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View Full Version : Dying woman loses marijuana appeal

03-14-2007, 01:37 PM
I think weed should be legal anyway but for christ sakes let the dying woman have her pot. Stupid drug laws. Don't see how it could be the only thing keeping her alive though.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070314/ap_on_he_me/medical_marijuana;_ylt=AlHsp_Tt_qI.1.xPVRe5ChKs0NU E

SAN FRANCISCO - A California woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive is not immune from federal prosecution on drug charges, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.

The case was brought by Angel Raich, an Oakland mother of two who suffers from scoliosis, a brain tumor, chronic nausea and other ailments. On her doctor's advice, she eats or smokes marijuana every couple of hours to ease her pain and bolster a nonexistent appetite as conventional drugs did not work.

The Supreme Court ruled against Raich two years ago, saying that medical marijuana users and their suppliers could be prosecuted for breaching federal drug laws even if they lived in a state such as California where medical pot is legal.

Because of that ruling, the issue before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was narrowed to the so-called right to life theory: that marijuana should be allowed if it is the only viable option to keep a patient alive.

Raich, 41, began sobbing when she was told of the decision and said she would continue using the drug.

"I'm sure not going to let them kill me," she said. "Oh my God."

Abbey Marie
03-14-2007, 01:45 PM
For cryin out loud, give this woman anything she wants.

03-14-2007, 02:39 PM
I agree... there's no good reason not to administer this drug. Congress should take it off Schedule C (I think?) and regulate its use as they do alcohol.

Mr. P
03-14-2007, 02:51 PM
At my own risk I found a way to provide this substance to a woman with cancer.

She did pass, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

03-14-2007, 02:57 PM
I think weed should be legal anyway but for christ sakes let the dying woman have her pot. Stupid drug laws. Don't see how it could be the only thing keeping her alive though.

"On her doctor's advice, she eats or smokes marijuana every couple of hours to ease her pain and bolster a nonexistent appetite as conventional drugs did not work."

As any one that has smoked it can attest, it definitely increases your appetite.

03-14-2007, 04:19 PM
I for one say legalize it and tax it. Despite all the hype marijuana has NOT been shown to be a gateway drug. I dont understand why it can not be prescribed medicinaly, for crying out loud they can prescribe oxycontin and other pain killers not to mention a whole list of phsycotropic drugs. Just because this one is organic and anyone can grow it it has to be illegal..

Mr. P
03-14-2007, 04:36 PM
I for one say legalize it and tax it. Despite all the hype marijuana has NOT been shown to be a gateway drug. I dont understand why it can not be prescribed medicinaly, for crying out loud they can prescribe oxycontin and other pain killers not to mention a whole list of phsycotropic drugs. Just because this one is organic and anyone can grow it it has to be illegal..

Ya hit all around that nail... it's about $$$$$. Tax money lost for funding the war on drugs and I'll bet $1000 cyber bucks the drug companies lobby against legalezing it too.

03-14-2007, 04:42 PM
Ya hit all around that nail... it's about $$$$$. Tax money lost for funding the war on drugs and I'll bet $1000 cyber bucks the drug companies lobby against legalezing it too.

I imagine that if I was a police officer I would much rather go into a drug bust knowing that the perps were stoned on pot rather than tweeking on Meth or coke. A thousand bales of pot always looks more impressive on TV and the front page too.

03-14-2007, 04:52 PM
Ya hit all around that nail... it's about $$$$$. Tax money lost for funding the war on drugs and I'll bet $1000 cyber bucks the drug companies lobby against legalezing it too.

Back in the seventies, we would always go to the midnight movie on Saturday nights. One night they played "Refer Madness", we were all stoned so it came off as a really funny film. At the end of the film, after the credits, I remember this announcement...."This film has been brought to you as a public service by the Alcohol Industry of America"....has always stuck with me.

03-14-2007, 04:56 PM
Re-frickin'-diculous. What is the point of outlawing a substance you think can harm somebody when not taking it will KILL that person? There is no excuse for this crap. Isn't there a clause in the legal code about self-preservation?

While I'm on it, when has anybody ever died of a marijuana overdose?

03-14-2007, 04:59 PM
Re-frickin'-diculous. What is the point of outlawing a substance you think can harm somebody when not taking it will KILL that person? There is no excuse for this crap. Isn't there a clause in the legal code about self-preservation?

While I'm on it, when has anybody ever died of a marijuana overdose?

Pot's not illegal because of the "harm" it causes. It's a money issue.

Mr. P
03-14-2007, 05:00 PM
I imagine that if I was a police officer I would much rather go into a drug bust knowing that the perps were stoned on pot rather than tweeking on Meth or coke. A thousand bales of pot always looks more impressive on TV and the front page too.

Here in Ga. You can't buy wine on the internet legally. The Liquor lobby kept it that way. It was money out of their pockets. I say 'can't' but I think it was just made legal a few months ago, but I’m not sure.

Mr. P
03-14-2007, 05:07 PM
Here in Ga. You can't buy wine on the internet legally. The Liquor lobby kept it that way. It was money out of their pockets. I say 'can't' but I think it was just made legal a few months ago, but I’m not sure.

I don't know how this post got here..supposed to address your second post Sitarro

03-14-2007, 05:08 PM
Am I the only person who seems to think this woman's claim is ridiculous? She is dying regardless. So she should be allowed to break the law so she can get high for questionable purposes?

03-14-2007, 05:14 PM
Should we not allow her last days to be spent how she wants and in as much peace as possible as long as she's not hurting anyone. That's just being humane.

03-14-2007, 05:17 PM
Am I the only person who seems to think this woman's claim is ridiculous? She is dying regardless. So she should be allowed to break the law so she can get high for questionable purposes?

Doctors have said that the marijuana is keeping her alive. It's not a comfort issue. It would essentially be like denying antibiotics to somebody with bubonic plague.

03-14-2007, 05:18 PM
Am I the only person who seems to think this woman's claim is ridiculous? She is dying regardless. So she should be allowed to break the law so she can get high for questionable purposes?

I think it's one of those extreme examples that people like to use to sway an entire debate on.

03-14-2007, 05:20 PM
Am I the only person who seems to think this woman's claim is ridiculous? She is dying regardless. So she should be allowed to break the law so she can get high for questionable purposes?

I think we're arguing that it shouldn't be against the law. But, like Hobbit said, it's not just to get high, it's to treat her symptoms.

Mr. P
03-14-2007, 05:22 PM
Am I the only person who seems to think this woman's claim is ridiculous? She is dying regardless. So she should be allowed to break the law so she can get high for questionable purposes?

Yup I think you are the only one. You heartless bastard!

03-14-2007, 05:25 PM
Don't know about anyone else, I can attest to the fact that it does give you the munchies! I can recall plenty of times making or ordering a pizza with my buddies at 2am!

I think they should allow her to have it. In fact, I think it should be legalized. Not all drugs, just marijuana. Tax it, control it, make it illegal to smoke and drive. Let people get a little harmless buzz in their home. The government can use the extra income to fight the drugs that actually do cause harm, like cocaine and heroin.

03-14-2007, 05:35 PM
Don't know about anyone else, I can attest to the fact that it does give you the munchies! I can recall plenty of times making or ordering a pizza with my buddies at 2am!

I think they should allow her to have it. In fact, I think it should be legalized. Not all drugs, just marijuana. Tax it, control it, make it illegal to smoke and drive. Let people get a little harmless buzz in their home. The government can use the extra income to fight the drugs that actually do cause harm, like cocaine and heroin.

What makes you think that our government isn't alredy gettig filthy rich off the illegal drug trade ?