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View Full Version : Fake Soldiers Used In RNC Video

09-06-2008, 01:26 AM
These RNC jerks never cease to amaze me!!!!!!! If you can't tell the truth, just fake it. Americans are too stupid to know the difference is their only claim to fame!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: CBS

It was a video that was supposed to elicit soaring patriotism and real emotions about the Pledge of Allegiance. But to do that, it used fake soldiers and a staged military funeral instead of the real thing.

On Tuesday night, 15-year-old Victoria Blackstone, a sophomore at the St. Agnes School in St. Paul, led the crowd at the Xcel Energy Center in the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience heard her 434-word essay, “Pledging myself to the Flag of the United States of America,” an essay she’d entered it in the “Wave the Stars & Stripes” essay contest and won. The RNC turned that essay into a three and a half minute video, a visually stirring montage rolling over Victoria’s words about sharing the Pledge with Americans who have stood at important moments in history.

There’s the Continental Congress…A real WWII vet…Photos of workers at Ground Zero. A close-up of a folded flag presented to a grieving widow at a military funeral… profiles of soldiers swelling with pride in slo-motion.

But CBS News found that the footage of the ‘funeral’ and soldiers is what is called ‘stock’ footage. The soldiers were actors and the funeral scene was from a one-day film shoot, produced in June. No real soldiers were used during production...............

More: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/04/cbsnews_investigates/main4415886.shtml

And the bullshit just flows and flows!!!!!!!!! Is anyone ready to give the bullshit some structure and substance?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Maybe the Republicon Diarreah is just what you want?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Enjoy, bulimics and anorexics!!!!!!!!!!


09-06-2008, 01:41 AM
If you can't tell the truth, just fake it.

Exactly what fraud was perpetrated? Do you think the "footage" of the Continental Congress was genuine? It was just some video shown along with the essay this girl wrote, not a historical documentary. The stretching you're doing to try to disparage the Republicans would rival Mr. Fantastic. How about joining the rest of us in the state of reality?

09-06-2008, 01:50 AM
You missed the point. I can't help you with that.

Exactly what fraud was perpetrated? Do you think the "footage" of the Continental Congress was genuine? It was just some video shown along with the essay this girl wrote, not a historical documentary. The stretching you're doing to try to disparage the Republicans would rival Mr. Fantastic. How about joining the rest of us in the state of reality?

Have you ever considered comprehensive skills training?


09-06-2008, 01:52 AM
You missed the point. I can't help you with that.

Have you ever considered comprehensive skills training?


No, I didn't miss the point. I just explained to you very clearly that you didn't have one. It is your comprehension that is lacking.

09-06-2008, 01:52 AM
OMG what jerks! They used actors in some stupid video during filler time!!!

Whats the matter pb? The styrofoam pillars starting to buckle?

09-06-2008, 02:03 AM
Sure you did, dipshit. They tried to pass it off as original and true. John Wayne is dead, cowgirl. 2008 Americans need a more genuine view of things don't you know?

No, I didn't miss the point. I just explained to you very clearly that you didn't have one. It is your comprehension that is lacking.

My comprehension? You haven't a clue.


09-06-2008, 02:06 AM
Sure you did, dipshit. They tried to pass it off as original and true. John Wayne is dead, cowgirl. 2008 Americans need a more genuine view of things don't you know?

My comprehension? You haven't a clue.


Like the images of the Continental Congress were real? Get a clue!

09-06-2008, 02:12 AM
Looky here, shithead. The Continental Congress was your metaphor, not mine, OK?

Like the images of the Continental Congress were real? Get a clue!

This is like real time 2008 technology. I am certain it confuses you.

Get a clue? Get a freaking life!!!!!!!!!


09-06-2008, 02:14 AM
Looky here, shithead. The Continental Congress was your metaphor, not mine, OK?

This is like real time 2008 technology. I am certain it confuses you.

Get a clue? Get a freaking life!!!!!!!!!


Sorry to disappoint you dipshit, but the Continental Congress was part of the video as outlined in your OP. Drinking make you blind or illiterate?

09-06-2008, 02:21 AM
And I made no reference to it, dumbass. You did.

Sorry to disappoint you dipshit, but the Continental Congress was part of the video as outlined in your OP. Drinking make you blind or illiterate?

I can't believe you are that obstinate and ignorant, but I guess you are after all.


09-06-2008, 02:24 AM
And I made no reference to it, dumbass. You did.

I can't believe you are that obstinate and ignorant, but I guess you are after all.


If the images in the beginning of the video weren't real, why is it such a big deal to you that images in the latter parts weren't?

09-06-2008, 02:38 AM
Photographic images during the Revolutionary War were not possible, you freaking idiot.

If the images in the beginning of the video weren't real, why is it such a big deal to you that images in the latter parts weren't?

But genuine video of present day military accomplishment and subsequent disaster is certainly available. And you accuse me of having "no clue"?

What a specimen of humankind you are, mm.


09-06-2008, 02:47 AM
Photographic images during the Revolutionary War were not possible, you freaking idiot.

But genuine video of present day military accomplishment and subsequent disaster is certainly available. And you accuse me of having "no clue"?

What a specimen of humankind you are, mm.


WTF is the difference between footage of real soldiers doing a house to house or footage of actors portraying the same thing? What if it had been real soldiers going through their paces in a non-hostile training environment? Would you still feel "cheated"? Seriously, get the fuck over it!

09-06-2008, 02:56 AM
Whoever moved this thread from the Military forum to the conspiracy forum is a freaking idiot. This has nothing to do with conspiracy and everything to do with military exploitation. I hope the administrator has enough guts to straighten this infraction of managerial duties out without being personally informed of it. What a cowardly thing to do, IMHO.



09-06-2008, 08:25 PM
This was a very tough thread to respond to, because I didnt wanna say something stupid or knee jerk, so i have read the article twice.

So, i have a few questions.

Unless im missing something, wouldnt you need actors for the continental congress?, cause their all dead arent they?

second, can you tell me if the rnc could have gotten filming permits for ground zero?, was it filmed at ground zero?, could they have hired actual soldiers for the shoot?, did they want specific soldiers but couldnt find them?, could they have just hired vets?, Im not sure if they could have gotten active duty.

Again, i dont know for sure, so i ask you, its not an insult just curious.

I would have liked to see real soldiers, not actors used, where possible.

I think its un-fair to say, republicans put fake stuff in a video without acknowledging that the democrats used footage from the same company of a girl who didnt even support hillary, and that footage was years old

I hope you hold the dems to the same account here.

These RNC jerks never cease to amaze me!!!!!!! If you can't tell the truth, just fake it. Americans are too stupid to know the difference is their only claim to fame!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: CBS

It was a video that was supposed to elicit soaring patriotism and real emotions about the Pledge of Allegiance. But to do that, it used fake soldiers and a staged military funeral instead of the real thing.

On Tuesday night, 15-year-old Victoria Blackstone, a sophomore at the St. Agnes School in St. Paul, led the crowd at the Xcel Energy Center in the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience heard her 434-word essay, “Pledging myself to the Flag of the United States of America,” an essay she’d entered it in the “Wave the Stars & Stripes” essay contest and won. The RNC turned that essay into a three and a half minute video, a visually stirring montage rolling over Victoria’s words about sharing the Pledge with Americans who have stood at important moments in history.

There’s the Continental Congress…A real WWII vet…Photos of workers at Ground Zero. A close-up of a folded flag presented to a grieving widow at a military funeral… profiles of soldiers swelling with pride in slo-motion.

But CBS News found that the footage of the ‘funeral’ and soldiers is what is called ‘stock’ footage. The soldiers were actors and the funeral scene was from a one-day film shoot, produced in June. No real soldiers were used during production...............

More: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/04/cbsnews_investigates/main4415886.shtml

And the bullshit just flows and flows!!!!!!!!! Is anyone ready to give the bullshit some structure and substance?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Maybe the Republicon Diarreah is just what you want?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Enjoy, bulimics and anorexics!!!!!!!!!!


09-06-2008, 08:51 PM
They tried to pass it off as original and true.

didn't we cover this once already?....it is illegal to use governmental employees (which would include the military) for campaign purposes....they would have been breaking the law if they DIDN'T use actors....

09-06-2008, 08:52 PM
i didnt realize that :cool:

thanks for letting me know

didn't we cover this once already?....it is illegal to use governmental employees (which would include the military) for campaign purposes....they would have been breaking the law if they DIDN'T use actors....

Mr. P
09-06-2008, 09:23 PM
These RNC jerks never cease to amaze me!!!!!!! If you can't tell the truth, just fake it. Americans are too stupid to know the difference is their only claim to fame!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: CBS

It was a video that was supposed to elicit soaring patriotism and real emotions about the Pledge of Allegiance. But to do that, it used fake soldiers and a staged military funeral instead of the real thing.

On Tuesday night, 15-year-old Victoria Blackstone, a sophomore at the St. Agnes School in St. Paul, led the crowd at the Xcel Energy Center in the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience heard her 434-word essay, “Pledging myself to the Flag of the United States of America,” an essay she’d entered it in the “Wave the Stars & Stripes” essay contest and won. The RNC turned that essay into a three and a half minute video, a visually stirring montage rolling over Victoria’s words about sharing the Pledge with Americans who have stood at important moments in history.

There’s the Continental Congress…A real WWII vet…Photos of workers at Ground Zero. A close-up of a folded flag presented to a grieving widow at a military funeral… profiles of soldiers swelling with pride in slo-motion.

But CBS News found that the footage of the ‘funeral’ and soldiers is what is called ‘stock’ footage. The soldiers were actors and the funeral scene was from a one-day film shoot, produced in June. No real soldiers were used during production...............

More: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/04/cbsnews_investigates/main4415886.shtml

And the bullshit just flows and flows!!!!!!!!! Is anyone ready to give the bullshit some structure and substance?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Maybe the Republicon Diarreah is just what you want?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Enjoy, bulimics and anorexics!!!!!!!!!!


Indeed it does...you would think CBS would have learned their lesson about that with that false letter in 04..guess not.:laugh2:

Is anyone ready to give the bullshit some structure and substance?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

The wacko libs are lining up....behind you, but they have no substance either. :laugh2:

09-06-2008, 09:56 PM
OMG! The OP is ridiculous and this whole thing is getting absurd. It sounds like you are getting more and more desperate by the moment pb. Most of your threads and attacks are relatively well thought out but this one is ridiculous.

didn't we cover this once already?....it is illegal to use governmental employees (which would include the military) for campaign purposes....they would have been breaking the law if they DIDN'T use actors....

Maybe that is why pb seems so upset with the RNC? They used actors and he'd hoped to catch them breaking the law so that the left would have a legitimate accusation against McCain/Palin.


09-06-2008, 10:23 PM
Why is this topic in "conspiracy theories?"
If Michelle Malkin had posted this exact same topic, but substituted DNC for RNC, it would be posted immediately by Stephanie or RSR. Followed by a dozen breathless condemnations by the remainder of you yokels.

09-06-2008, 10:41 PM
dont look at me, i didnt put it here, the mods did. I suggest if you have an issue with them, you send them a pm. They dont like public criticism when a pm is a lot more polite and less hostile then bitching, i mean suggesting they were not right :laugh2: here

Why is this topic in "conspiracy theories?"
If Michelle Malkin had posted this exact same topic, but substituted DNC for RNC, it would be posted immediately by Stephanie or RSR. Followed by a dozen breathless condemnations by the remainder of you yokels.

09-07-2008, 05:53 AM
have you run across an anti-Palin thread yet that wasn't a conspiracy theory?.......

09-08-2008, 09:47 PM
You shallow minded and unobservant jerks never cease to amaze me. Our soldiers have been exploited many times throughout history for political purposes. Just in the last few years at least thousands of times by the current CIC and his minions.

Carry on, dumbasses. The American people are not really that stupid.


09-08-2008, 10:05 PM
hey, who you calling shallow :laugh2:

and im not an un-observant jerk, only on the weekends :coffee:

aww blues man what troubles you? :cheers2:

hands you a bottle of water, what can i get ya to eat?

You shallow minded and unobservant jerks never cease to amaze me. Our soldiers have been exploited many times throughout history for political purposes. Just in the last few years at least thousands of times by the current CIC and his minions.

Carry on, dumbasses. The American people are not really that stupid.


09-08-2008, 10:12 PM
You haven't read through the thread, marteen!!!!!!!!!!

hey, who you calling shallow :laugh2:
and im not an un-observant jerk, only on the weekends :coffee:
aww blues man what troubles you? :cheers2:
hands you a bottle of water, what can i get ya to eat?:salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salut e:

Why am I not surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ice cold bottle of Earth Juice coming right up for 'ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-08-2008, 10:26 PM
common man :laugh2:, dont be grumpy. :cheers2:

You know i read the original thread.

I just wanna know why you think our soldiers are being used as political pawns.

relax man

im on your side :salute:

You haven't read through the thread, marteen!!!!!!!!!!


Why am I not surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ice cold bottle of Earth Juice coming right up for 'ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-08-2008, 10:38 PM
No you didn't, marteen. Don't fuck with me, OK? You would at least understand the premise and you obviously do not.

common man :laugh2:, dont be grumpy. :cheers2:
You know i read the original thread.
I just wanna know why you think our soldiers are being used as political pawns.
relax man
im on your side :salute:

On the other hand, enjoy your H20!!!!!!!!!


09-08-2008, 10:43 PM
common man, i thought you knew me better then that :poke:

Im not fucking with you, i use humor to defuse potentially uncomfortable situations, and i guess i failed that time

I read the original post

but i wanna know an example or too

sorry man :salute:

No you didn't, marteen. Don't fuck with me, OK? You would at least understand the premise and you obviously do not.

On the other hand, enjoy your H20!!!!!!!!!


09-08-2008, 11:28 PM
Here's two for you, cowgirl. How about my older brother that died of throat cancer at age 54 that could only be attributed to his exposure to Agent Orange in Viet Nam? How about my younger brother that died as a result of his refusal to cooperate with an unjust society in a traffic accident at age 52 and the day before he would have been 53?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Neither ever recieved a fuckin' dime or a moments consideration post their discharges from their respective military obligations. Disgusting would be an understatement.

common man, i thought you knew me better then that :poke:
Im not fucking with you, i use humor to defuse potentially uncomfortable situations, and i guess i failed that time
I read the original post
but i wanna know an example or too

sorry man :salute:

How about even me, shithead?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!? I do very well for myself but the scars of combat and warfare never stop. Are you really that fuckin' stupid!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

I'll buy you a drink anyway, marteen. You really can't help it.


09-09-2008, 08:44 PM
Im really sorry about both your brothers, and i wouldnt say im stupid, but i would concede that im very nieve, but your right it is disgusting

Here's two for you, cowgirl. How about my older brother that died of throat cancer at age 54 that could only be attributed to his exposure to Agent Orange in Viet Nam? How about my younger brother that died as a result of his refusal to cooperate with an unjust society in a traffic accident at age 52 and the day before he would have been 53?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Neither ever recieved a fuckin' dime or a moments consideration post their discharges from their respective military obligations. Disgusting would be an understatement.

How about even me, shithead?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!? I do very well for myself but the scars of combat and warfare never stop. Are you really that fuckin' stupid!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

I'll buy you a drink anyway, marteen. You really can't help it.


09-11-2008, 02:43 AM

I was a bit rash in that response to you. You've never been such to me in any serious way, I think.

Im really sorry about both your brothers, and i wouldnt say im stupid, but i would concede that im very nieve, but your right it is disgusting

I hope we can continue in this 2-way consideration.
