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View Full Version : The Best Part of McCain's Speech IMHO

09-04-2008, 10:23 PM
Besides the fact that it is over.

Was said very early in the speech.

John McCain looked in the camera and addressed Senator Obama and looking very serious he told Senator Obama that there was going to be a fight for the next two months BUT despite their differences John McCain respects Senator Obama.

Now, most of you know that I am down on both parties right now. You should know by now that I believe both parties and everyone in Washington to be corrupt, but I could not help but clap when he looked into the camera and said, that even though they differed he respected Barack Obama's service to the country.

John McCain did not win my vote tonight, but I really appreciated his apparently sincere overture to Senator Obama.

For that, I have to give John McCain kudos.

As for the rest of the promises... well, he said quite a bit that I would like to see happen... unfortunately, they were little more than campaign promises. They were all the things he thought we wanted to hear but truthfully, if we think about it, we'll realize he can't accomplish what he promised.

I didn't watch Senator Obama's speech so I don't know if he offered anything like what Senator McCain started out with, but, I hope the sentiment was there too.


09-04-2008, 11:01 PM
Obama basically called McCain the devil his entire speech (i.e. Bush).

McCain's speech was surprisingly good. The end was very emotional when he talked about being a POW and broken, and it was there that he realized you have to serve a cause greater than yourself. And the "Fight with me" stuff at the end was great too.