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View Full Version : Wal-Mart Loses Mexican Pay-Voucher Case

09-06-2008, 02:48 AM
I would've posted this in the Ethics forum but I know that it would have been removed, closed or deleted. I guess this forum will have to do.

What's WalMart so afraid of the population to do with any of this?

Source: Wall Street Journal

Wal-Mart Loses Mexican Pay-Voucher Case
September 6, 2008; Page B6

Mexico's Supreme Court ruled this week that Wal-Mart de Mexico, the country's largest retailer based on sales and a unit of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., violated the constitution by paying workers in part with vouchers only redeemable for merchandise at the chain's outlets.

Wal-Mart de Mexico, also known as Walmex, gave store coupons as part of salaries. In a statement, the retailer said the program was voluntary, and "designed to help our employees acquire basic necessities." It went on to explain in the statement that under the program, Walmex would put store credit on electronic cards, and the employees could contribute a matching amount. The credit could then be used at Wal-Mart outlets throughout Mexico.

Representatives for the retailer declined to comment beyond the statement.
The case stemmed from a lawsuit filed by a Wal-Mart employee in Mexico, but details of the suit weren't available.

In its decision, Mexico's Supreme Court likened Wal-Mart's practice to exploitative labor practices in Mexico more than a century ago that led to the Mexican Revolution in 1910.

More: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122066524815506105.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

Since Sam died maybe they are afraid of paying a fair wage?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?


09-06-2008, 10:16 AM
Well it's not a scam I'd sign up for. I'd agree this should be illegal, but I don't understand your sentence regarding Walmart being afraid of the population.

09-06-2008, 12:08 PM
Um, it was voluntary program? Yeah, that means the people who want it choose it, and if you don't want it, you don't choose. I don't see the issue here. 7-11 does the same thing here, they just dock your pay for anything you buy in the store.