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View Full Version : After Sarah's great speech at the RNC...

09-08-2008, 12:21 AM
...complete with all the digs & burns she got in on Obama and Biden, who else is just itching for a debate between Palin & Biden, or even Obama and Palin, for the sheer entertainment of watching her mop the floor with either or both of them?

09-08-2008, 04:16 AM
...complete with all the digs & burns she got in on Obama and Biden, who else is just itching for a debate between Palin & Biden, or even Obama and Palin, for the sheer entertainment of watching her mop the floor with either or both of them?

For your edification...

<center><a href=http://politicsanew.com/2008/09/04/fact-checking-the-sarah-palin-acceptance-speech/>Fact-checking The Sarah Palin Acceptance Speech</a></center>

And yes, it will be amusing to watch Biden squash her like a bug on the windshield.

09-08-2008, 05:44 AM
as I recall, Biden wasn't very successful at squashing bugs in the Democratic primary debates.....he came in at under two percent.....

Abbey Marie
09-08-2008, 09:10 AM
as I recall, Biden wasn't very successful at squashing bugs in the Democratic primary debates.....he came in at under two percent.....

I'm not too worried about a guy who had to plagiarize twice.

09-08-2008, 09:15 AM
I can't wait...we should pass out mops with Joey Bidens name on it...:laugh2:

09-08-2008, 09:44 AM
At least Sarah believes in her own running mate. Biden said straight out that Obama isn't fit to be president when he was also running. Yet he couldn't get out of Iowa to get any more support worthy enough to make him a contender. But then Obama chooses him to be his running mate, after all Biden said about him? If it were me I would have had Biden as last contender on my list.

And Biden was right for once. Obama's judgement is lacking. This is one of his biggest shortfalls. He stayed at a church for 20+ years and only when his preacher's sermons were brought to the national level via news (only after a week or so because they couldn't ignore it any longer), did he denounce them and also claim he never heard much of what was played nationally. How can anyone with half a braincell believe this?

He has NO clear stance on anything so you have no idea what he really believes. He can't answer a question with a straight answer on anything he is asked. Sarah was correct on his changing speeches and personalities to fit the region he's in, even when they completely contradict prior statements, as if most of America won't notice. Sorry, we're not as collectively naive as he would like to believe. It will backfire, and I believe it already is starting to. He's trying so hard to become president, seemingly just for the glory of being the first black president. Apparently skin color in an office where it has a tradition of being white, is more important that actually wanting to accomplish anything of significance that will HELP us.

How about he stays in the Senate for a while and really learn how this country operates and what people want, not how many socialist programs he can propose and get his Liberal buddies in congress to pass it? Hell, he hasn't even introduced ONE SINGLE PIECE of legislation in his current job, though not that he's had time. He's been sucking up the IL's taxpayer money and not actually doing his job. He's been on the payroll, essentially getting paid to run for president instead of the job he was actually elected to do. He's no better than the AK governor that Palin replaced in respect to wasting taxpayer money.

Then there's the issue with Biden. He's so set on living in the White House as well, he acts like he never said those things about Obama that he did. So it seems HIS judgement is lacking as well. All of a sudden he also believes Obama is qualified for President. Really? He changed his mind in that short of time? So what experience and knowledge did Obama gain between the time Biden said he's not fit, and when Obama picked him for a running mate, that qualifies him for President? And does Biden REALLY believe what he says about Obama now, or is he so hellbent on getting to the White House, he will say and do anything to get there, even if it means sacrificing integrity and honesty, just for the title of VP?

09-08-2008, 12:07 PM
Bidens debate tactics include: "I believe my IQ is higher than yours" as though thats somehow makes him right.

09-08-2008, 03:44 PM
Bidens debate tactics include: "I believe my IQ is higher than yours" as though thats somehow makes him right.
LOL. That was just some guy asking him where he graduated in his class. Among friends this was his answer.

Of course, we've yet to delve into his plagiarism and just flat out resume lies....