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View Full Version : Crybaby Bridge

09-07-2008, 12:49 PM
Last night, a couple friends and I went to Crybaby Bridge, a local "haunted" spot. It's in a town called Edgefield, everyone's got a different story behind the place, some say in the 1800's, a carriage was going over the bridge and turned over and a mother and daughter fell over the bridge and died, another goes that a mother couldn't afford a baby so she threw it over the side, etc. etc.

Anyway, they say if you're on the bridge and turn off your car, you'll see the girl, or you'll hear a baby crying, etc. etc. Mostly, it's just a spooky place, and on top of that, just before the bridge, there's an old abandoned church.

Anyway, we got to the bridge, which is so far out in the middle of nowhere, just being out there is creepy enough. We stopped and got out, and were there for all of about a minute, until a truck came down the road really fast, so we jumped back in the car. The truck stopped by us and said something, but we were all freaking out a little so we didn't hear what he said, but he just drove off. I don't believe in ghosts, so I was mostly scared of the idea of some crazy person coming across us in the middle of nowhere, so this freaked me out a lot.

Still, we tried to go to the church since we were there and all. But, the road was blocked off with a gate, so we tried walking up to the church, but we only had one very weak flashlight between the three of us (it was a poorly planned trip), and the nightvision function on my video camera, and since the church is about a mile up that trail, which is surrounded by woods, we got mabe halfway there, realized we literally couldn't see a thing, other than a small sliver of moonlight, so we got a little freaked out and left.

Not much of a story, I know, but it was freaky for us and we do plan on going back with some mag lights, or during the day or something.

09-07-2008, 04:21 PM
If you like that kind of stuff Dan you should watch Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel. They come across some pretty interesting things. Destination Truth does that kind of thing also.

09-07-2008, 04:26 PM
Last night, a couple friends and I went to Crybaby Bridge, a local "haunted" spot. It's in a town called Edgefield, everyone's got a different story behind the place, some say in the 1800's, a carriage was going over the bridge and turned over and a mother and daughter fell over the bridge and died, another goes that a mother couldn't afford a baby so she threw it over the side, etc. etc.

Anyway, they say if you're on the bridge and turn off your car, you'll see the girl, or you'll hear a baby crying, etc. etc. Mostly, it's just a spooky place, and on top of that, just before the bridge, there's an old abandoned church.

Anyway, we got to the bridge, which is so far out in the middle of nowhere, just being out there is creepy enough. We stopped and got out, and were there for all of about a minute, until a truck came down the road really fast, so we jumped back in the car. The truck stopped by us and said something, but we were all freaking out a little so we didn't hear what he said, but he just drove off. I don't believe in ghosts, so I was mostly scared of the idea of some crazy person coming across us in the middle of nowhere, so this freaked me out a lot.

Still, we tried to go to the church since we were there and all. But, the road was blocked off with a gate, so we tried walking up to the church, but we only had one very weak flashlight between the three of us (it was a poorly planned trip), and the nightvision function on my video camera, and since the church is about a mile up that trail, which is surrounded by woods, we got mabe halfway there, realized we literally couldn't see a thing, other than a small sliver of moonlight, so we got a little freaked out and left.

Not much of a story, I know, but it was freaky for us and we do plan on going back with some mag lights, or during the day or something.

Sounds like you set yourself up for that one Dan!

Abbey Marie
09-07-2008, 05:15 PM
Sounds like fun, Dan. I would have been creeped out, too.

09-07-2008, 05:53 PM
If you like that kind of stuff Dan you should watch Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel. They come across some pretty interesting things. Destination Truth does that kind of thing also.

Yeah, my mom told me I should check out one of those shows because they were doing an entire special in SC, but I forgot to watch it. I'll have to check out Ghost Hunters.

Abbey Marie
09-07-2008, 06:47 PM
Yeah, my mom told me I should check out one of those shows because they were doing an entire special in SC, but I forgot to watch it. I'll have to check out Ghost Hunters.

How is Joan doing?

09-07-2008, 09:09 PM
How is Joan doing?

I'm not sure, actually, I haven't talked to my dad in a while.

FYI, Joan's not my mother (Jim, Sir Evil, et al. and I are only half-siblings, but I grew up around them so I just consider them brothers and sister), but I do hope she's doing well!

Abbey Marie
09-07-2008, 09:24 PM
I'm not sure, actually, I haven't talked to my dad in a while.

FYI, Joan's not my mother (Jim, Sir Evil, et al. and I are only half-siblings, but I grew up around them so I just consider them brothers and sister), but I do hope she's doing well!

I didn't realize that. Thanks for explaining.

09-07-2008, 11:18 PM
Dan, if you want to get experience with ghosts, feel free to mozy on up here. Our house has one. He likes to dick with the electronics. Seriously.

Our stereo will turn on, all on its' own at random times, at least once a night, once every two weeks or so.

Then when we're watching a movie, our DVD player will just shut off. No explaination. Just shuts off. This happens about once a month or so.

My laptop will get turned on in in the middle of the night every so often.

He used to mess with the garage door opener but he has left that alone for a while now. Knock on wood...