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View Full Version : Just wondering about the name of this site?

09-13-2008, 05:10 PM
Just curious - what policies have we actually debated?

09-13-2008, 05:32 PM
Just curious - what policies have we actually debated?

Thousands actually.

Foriegn policy

Domestic policy

Gun policy

Freedom policy

Welfare policy

Immigration policy

Drivers license policy

Entitlements policy

Now not meaning to be a smart ass CP but there are other sites. Many of them in fact. On some you can be so privledged as to be required to maintain a particular point of view as in regards to policy just to participate. Such as Democratic Underground and other lefty loon sites.

With minimal effort you can locate a sight where everyone will agree with every single point you make. Every one of them! That's warm and fuzzy huh?

Now....given the fact that you are such a good debater (all my sarcasm won't change that) I would think you would want to retract your question.


Let me ask you....

Why do you think this site is called Debate Policy!

Let's see ... what's the left's favorite mantra........ "I gotcha"

Members make rep payable to Emmett AKA: EL De-Ba-tor

09-13-2008, 05:42 PM
Ahh... but we dont' actually debate "policies" - the way these sites work is (usually) - someone will post-up a link to a news story and then the fodder begins..

Perhaps a more appropriate name would've been "debatenews.com"?

09-13-2008, 05:54 PM
Ahh... but we dont' actually debate "policies" - the way these sites work is (usually) - someone will post-up a link to a news story and then the fodder begins..

Perhaps a more appropriate name would've been "debatenews.com"?

This from a member whose avatar is a can of coke with bacon! Please!


09-14-2008, 07:42 AM
I can link you to a few thousand threads where policies are debated endlessly. While the threads may start out as "news" stories, it's the different policies and viewpoints on those policies that are debated daily.

I don't understand the intent of your question/thread?

09-14-2008, 11:07 AM
I can link you to a few thousand threads where policies are debated endlessly. While the threads may start out as "news" stories, it's the different policies and viewpoints on those policies that are debated daily.

I don't understand the intent of your question/thread?

No intent other than to just understand the thought behind the name...:)

09-14-2008, 12:09 PM
No intent other than to just understand the thought behind the name...:)

I was just going on with you CP. Maybe the more I think about it the more I realize your question deserves an answer allthough I think jim did that very well.

Technically....you could call the site anything. It wouldn't matter. What's in a name? The fact is that policies are discussed! All kinds of them. We are currently discussing a "naming" policy.

News falls under Current Events which is a Thread someone can post in whenever they choose.

Fact is....almost any discussion always leads to policy. Therefore I think the name is most appropriate!

The success or failure of any message board is determined by that of it's participants. The regulars on here while at times get a bit harsh when expressing their viewpoints do manage to stimulate some pretty good conversation about different policy, political platform and news. All in all...it's a great board and I personally think we have not even got started.

Personally, I wish we could clean it up just a tad so it would attract more members. There is a little too much hatefulness that goes on from time to time of which I have been guilty myself. Spirited debate does not have to lead to namecalling and childish behavior but passion is what drives almost anyone to get involved anyway.

I think it would be nice to attract some legislators who posted regularly and interacted with the members from time to time. Wouldn't that be cool? Thing is...they are not going to get involved with a board that has members calling each other "fucking morons". They also want to see big membership so when they are on they know they have an audience.

Imagine having like town hall meetings at designated times on a certain day on here where five or six board members (pre-determined) were allowed to question legislators and candidates on a particular thread. I know that is thinking big but this is the age. Damn that would be cool!