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View Full Version : The world's verdict will be harsh if the US rejects the man it yearns for

09-10-2008, 08:53 AM

An America that disdains Obama for his global support risks turning current anti-Bush feeling into something far worseAll comments (710)
Jonathan Freedland The Guardian, Wednesday September 10 2008

The feeling is familiar. I had it four years ago and four years before that: a sinking feeling in the stomach. It's a kind of physical pessimism which says: "It's happening again. The Democrats are about to lose an election they should win - and it could not matter more."

In my head, I'm not as anxious for Barack Obama's chances as I was for John Kerry's in 2004 or Al Gore's in 2000. He is a better candidate than both put together, and all the empirical evidence says this year favours Democrats more than any since 1976. But still, I can't shake off the gloom.

Look at yesterday's opinion polls, which have John McCain either in a dead heat with Obama or narrowly ahead. Given the well-documented tendency of African-American candidates to perform better in polls than in elections - thanks to people who say they will vote for a black man but don't - this suggests Obama is now trailing badly. More troubling was the ABC News-Washington Post survey which found McCain ahead among white women by 53% to 41%. Two weeks ago, Obama had a 15% lead among women. There is only one explanation for that turnaround, and it was not McCain's tranquilliser of a convention speech: Obama's lead has been crushed by the Palin bounce.

So you can understand my pessimism. But it's now combined with a rising frustration. I watch as the Democrats stumble, uncertain how to take on Sarah Palin. Fight too hard, and the Republican machine, echoed by the ditto-heads in the conservative commentariat on talk radio and cable TV, will brand Democrats sexist, elitist snobs, patronising a small-town woman. Do nothing, and Palin's rise will continue unchecked, her novelty making even Obama look stale, her star power energising and motivating the Republican base.

read the rest and some comments

09-11-2008, 12:40 PM
and they all support america telling other countries what to do

09-11-2008, 03:21 PM
I would say Obama's stock will drop following the O'Reilly interview last night.....O'Reilly is asking him a series of questions "Okay, so Europe is weak and cowardly"
Obama: "Right"
O'Reilly: "So what are you going to do with Russia.....

so Obama is on record as agreeing with Europe is cowardly and weak.....

Mr. P
09-11-2008, 03:26 PM
I'm so sick of the "world/foreigners" stickin their fingers into our elections...FUCK EM!

09-11-2008, 03:33 PM
Most of the world is more socialist than we. Makes sense they'd want us to be Socialist - AND more 'globally minded' - thereby transfering some authority and freedoms to THEIR control.

Abbey Marie
09-11-2008, 03:56 PM
Most of the world is more socialist than we. Makes sense they'd want us to be Socialist - AND more 'globally minded' - thereby transfering some authority and freedoms to THEIR control.

And jealous.