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View Full Version : Pro-Hillary group endorses McCain/Palin

09-14-2008, 11:11 AM

The DNC reform group who was hoping to get Hillary the nomination even after the primaries was over has apparently officially endorsed McCain/Palin. I dont know the extent of this groups influence. But it is interesting.

09-14-2008, 11:34 AM
P.U.M.A. is also out there. I believe their position is they are not voting for Obama. People associated with P.U.M.A. are writing in Hillary, not voting, or voting for McCain.

09-14-2008, 06:09 PM
P.U.M.A. is also out there. I believe their position is they are not voting for Obama. People associated with P.U.M.A. are writing in Hillary, not voting, or voting for McCain.

what a great country we live in. to bad i don't think it will last forever, but it has been fun to live in a country that has truly lived and expressed the most freedom to the individual that has ever existed in history.

09-14-2008, 06:58 PM
This site is obviously not a democratic party site, just a cursory look would have shown you that. The rove style politics of lies and distortions has pretty much taken over the republican party. The recent TV ads about Obama are outright lies today. But in fairness can anyone find a democratic site that poses as republican and does this sort of dishonest politicking? I'd be curious, I know dems are not saints but republicans have become first class liars.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

09-14-2008, 08:19 PM
This site is obviously not a democratic party site, just a cursory look would have shown you that. The rove style politics of lies and distortions has pretty much taken over the republican party. The recent TV ads about Obama are outright lies today. But in fairness can anyone find a democratic site that poses as republican and does this sort of dishonest politicking? I'd be curious, I know dems are not saints but republicans have become first class liars.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Denial is so sad...

09-14-2008, 11:11 PM
Denial of what? That even as dumb as most conservatives are that they can't recognize that the site is no official one representing actual Democrats? Even a cursory look, as midcan expressed, reveals the truth of that little observation.


09-15-2008, 04:43 AM
I have to concede, Psych is right.....this isn't a site of Democrats....it's a site of people who used to be Democrats.....

09-15-2008, 04:51 AM
Can you tell just by saying it, dumbo?

I have to concede, Psych is right.....this isn't a site of Democrats....it's a site of people who used to be Democrats.....

They promote themselves as a part of the DNC which they are certainly not. I see nothing there that would indicate that they ever have been Democrats other than that already obvious and particularly false claim.


09-15-2008, 07:42 AM
Notice no one could answer my query. This is rovian scum politics and it is all the republicans know today as a long history of failure is something anyone would run from.

"The McPalin campaign knows. No need for rumors and innuendoes. It flat-out lies. Repeats the lies. Then lies again when the lies are exposed. There's Palin's lie about the infamous Bridge to Nowhere: She campaigned for it, then kept the $223 million in federal tax dollars when Washington killed its support. Still, she keeps repeating her "thanks but no thanks" line rally after rally. There's Palin's lie about how "we began a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence," as she told the Republican convention, even though not an inch of that pipeline has been built, not an inch will be built for years, and it may never be built at all. There's Palin's lie about being an ethical reformist even though she thought nothing of billing taxpayers for 312 nights spent at home, at $60 a night, on days she commuted 45 minutes to her governor's office in Anchorage."


America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

09-15-2008, 07:47 AM
I noticed, m'5.

Notice no one could answer my query. This is rovian scum politics and it is all the republicans know today as a long history of failure is something anyone would run from.

"The McPalin campaign knows. No need for rumors and innuendoes. It flat-out lies. Repeats the lies. Then lies again when the lies are exposed. There's Palin's lie about the infamous Bridge to Nowhere: She campaigned for it, then kept the $223 million in federal tax dollars when Washington killed its support. Still, she keeps repeating her "thanks but no thanks" line rally after rally. There's Palin's lie about how "we began a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence," as she told the Republican convention, even though not an inch of that pipeline has been built, not an inch will be built for years, and it may never be built at all. There's Palin's lie about being an ethical reformist even though she thought nothing of billing taxpayers for 312 nights spent at home, at $60 a night, on days she commuted 45 minutes to her governor's office in Anchorage."


America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

Thanks a bunch!!!!!!!!!


09-15-2008, 07:47 AM
The rove style politics of lies and distortions

In your own words, what is "rove style politics"? Where are lies on that site?

You repeating the Lib's talking points won't convince anybody that you have a clue about anything.

09-15-2008, 07:50 AM
You missed it, didn't you dmp?

In your own words, what is "rove style politics"? Where are lies on that site?

You repeating the Lib's talking points won't convince anybody that you have a clue about anything.

Just whose fault is that other than your own? Just follow the link.


09-15-2008, 08:16 AM
I love it, now that they are behind in the polls, all they can do is scream "you cheaters!!" "Its unfair!!"

The McCain/Palin ticket certainly isn't perfect. But its a fuckton better than Obama bin Biden.

09-15-2008, 08:25 AM
Please!!!!!!! Somebody clue ol' huk in?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??

I love it, now that they are behind in the polls, all they can do is scream "you cheaters!!" "Its unfair!!"

The McCain/Palin ticket certainly isn't perfect. But its a fuckton better than Obama bin Biden.

It's bullshit, cowgirl!!!!!!!!!!!!! You act as if you never took your panties off for a smooth talking cowboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pitiful would be an understatement.


09-15-2008, 08:36 AM
Here's what some Dems think of Obama!!

Unknown to America

Lied, claiming he was born due to 1965 Selma marches; Obama was born in 1961
Lied, claiming the Kennedys brought his father over from Kenya
Lies, implied his father was a goat-herder of humble origins; Obama’s father was born to powerful landowners
Lied, implied he was destitute and grew up on food stamps; Obama grew up mostly with his grandparents, who were upper middle-class bankers in Hawaii, a state where food stamps weren’t available until the seventies
Lied, claimed an article in Life magazine changed his life; article in question never found to exist
Admitted to using cocaine, but attacked anyone who mentions it as racist
Lied, claimed in front of a Jewish audience that his uncle liberated Auschwitz; neither American nor Kenyan troops liberated Auschwitz, the Soviets did

Read the full list pb, I dare you!


09-15-2008, 08:46 AM
That's more dumbo bullshit for dumbo's like you and other dumbo's like you, huk.

Here's what some Dems think of Obama!!

Read the full list pb, I dare you!


Have fun with your obfuscations, dumbo. The fact remains that Obama is eminently more qualified than anything the republicons can offer in this election. Holding up a clown such as the 18 month Governor of Alaska for additional qualification cover is laughable at best!!!!!!!!!!!!
