter. What is shit on one side of the fence stinks equally on the other side.

Just because a source is either highly liberal, or highly conservative, doesnt, in and of itself, make it reliable or not. What makes it reliable is "ITS RELIABILITY". So, if you use a bullshitting liberal source and we point it out, that doesnt automatically discredit any sources we use JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE CONSERVATIVE.

I have more important responsibilities than the brain damaged RSR,
Didnt you say something about "foaming at the mouth"?

so I can't sit here 16 hours a day and spam DP with meaningless bullshit. But I will endeavor to toss red meat out to starving DP conservative hounds whenever possible.

My name is Gabriella and I approved this thread. :p