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View Full Version : Obama got cocaine cheap!

09-07-2008, 05:11 PM
I take back everything I said about Obama! It appears reports now indicate that when Obama was addicted to cocaine he didn't actually spend anywhere near as much money on it as other addicts would normally have to.

He was offered discounted rates for quanity. By selling a little and snorting the rest he was able to make a profit, stay high AND.....save money!

This should demonstrate to the American people that his skills are worthy of the Presidency. He is market smart. This will assure his ability to oversee our import/export businesses and he may be able to even assist.

He proved beyond any doubt that he is thrifty.....thereby laying to waste the Republicans contentions that he will waste tax payers money!

He obtained deals!!!!! He will do the same when he personally rewrites the way we buy our oil.....since he does not want to tap the biggest reserve in the damn world for it. You know in Alaska!

These points clearly demonstrate that Barack Obama is more qualified to be president than Sarah Palin.


09-07-2008, 05:36 PM
Hey Joe.......I have posted a perfectly legitimate piece of news worthy info here. Why do you not respond?

09-07-2008, 06:01 PM
Hmm.. it has potential, Emmett, but it needs something more.

My first thought was "An anonymous waitress!", but that's already been used.

How about a reluctant hot dog cart operator? Or perhaps a frightened Meter Maid that spotted illicit deals going down whilst making her rounds? I like that one, let's call the Meter Maid "Chesty LaRue" (a reference to other gems she's in the know about from her Stripper days).

This way, Chesty can feed you the inside scoop for years to come.

Be sure to 'protect your sources' and refuse to give out real names for verification. You know the drill.

Abbey Marie
09-07-2008, 06:46 PM
Emmett, I need to know one thing: Did he sell the coke on eBay, or not?

This is a crucial question!

09-07-2008, 07:10 PM
NOW, I understand what a community organizer is and does. I'm starting to see the value of the title now.

I think Abbey has a very good question also. Was it on eBay or not?

Thanks Emmet!!!