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View Full Version : October Surprise..Obama/Biden

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 10:17 AM
What if Biden steps aside and Hilary steps in?

How do you think that would go over with the Dimwits?

How would it go over with all the undecideds, with women?

Would it be a mistake or the only hope?

Lots of skeletons in that closet. But then desperate times call for...you know.

09-14-2008, 10:20 AM
What if Biden steps aside and Hilary steps in?

How do you think that would go over with the Dimwits?

How would it go over with all the undecideds, with women?

Would it be a mistake or the only hope?

Lots of skeletons in that closet. But then desperate times call for...you know.
I thought it would have happened by now, if he was going to do it. I think it would bomb, he'd appear to be as manipulative and reactionary as he is.

09-14-2008, 10:23 AM
it would demonstrate desperation....I don't think independants would vote for desperation....

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 10:59 AM
I thought it would have happened by now, if he was going to do it. I think it would bomb, he'd appear to be as manipulative and reactionary as he is.

Me too, but then this weekends polls have got to be terrifying them!

09-14-2008, 11:21 AM
Look for health problems involving biden. Then the hill will step in to save the day.

09-14-2008, 11:24 AM
obama is great decision maker!

09-14-2008, 11:28 AM
What if Biden steps aside and Hilary steps in?

How do you think that would go over with the Dimwits?

How would it go over with all the undecideds, with women?

Would it be a mistake or the only hope?

Lots of skeletons in that closet. But then desperate times call for...you know.

Can you imagine the leverage Hillary and Bill would have on Obama if that were to happen? Bill would negotiate to have an office in the White House and make Obama bring him cigars everyday.

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 11:56 AM
it would demonstrate desperation....I don't think independants would vote for desperation....

I agree.

Look for health problems involving biden. Then the hill will step in to save the day.

That wouldn't surprise me at all...I just don't think it'll go over well with independents or undecided. And may piss off the Obama supporters.

obama is great decision maker!

:laugh2: Only the ones that play well with his supporters.

Can you imagine the leverage Hillary and Bill would have on Obama if that were to happen? Bill would negotiate to have an office in the White House and make Obama bring him cigars everyday.

Yep, Obama would be Pres by title only..I think even the democraps are able to see that..

09-14-2008, 07:13 PM
It would be an act similar to the republicans who now run against their own record and are now the agents of change. We'll let hypocrisy be called republican, you guys have a lock on phony.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 09:58 PM
It would be an act similar to the republicans who now run against their own record and are now the agents of change. We'll let hypocrisy be called republican, you guys have a lock on phony.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

You think Biden stepping aside is hypocrisy? Please explain.

09-15-2008, 07:31 AM
You think Biden stepping aside is hypocrisy? Please explain.

Because the reason we have elections is to place in positions of power people who actually represent our values and have the qualifications for that office. Biden does that. I realize that is idealistic but it is at the foundation of a representative democracy. To contrast that, republicans seek only power and acceptance of the core far right wing of the party. That is a position that helped republicans win since Reagan. The core along with single issues which are easily summed up with two words 'Greed and Church' are a big benefit for the repubs. I personally think they are a threat to America as Cheney/Bush have demonstrated. McCain was the last republican standing, you have no choice but to support him because republican values are not about country but about peripheral issues. Thus the distortion of Obama and the switch to change and the criticism by the repubs of their own legacy of failures. Will America buy it? I hope not as we are too close to third world status now under republican governance.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

09-15-2008, 07:43 AM
To me it'd smell of "They have a girl on THEIR ticket - we need one too!"

I think it'd drastically backfire. But if my political foresight were better, i'd probably make more money USING it.


Debatepolicy for Dummies: A post by MidCan5 is a post to further marginalize science, reason, rational thought and progress in America by supporting idiocy and conspiracy theory as "Fact"

Mr. P
09-15-2008, 09:54 AM
Because the reason we have elections is to place in positions of power people who actually represent our values and have the qualifications for that office. Biden does that. I realize that is idealistic but it is at the foundation of a representative democracy. To contrast that, republicans seek only power and acceptance of the core far right wing of the party. That is a position that helped republicans win since Reagan. The core along with single issues which are easily summed up with two words 'Greed and Church' are a big benefit for the repubs. I personally think they are a threat to America as Cheney/Bush have demonstrated. McCain was the last republican standing, you have no choice but to support him because republican values are not about country but about peripheral issues. Thus the distortion of Obama and the switch to change and the criticism by the repubs of their own legacy of failures. Will America buy it? I hope not as we are too close to third world status now under republican governance.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

Hilary doesn't?

09-15-2008, 10:36 AM
I think it's possible Obama will replace Biden ----- "health issues."

He didn't like Hillary, okay. BUT she DID come with a bazillion votes, and he would have chosen her, surely, if the polls had been as bad when he was doing the choosing.

It would look poor, but the idea is being floated of switching out Biden for Hillary, I've read people saying that: if Dems lose THIS one, when it was supposed to be so easy, there will be a lot of disgusted Dems and young people, it would be so unexpected.

09-15-2008, 10:46 AM
Yep, Obama would be Pres by title only.

And your point is....??

What makes you think the Democrats don't want exactly that?

Democrats stay in power by fooling the American people about what they really intend (tax increases, expanding government, appeasement on defense, cutting the military, increasing our dependence on big government). In the Clintons, they had someone outstandingly capable of carrying out the charade of being "moderates" and fighting "for the people", perhaps better than any leftists in history.

Obama's biggest problem right now (aside from supporting a liberal agenda Americans don't want) is that he's not very good at hiding it. When faced with direct questions, he stammers, hems and haws, and generally reveals that he hasn't a clue what fib to tell to smooth over or divert the subject - a problem Bill Clinton never had, and which Hillary was learning.

The future of the Democrat party, and of socialism in the U.S., may well rest on their getting a smooth, accomplished liar into the White House...one way or another. Obama ain't it. But waiting in the wings, are always the co-Presidents.

Have you forgotten that Hillary never ended her campaign, but only "suspended" it?

Abbey Marie
09-15-2008, 10:57 AM
Look for health problems involving biden. Then the hill will step in to save the day.

That's exactly what my husband and I were saying. If it happens, this is the way it will go. It won't fool many of us, though.

But I still think Obama would be afraid to have Hillary in the #2 spot. She'd have too much to gain if he were to mysteriously pull a Vince Foster.

09-15-2008, 10:57 AM
Have you forgotten that Hillary never ended her campaign, but only "suspended" it?

Several people "suspended" their campaigns --- Ron Paul and Mitt Romney as well as Hillary.

Because things happen..........................