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09-08-2008, 09:14 PM
Will someone please tell me what "Change" will be forthcoming under a McCain-Palin administration? They agree with Bush on damned near EVERYTHING. It really doesn't count as change if the only thing you change is the names of the folks calling the same old tune.

09-08-2008, 09:21 PM
Well, first thing I can think of is that we will have a woman VP!!! That's a huge change.

Second.........fighting the "good ol' boy" system would be another huge change.

09-08-2008, 09:22 PM

Neither you or JoeSteel have answered my question. Can you tell me when either Senators Obama or Biden have commanded troops?

09-08-2008, 09:26 PM
Well, first thing I can think of is that we will have a woman VP!!! That's a huge change.

Second.........fighting the "good ol' boy" system would be another huge change.

what policies of the Bush administration will be changed? Education? Taxation? Foreign Policy? Energy?

09-08-2008, 09:29 PM

Neither you or JoeSteel have answered my question. Can you tell me when either Senators Obama or Biden have commanded troops?

they have never commanded troops...and as a 25 year military veteran, and someone who is not only extremely conversant in what it means to actually command troops, as well as someone extremely familiar with the relationship between the state national guard and the governor's office, I can tell you that, for all intents and purposes, neither has Sarah Palin.... and John McCain has only commanded a squadron, which is a couple hundred sailors. BFD.... I commanded that many on several occasions in MY career.

09-08-2008, 09:33 PM
they have never commanded troops...and as a 25 year military veteran, and someone who is not only extremely conversant in what it means to actually command troops, as well as someone extremely familiar with the relationship between the state national guard and the governor's office, I can tell you that, for all intents and purposes, neither has Sarah Palin.... and John McCain has only commanded a squadron, which is a couple hundred sailors. BFD.... I commanded that many on several occasions in MY career.

Would you be so kind as to post when and where so we can verify?

Thanks in advance.

09-08-2008, 09:33 PM
Would you be so kind as to post when and where so we can verify?

Thanks in advance.

verify what?

09-08-2008, 09:34 PM
verify what?

Your service to this country.

09-08-2008, 09:37 PM
Your service to this country.

you'll have to take my word for it. Unless you would like to post your full name and SSN so that I can verify who the fuck you say YOU are....

I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1972 and retired as a Commander in 1993. If you don't "believe" me, trust me, buddy...I ain't gonna lose any sleep over it. :lol:

09-08-2008, 09:38 PM
I'll eat my own ass if you were ever in the Military, slick.

Prove up.

09-08-2008, 09:44 PM
I'll eat my own ass if you were ever in the Military, slick.

Prove up.

fuck you... and chow down, asshole.

Do you see my avatar...George Casey took that picture!

I am wearing a USNA hoodie, but the flag obscures it. George and I, along with five other US UNMO's climbed Cheops and watched the sunrise. Pretty fucking awesome... I would not trade my life for your pathetic little excuse for one for all the tea in China.

09-08-2008, 09:46 PM
You little shitbag, there's no way in hell you were in the USN.

Stick to the best blend of weed, know your strengths.

09-08-2008, 09:49 PM
You little shitbag, there's no way in hell you were in the USN.

Stick to the best blend of weed, know your strengths.

fuck you. I raised my hand on June 26th, 1968 and served until september 5th 1993. there is no way in hell you know what the fuck you're talking about.

09-08-2008, 09:53 PM

09-08-2008, 09:54 PM

that's right. Ever climbed Cheops, by the way? loser.

better question: do you even konw what Cheops IS? :lol:

09-08-2008, 09:56 PM
and I am STILL wating for ANY republican on here ( not merely the intellectually challenged ones) to answer the question in the opening post. Please tell me what CHANGE is in store in a McCain administration?

09-08-2008, 10:06 PM
and I am STILL wating for ANY republican on here ( not merely the intellectually challenged ones) to answer the question in the opening post. Please tell me what CHANGE is in store in a McCain administration?

yay, i can't wait to answer and have mfm claim i am one those....:poke:

is that really you in the picture?

09-08-2008, 10:13 PM
to give a simple answer to a simple question:

mccain/palin are NOT bush/cheney

as much as you want to make us believe so, they are not. whether mccain voted on similar issues that bush was for or whether palin was for similar issues does not prove they will GOVERN <----- the United States of America the same way.

think about it genius....

hillary and obama were virtually 99% if not 100% on the votes together...but you went for obama because he was more electable. there is virtually no difference between hillary and obama on the 'books', yet you went for obama.

why is that?

09-08-2008, 10:17 PM
night, quit it already.

questioning someone's patriotism is lame.

If you dont wanna believe someone's military service, thats your perogative but i dont see you questioning other veterans.

This is over the line :poke:

09-08-2008, 10:18 PM
can i have a :link: to back up your claim please

Will someone please tell me what "Change" will be forthcoming under a McCain-Palin administration? They agree with Bush on damned near EVERYTHING. It really doesn't count as change if the only thing you change is the names of the folks calling the same old tune.

09-08-2008, 11:10 PM
night, quit it already.

questioning someone's patriotism is lame.

If you dont wanna believe someone's military service, thats your perogative but i dont see you questioning other veterans.

This is over the line :poke:

Martin, stick to kissing Pyschobabble's ass and leave the debating to me.

09-08-2008, 11:13 PM
Martin, stick to kissing Pyschobabble's ass and leave the debating to me.

what debate :laugh2:

Hey maineman, prove your a veteran... prove it, prove it!! :coffee:

thats not debate

otherwise, i think your a good poster and i think its sad that you feel the need to insult me, simply because i dont approve of one action your taking

overall, i think your a good poster

09-08-2008, 11:15 PM
and for the record im nice and cordial with a lot of people.

I guess that means i kiss their ass too.

I have a deep appreciation for many of the members on the board, even when i dont get along with them, i think the vast majority are intelligent, creative, wise people

and you are no exception sir :salute:

Martin, stick to kissing Pyschobabble's ass and leave the debating to me.

09-08-2008, 11:20 PM
that's right. Ever climbed Cheops, by the way? loser.

better question: do you even konw what Cheops IS? :lol:

It's the oldest Pyramid of the 3 great Pyramids.

Is that you, floating 500 feet out from it? That's some pretty impressive shit, did you preach that you floated in front of the Pyramid to convert a few idiots there in your hometown?

Is that why they put up with your incredible language as a preacher and tolerate your bizarre theories?

Dude, you were NOT floating in front of Cheops.

What town are you in? I need to put a stop to your little charade.

These poor people need to know that you do NOT float in front of the Pyramids waving a flag, and you are not a former Navy Commander.

09-08-2008, 11:33 PM
It's the oldest Pyramid of the 3 great Pyramids.

Is that you, floating 500 feet out from it? That's some pretty impressive shit, did you preach that you floated in front of the Pyramid to convert a few idiots there in your hometown?

Is that why they put up with your incredible language as a preacher and tolerate your bizarre theories?

Dude, you were NOT floating in front of Cheops.

What town are you in? I need to put a stop to your little charade.

These poor people need to know that you do NOT float in front of the Pyramids waving a flag, and you are not a former Navy Commander.

Looks like a pretty simple photoshop job to me, 5-10 minutes, tops.:laugh2:

09-09-2008, 12:02 AM
what debate :laugh2:

Hey maineman, prove your a veteran... prove it, prove it!! :coffee:

thats not debate

otherwise, i think your a good poster and i think its sad that you feel the need to insult me, simply because i dont approve of one action your taking

overall, i think your a good poster

dude, you sound like a fake. either you support what he says or you don't. "otherwise"...come on, take a stance.

you can be polite without KISSING ASS.


09-09-2008, 12:03 AM
It's the oldest Pyramid of the 3 great Pyramids.

Is that you, floating 500 feet out from it? That's some pretty impressive shit, did you preach that you floated in front of the Pyramid to convert a few idiots there in your hometown?

Is that why they put up with your incredible language as a preacher and tolerate your bizarre theories?

Dude, you were NOT floating in front of Cheops.

What town are you in? I need to put a stop to your little charade.

These poor people need to know that you do NOT float in front of the Pyramids waving a flag, and you are not a former Navy Commander.

um, thats a challenge

09-09-2008, 12:05 AM
so mfm lied about his avi? and that is actually mfm hissself?

09-09-2008, 01:05 AM
so mfm lied about his avi? and that is actually mfm hissself?

I really like how he climbed Cheops, like he said, and then levitated several hundred feet toward the Helicopter whilst holding the American Flag for the picture.

What's amazing to me is that someone that's able to levitate still believes that kind of crap, and actually tries to sell it.

09-09-2008, 01:24 AM
I really like how he climbed Cheops, like he said, and then levitated several hundred feet toward the Helicopter whilst holding the American Flag for the picture.

What's amazing to me is that someone that's able to levitate still believes that kind of crap, and actually tries to sell it.

mfm claims that is him in the picture of his avi. and according to you, that is not possible. so mfm is a liar?

09-09-2008, 01:36 AM
I like to keep an open mind, Yurt, but at first look I'd have to say that it isn't MFM levitating toward the Helicopter.

In my professional opinion, I'd say that's a $39 blow-up doll with a cheap mustache glued on, dangled by another helicopter.

09-09-2008, 02:09 AM
I like to keep an open mind, Yurt, but at first look I'd have to say that it isn't MFM levitating toward the Helicopter.

In my professional opinion, I'd say that's a $39 blow-up doll with a cheap mustache glued on, dangled by another helicopter.


09-09-2008, 06:33 AM
It's the oldest Pyramid of the 3 great Pyramids.

Is that you, floating 500 feet out from it? That's some pretty impressive shit, did you preach that you floated in front of the Pyramid to convert a few idiots there in your hometown?

Is that why they put up with your incredible language as a preacher and tolerate your bizarre theories?

Dude, you were NOT floating in front of Cheops.

What town are you in? I need to put a stop to your little charade.

These poor people need to know that you do NOT float in front of the Pyramids waving a flag, and you are not a former Navy Commander.

If you knew your pyramids, you would know that one behind me is NOT Cheops but Khafre with its distinctive remaining limestone cap, and you would know that the only place to get a photo of Khafre from that perspective is from the top of Cheops... but then, it is obvious that you don't know very much.

Joe Steel
09-09-2008, 06:55 AM

Neither you or JoeSteel have answered my question. Can you tell me when either Senators Obama or Biden have commanded troops?


What's you point?

09-09-2008, 07:18 AM
Because McBush/Palin have no ideas they can only borrow from the party that has always meant change. So change for them is spin to confuse the voters who pay little attention and are won over by single issues. It is rather ironic that two republicans who are about as republican as you can get are running against the republican administration of Bush et al. It makes one's head spin to think they are really running against themselves and having a jolly old time doing it and acting like it is change. wow

Is this change?


McCain/Palin are now agents of change, no more pristine coastlines, no more arctic wilderness, no more polar bears, and no more books. Change!

09-10-2008, 07:10 PM
what policies of the Bush administration will be changed? Education? Taxation? Foreign Policy? Energy?

All of the above and political corruption.

09-10-2008, 07:14 PM
you'll have to take my word for it. Unless you would like to post your full name and SSN so that I can verify who the fuck you say YOU are....

I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1972 and retired as a Commander in 1993. If you don't "believe" me, trust me, buddy...I ain't gonna lose any sleep over it. :lol:

I don't believe you.:coffee:

Because you do not conduct yourself as a officer - you conduct yourself as a DU nerd who resorts to a foul mouth when his argument is debunked.:poke:

09-10-2008, 07:16 PM
McCain/Palin are now agents of change, no more pristine coastlines, no more arctic wilderness, no more polar bears, and no more books. Change!

No more books? Huh?

09-10-2008, 07:18 PM
what policies of the Bush administration will be changed? Education? Taxation? Foreign Policy? Energy?

education will stay.....which i am cool with.....obama will only add money and people to it....the department of ed should be eliinated

taxation.......i am cool with......obama ha said he will leave it be for a bit now as well.....

foreign policy......i am cool with being tough....obama wants to invade afganistan and pakistan.....sounds like bush to me.....except for the pakistan part...bush is against that......

energy......mccain wants to drill and encourage alternate energy......obama wants me to inflate my tires properly....i alreday do that as the cost 350 dollars a piece....

09-10-2008, 07:19 PM

What's you point?

Just asking. It was in reference to experience qualifications.

09-10-2008, 07:20 PM
fuck you... and chow down, asshole.

Do you see my avatar...George Casey took that picture!

I am wearing a USNA hoodie, but the flag obscures it. George and I, along with five other US UNMO's climbed Cheops and watched the sunrise. Pretty fucking awesome... I would not trade my life for your pathetic little excuse for one for all the tea in China.

god photoshop is a cool thing...........

09-10-2008, 07:27 PM
If you knew your pyramids, you would know that one behind me is NOT Cheops but Khafre with its distinctive remaining limestone cap, and you would know that the only place to get a photo of Khafre from that perspective is from the top of Cheops... but then, it is obvious that you don't know very much.

with kafre being the taller than cheops .....you got an interesting perspective in that photo

09-10-2008, 07:29 PM
Because McBush/Palin have no ideas they can only borrow from the party that has always meant change. So change for them is spin to confuse the voters who pay little attention and are won over by single issues. It is rather ironic that two republicans who are about as republican as you can get are running against the republican administration of Bush et al. It makes one's head spin to think they are really running against themselves and having a jolly old time doing it and acting like it is change. wow

Who cares who suggested change first Midcan - you sound as if you are in a "nanner nanner nanner" game --- I frankly don't care whether Dems or Repubs are promising change as long as they have the cajones to make it happen.

I believe the McCain/Palin ticket are willing to go to the mat to make things happen. Barack will waffle and try to please everyone and end up running in circles (which could be perceived as a change - from the "stay the course" of the past). He will spend his time running around trying to "organize" everything so everyone feels good about themselves instead of making lasting reforms. You cannot make change when you are worried about how pissed off you might make someone.

09-10-2008, 08:24 PM
with kafre being the taller than cheops .....you got an interesting perspective in that photo

khafre is not taller than cheops. it is slightly smaller.

09-10-2008, 08:25 PM
god photoshop is a cool thing...........

call me a liar if you like, it is your style.

I'm sorry.

09-10-2008, 08:26 PM
education will stay.....which i am cool with.....obama will only add money and people to it....the department of ed should be eliinated

taxation.......i am cool with......obama ha said he will leave it be for a bit now as well.....

foreign policy......i am cool with being tough....obama wants to invade afganistan and pakistan.....sounds like bush to me.....except for the pakistan part...bush is against that......

energy......mccain wants to drill and encourage alternate energy......obama wants me to inflate my tires properly....i alreday do that as the cost 350 dollars a piece....

so basically, you agree that McCain will maintain the policies of the Bush administration. thanks for that.

09-10-2008, 08:32 PM

09-10-2008, 08:33 PM
so basically, you agree that McCain will maintain the policies of the Bush administration. thanks for that.

It doesn't seem to me like Senator Obama offers much change or even hope for change either. He promises all kinds of new taxes and social programs but then in reality as he looks at things... well, we'll just have to take things slow.

Senator Obama is not going to change much of anything except that instead of sleeping with a stuffed elephant for a teddy bear, he'll sleep with a stuffed jackass. And no, that is not saying that Mrs. Bush is a stuffed elephant or Mrs. Obama is a stuffed jackass. It's saying their stuffed animals resemble their party mascots.

:cheers2: Here's to real change, get rid of the two parties that are ruining our country and send the career politicians packing.


09-10-2008, 08:33 PM
khafre is not taller than cheops. it is slightly smaller.

khufu / cheops is 138.8 m. and is the one you claim you are standing on

Khafre is 143.5 m and sits on a 10 m base and is the one in the background of you avitar

like i said....interesting perspective in your picture....one wonders

09-10-2008, 08:35 PM
so basically, you agree that McCain will maintain the policies of the Bush administration. thanks for that.

you are welcome....obama has said he will as well.....seems hope and change is simply a marketing ploy.....gee imagine that....

09-10-2008, 08:35 PM
so basically, you agree that McCain will maintain the policies of the Bush administration. thanks for that.

that does not mean mccain will govern the same way. you have stated that you voted for obama because you thought he could win whereas hillary could not. unless you are saying that you voted party over country, then you are saying obama would govern better than hillary, you have never said that, ever, so if hillary and obama are the same on policy, what makes you think obama will be a better president than hillary? or did you bascially admit you wanted yoru party to win regardless.

09-10-2008, 08:36 PM

that is just what it looks like! The top of Cheops is flat (because the limestone facing has been completely removed) and it is about the size of half a volleyball court on top.

09-10-2008, 08:37 PM
khufu / cheops is 138.8 m. and is the one you claim you are standing on

Khafre is 143.5 m and sits on a 10 m base and is the one in the background of you avitar

like i said....interesting perspective in your picture....one wonders

here is a perspective


09-10-2008, 08:37 PM
that is just what it looks like! The top of Cheops is flat (because the limestone facing has been completely removed) and it is about the size of half a volleyball court on top.

yours looks shorter and farther away. why is that?

09-10-2008, 08:38 PM
you are welcome....obama has said he will as well.....seems hope and change is simply a marketing ploy.....gee imagine that....

Obama will not maintain Bush's economic policies or his tax policies or his energy policies or his environmental policies or his dumbass Iraq policy...well, actually, it appears that Bush may have changed HIS Iraq policy to mirror Obama's before he leave office.

09-10-2008, 08:40 PM
yours looks shorter and farther away. why is that?

I would guess it was a different focal length lens on the camera. It was George Casey's camera... I can only guess.

09-10-2008, 08:45 PM
khufu / cheops is 138.8 m. and is the one you claim you are standing on

Khafre is 143.5 m and sits on a 10 m base and is the one in the background of you avitar

like i said....interesting perspective in your picture....one wonders

you can wonder all you like. I know I am not going to "convince" you of anything, nor do I care to try. I know that, after an evening gambling at a casino in downtown Cairo, George Casey, myself, and four other American UN Military Observers climbed Cheops and watched the sunrise from the top, and after we climbed down. we paid an Antiquities policeman the equivalent of about $5 each in baksheesh. YOU can believe it if you like. I know it's true.

09-10-2008, 09:04 PM
you can wonder all you like. I know I am not going to "convince" you of anything, nor do I care to try. I know that, after an evening gambling at a casino in downtown Cairo, George Casey, myself, and four other American UN Military Observers climbed Cheops and watched the sunrise from the top, and after we climbed down. we paid an Antiquities policeman the equivalent of about $5 each in baksheesh. YOU can believe it if you like. I know it's true.

are you telling the truth about the number of people who went with you?

We climbed Cheops with three other US military officers

George and I, along with five other US UNMO's climbed Cheops

09-10-2008, 09:09 PM
you can wonder all you like. I know I am not going to "convince" you of anything, nor do I care to try. I know that, after an evening gambling at a casino in downtown Cairo, George Casey, myself, and four other American UN Military Observers climbed Cheops and watched the sunrise from the top, and after we climbed down. we paid an Antiquities policeman the equivalent of about $5 each in baksheesh. YOU can believe it if you like. I know it's true.

but you said.....Originally Posted by manfrommaine: khafre is not taller than cheops. it is slightly smaller.....and yet your photo shows it the other way around.....odd don't you think....

09-10-2008, 10:28 PM
but you said.....Originally Posted by manfrommaine: khafre is not taller than cheops. it is slightly smaller.....and yet your photo shows it the other way around.....odd don't you think....

I know that I looked down over at it when I stood at the top of cheops with the american flag infront of me as my pal George took my picture. The fact that you would find it odd is expected.

09-10-2008, 10:35 PM
but you said.....Originally Posted by manfrommaine: khafre is not taller than cheops. it is slightly smaller.....and yet your photo shows it the other way around.....odd don't you think....

I know that I looked down over at it when I stood at the top of cheops with the american flag infront of me as my pal George took my picture. The fact that you would find it odd is expected.

Not commenting on the photograph at all, but isn't it possible that because of the location of the horizon, the picture simply looks as if the picture is looking downwards at the other pyramid? I'm no photographer, but it seems to me that sometimes angles can be deceiving in a photograph.

It does seem to me that the background picture is a lot farther than the one that Yurt posted in that thread.


09-10-2008, 10:38 PM
what policies of the Bush administration will be changed? Education? Taxation? Foreign Policy? Energy?

you just don't get it, do you...WE AND MOST AMERICANS don't want your SOCIALIST changes you and your Democrat party want to bring in..

you would think you would of learned by now, but noooooooooooooooooo

09-10-2008, 10:39 PM
you can wonder all you like. I know I am not going to "convince" you of anything, nor do I care to try. I know that, after an evening gambling at a casino in downtown Cairo, George Casey, myself, and four other American UN Military Observers climbed Cheops and watched the sunrise from the top, and after we climbed down. we paid an Antiquities policeman the equivalent of about $5 each in baksheesh. YOU can believe it if you like. I know it's true.

are you telling the truth about the number of people who went with you?

We climbed Cheops with three other US military officers

George and I, along with five other US UNMO's climbed Cheops


09-10-2008, 10:40 PM
you just don't get it, do you...WE AND MOST AMERICANS don't want your SOCIALIST changes you and your Democrat party want to bring in..

you would think you would of learned by now, but noooooooooooooooooo

Remember, the government knows what we need better than we do.


09-10-2008, 10:45 PM
It was twenty six years ago. I went to Cairo to visit George Casey. He and I did the souk and the Cairo museum and a lot of other cool things... I did not know the other fellows very well and have not kept in contact with them. As I said, the night started at a Cairo casino and we had a lot to drink. I climbed Cheops early in the morning with Casey and a number of other Americans. If you don't care to believe me yurt, please understand that I really don't care all that much. I know what happened. I know what I did and what I saw. Believe me or don't. I don't care. OK?

09-10-2008, 10:46 PM
you just don't get it, do you...WE AND MOST AMERICANS don't want your SOCIALIST changes you and your Democrat party want to bring in..

you would think you would of learned by now, but noooooooooooooooooo

mnost americans are sick of the policies of George W. Bush and McCain promises four more years of them.

09-10-2008, 10:50 PM
Not commenting on the photograph at all, but isn't it possible that because of the location of the horizon, the picture simply looks as if the picture is looking downwards at the other pyramid? I'm no photographer, but it seems to me that sometimes angles can be deceiving in a photograph.

It does seem to me that the background picture is a lot farther than the one that Yurt posted in that thread.


of course Immie. I am a liar and I made it all up... right?

I wonder where ELSE someone could be standing to get a picture of Khafre in the background if not on top of Cheops... unless, of course, as you are suggesting, I am lying my ass off.

whatever, my friend. If YOU don't believe me, no one will. I guess I am doomed.

09-10-2008, 10:53 PM
It was twenty six years ago. I went to Cairo to visit George Casey. He and I did the souk and the Cairo museum and a lot of other cool things... I did not know the other fellows very well and have not kept in contact with them. As I said, the night started at a Cairo casino and we had a lot to drink. I climbed Cheops early in the morning with Casey and a number of other Americans. If you don't care to believe me yurt, please understand that I really don't care all that much. I know what happened. I know what I did and what I saw. Believe me or don't. I don't care. OK?

absolutely ok. you said three different things about one event, so i asked a question. is that ok? you once told me i was a liar for getting lieberman's vote percentage wrong even after i said it was a mistake and i did not look it up. is that ok?

09-10-2008, 10:54 PM
of course Immie. I am a liar and I made it all up... right?

I wonder where ELSE someone could be standing to get a picture of Khafre in the background if not on top of Cheops... unless, of course, as you are suggesting, I am lying my ass off.

whatever, my friend. If YOU don't believe me, no one will. I guess I am doomed.

I didn't say I don't believe you.

I don't know. As I said, I'm no photographer. It looks different than the photo Yurt posted, that is all I said. I have no other basis to go upon. Yurt's photo looked as if you could practically leap from one pyramid to the other and to me that just sounds unbelievable, but that is the way it appears. Your photo doesn't even look like Brett Favre could throw a football from where you are standing and get anywhere near the other pyramid.

As for the angle and the horizon, I didn't think that sounded like I didn't believe you.


09-10-2008, 10:54 PM
mnost americans are sick of the policies of George W. Bush and McCain promises four more years of them.

no he does not. he will not govern the same and has not always agreed with bush. so it is simply not true to say it will be the "same." i guess obama will give us 4 years of hillary clinton....

09-10-2008, 10:56 PM
no he does not. he will not govern the same and has not always agreed with bush. so it is simply not true to say it will be the "same." i guess obama will give us 4 years of hillary clinton....

90% the same is damned near the same.

Hillary has not been the president.

09-10-2008, 10:56 PM
I didn't say I don't believe you.

I don't know. As I said, I'm no photographer. It looks different than the photo Yurt posted, that is all I said. I have no other basis to go upon. Yurt's photo looked as if you could practically leap from on pyramid to the other and to me that just sounds unbelievable, but that is the way it appears.

As for the angle and the horizon, I didn't think that sounded like I didn't believe you.


i want to be clear i did not take that photo, it is the guy in the pic's photo, i found it on the net

09-10-2008, 10:57 PM
90% the same is damned near the same.

Hillary has not been the president.

near the same is similar, but still not the same. all you have are policies to make them similar, using that logic, a vote for obama is a vote for hillary clinton.

09-10-2008, 10:58 PM
most americans are sick of the policies of George W. Bush and McCain promises four more years of them.

that's the only thing you all have, is McCain is another George Bush..you guys evidently don't feel confident enough to just run on your PLATFORM you are so fond of saying the Democrats have....why? because it is SOCIALIST, and people don't want it...
and I wouldn't be counting your chickens just yet..things ain't looking so good for you all lately..Your boy wonder seems to be having a meltdown..

Damn that Sarah Palin...:laugh2:

09-10-2008, 10:59 PM
i want to be clear i did not take that photo, it is the guy in the pic's photo, i found it on the net

No need to mention that, it was obvious in your post.

I wish I had taken it. I'd love to see the pyramids.


09-10-2008, 11:03 PM
that's the only thing you all have, is McCain is another George Bush..you guys evidently don't feel confident enough to just run on your PLATFORM you are so fond of saying the Democrats have....why? because it is SOCIALIST, and people don't want it...
and I wouldn't be counting your chickens just yet..things ain't looking so good for you all lately..Your boy wonder seems to be having a meltdown..

Damn that Sarah Palin...:laugh2:

yes change....

to expand bush's grants to religous groups...

to promise to take public financing and then change his mind and go private...

to promise not to vote for fisa and then to change his mind to vote for it...

sounds like a continuation of bush on 1 & 3

09-10-2008, 11:23 PM
I know that I looked down over at it when I stood at the top of cheops with the american flag infront of me as my pal George took my picture. The fact that you would find it odd is expected.

it is not possible to look down on something that is taller than what you are standing on..........

khufu / cheops is 138.8 m. and is the one you claim you are standing on

Khafre is 143.5 m and sits on a 10 m base and is the one in the background of you avitar

09-10-2008, 11:26 PM
that's the only thing you all have, is McCain is another George Bush..you guys evidently don't feel confident enough to just run on your PLATFORM you are so fond of saying the Democrats have....why? because it is SOCIALIST, and people don't want it...

Obama would LOVE To have a debate on the issues. McCain wants to have a debate about lipstick. I wonder why?

If McCain's policies would trounce Obama's policies in the court of public opinion, why do you think he would avoid talking about them?:laugh2:

09-10-2008, 11:32 PM
it is not possible to look down on something that is taller than what you are standing on..........

khufu / cheops is 138.8 m. and is the one you claim you are standing on

Khafre is 143.5 m and sits on a 10 m base and is the one in the background of you avitar

if one uses a wide angle lens, things in the background seem smaller. I know what I saw and what I did and where I was standing when George Casey took the picture. It was an unbelievably fun day! One that only a minuscule number of people have ever experienced. I will never forget it. If you chose to disbelieve me, so be it. I really don't care. I climbed Cheops and you, and damned near every other person who has ever lived in the past four millennia has not. That is a cool feeling.

09-10-2008, 11:39 PM
Obama would LOVE To have a debate on the issues. McCain wants to have a debate about lipstick. I wonder why?

If McCain's policies would trounce Obama's policies in the court of public opinion, why do you think he would avoid talking about them?:laugh2:

Please, if Obama wanted to run on the issues he would. The reason he is resorting to personal attacks is because he is morally bankrupt on the issues.

And how is running on the same damn agenda youve been running on for 70 years change????

09-11-2008, 12:09 AM
And how is running on the same damn agenda youve been running on for 70 years change????

because the country has been running on a completely different agenda for the past eight years and people don't like it.


09-11-2008, 01:12 AM
because the country has been running on a completely different agenda for the past eight years and people don't like it.


Problem isnt that the country has been to conservative. Its been that conservatism hasnt been tried.

09-11-2008, 04:08 AM
I'm tired of hearing the word change.

Time for a change, let's make a change... or even in current Rap,

"like Barack Obama said, its time for a change" in the remix of Lolipop which is an entire song based around blow jobs... featuring the band Three Six Mafia. (yes, Three Six means exactly what it looks like.)

Or the song from Nas that tries to link to an old Tupac song for ratings/money's sake referring to Tupac's old song, "Changes" stating "And although it seems heaven sent We ain't ready, to see a black President," as though just having a black president would fix the racial issues, rather than what he'll do in office or anything important. Reverse racism sucks.

I think the next person who says Change is going to get pistol whipped.

Hey, Farva, what's the name of that restaurant?

09-11-2008, 06:53 AM
I think the next person who says Change is going to get pistol whipped.

Change... got any change?
