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09-14-2008, 08:11 AM
Obama has yet to say what his 'vision' is, other than hope and change. He's been linking McCain and Bush since he defeated Hillary, it's not working. While it's too early to call it, not to mention I can hardly believe it, Obama appears at this point to be tanking.
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Barack Obama's big blunder

Sunday, September 14th 2008, 4:00 AM
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama arrives for a rally at the Veterans Memorial Park in Manchester, N.H., Saturday. Senter/AP

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama arrives for a rally at the Veterans Memorial Park in Manchester, N.H., Saturday.

With top Dems fearing Barack Obama is in a hole, the Obama campaign has made a weird decision. It's going to dig that hole deeper, harder and faster.

No more Mr. Nice Guy, Obama vows. He's going to really start hitting John McCain now. He's going to make voters understand that McCain equals four more years of George Bush.

It's a weird decision because Obama has been doing exactly that for four months. The problem is not that Obama hasn't hit McCain hard enough or linked him to Bush often enough. The problem is that he hasn't done anything else.

How about a new idea? How about putting some meat on the bony promise of "change"?

And what happened to that post-partisan uniter who took the country by storm during the early primaries by offering an optimistic vision for America? Why not bring him back?

Apparently that Obama has left the building. He's been replaced with a party man who sees the other side as evil and beneath contempt. Consider these bitter words from campaign boss David Plouffe that outlines the Obama plan for the stretch run.

"John McCain has shown that he is willing to go into the gutter to win this election," Plouffe wrote in a memo circulated Friday. "His campaign has become nothing but a series of smears, lies and cynical attempts to distract from the issues that matter to the American people."

That rant might be comfort food for the nervous base, but will likely alarm independents who already aren't sure about Obama. By further scaring them with scorched-earth partisanship, the Obama team will only cede to McCain the label of the real independent.

Indeed, even as Sarah Palin has rallied the GOP base, McCain himself has ramped up efforts to secure his brand as a maverick willing to cross party lines. Obama's response appears to be surrender of the high ground....