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09-14-2008, 08:25 AM

5 reasons why McCain has pulled ahead
By DAVID PAUL KUHN | 9/14/08 7:24 AM EST Text Size:

Suddenly Democrats have found themselves in a world turned upside down, where Republicans have the momentum from running on change.

John McCain’s surge in the polls comes even as Barack Obama has inherited the most favorable Democratic environment since the Watergate era—an unpopular Republican president, an unpopular war and a flagging economy.

Suddenly, though, Democrats have found themselves in a world turned upside down, where Republicans have the momentum from running on change—and the latest wunderkind of presidential politics.

Below are five trends showing up in polling that help explain the change.

1. McCain as a ‘change agent’

Eight in ten Americans say they believe the country is on the wrong track. Obama has built his campaign on the perception that he is both the personification of change and the man to enact it.

Despite a member of his party in the White House and his decades in D.C., recent polling shows that McCain has managed to successfully portray himself as a change agent, and erode Obama’s brand in the process.

The Democratic firm Democracy Corps found that the public prefers Obama to bring “the right kind of change” as president by a 50 to 44 percent margin—down nearly two-thirds from his 16-point edge in mid August.

This week’s ABC News/Washington Post poll asked “who can bring about needed change to Washington” The public favored Obama by 12 points—down from 32 points in June.

CBS News polling this week found that 46 percent of voters believe McCain can change Washington—up from 28 percent in July.

The Obama campaign has taken notice. His stump speech now rips McCain as a phony reformer, and yesterday he launched a TV ad campaign and Web site highlighting McCain’s ties to lobbyists.

2. The center shifts: Independents move to McCain

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