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View Full Version : CAIR Fears CBN News

03-13-2007, 05:26 PM
There's a video at their site...

Erick Stakelbeck
CBN News
March 13, 2007

Watch Low Band You could call it an annual rite of passage for CBN News--sort of our version of March Madness. The Council on American-Relations (CAIR) holds a press conference in Washington, D.C. CBN News, in good faith, sends a reporter and camera crew to record the event and ask CAIR's representatives the relevant questions. After all, CAIR bills itself as America's leading Muslim civil rights organization and a shining beacon of interfaith goodwill. So who better to ask about Islamic affairs here and abroad? And yet, like a vampire to garlic, time and again, CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper has ushered CBN News off the premises, recoiling at the mere mention of our name.

It happened again today, as CBN atempted to cover a CAIR press conference announcing that the six "peace-loving" Muslim imams removed from a US Airways flight in Minneapolis last November have filed a lawsuit against the airline and Minnesota's Metropolitan Airports Commission. To see how it went down today when CBN News cameraman Steve Jacobi tried to enter CAIR's Washington, D.C. headquarters, watch the clip above.

This was actually the third time in the past three years that CAIR has ejected CBN News from one of their events. When asked by a Fox News reporter why CBN News was not allowed into today's press conference, Hooper answered:

"We have long barred the Christian Broadcasting Network from our news conferences because of their long, long history of vicious, anti-Muslism bigotry. And we have no motivation to promote that kind of intolerance. And it's a private function and we have decided they are not welcome."

C'mon, Ibrahim. Blacklisting a network simply because it calls attention to your radical, Wahhabi views is the height of "intolerance," and a classic totalitarian tactic. For the record, Washington Times reporter Audrey Hudson was also escorted from today's event. Her crime? Calling into question the legitimacy of the six "peace-loving imams'" sob story. Perhaps Hooper thinks America operates like Saudi Arabia--the world capital of Wahhabism--from which CAIR has taken substantial donations (amid repeated denials from Hooper). Or maybe Honest Ibe is loathe to explain how at least three former CAIR employees have been arrested on terrorism-related charges. And Ibe, what about CAIR's ties to the terrorist group Hamas?

We here at CBN News would love to ask you about this, Ibe. Hey, all we ask is that you give us the same audience that clueless government officials give CAIR on a regular basis. Is that too much to ask? If it is, well, then I'll just have to stand by my assertion that CAIR fears CBN News. Period.

03-13-2007, 05:56 PM
The last thing they want is the truth being put out about islam. It's a prime example of what islam is all about. cair needs to be shut down completely.

03-13-2007, 08:48 PM
I wonder how many jewish and christian broadcastings they would support? Oh wait, none. Proof? No muslim country allows it.
