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View Full Version : The baby...I wanna know about the baby

09-14-2008, 11:35 AM
You know........................the baby!

No.....not the one that Bristol is going to have.

The one that John Edwards fathered with his photographer whore! You know...the one that hasn't even been peeped about in the non biused press here in the US.

I mean if Charlie Gibson wanted to bring a really great story to his "viewers" he could, on his way back from the asswhipping he took in Alaska at the hands of Saracudda Palin, drop in on John's conkubine in Beverley Hills. Oh...never mind, she is obviously hidden too well since we seem to have not hearde a single itty bitty little peep out of the press about this issue.

Man...if that would have been one of the republican candidates who ran for office this year, I can tell you right now what the strategy would have been. And IT WOULD have involved Sarah Palin! They would be crawling over the top of each other to report it time and time again to keep the emphasis off of her.

Where is John Edwards? I mean, that sure did die fast huh? If he isn't the father, who is? I mean we didn't have any trouble getting to the bottom of other "who's yo daddy" issues in recent years but a Democratic US Senator gets a pass. Imagine that!


Enquiring minds want to know! I have an enquiring mind! I wanna know!

09-17-2008, 06:53 PM
The Edwards scandal is being broomed under the carpet by the liberal press.

He needs to be a man and take the DNA test, if he's the father, publically take financial responsibility for it's upbringing unless the mother marries and her other half decides to adopt the child.

Instead the "Breck Girl" got a "pass" from his wife.......when she should have given him the "heav ho" out the door.

Hillary gave Bill a "Pass" when he did oral sex in the oval office.

I have gut instinct that if Sarah Palin's, husband Tod, pulled those kind of shananigans, she'd give send him out into the ice and snow to fend for himself.

Is true feminism as the liberal gals define it, as Hillary and Edward's wife handle infidelity? You, go on as though nothing happened..............? Seems that really is an offense to womanhood, or feminism? It also seems rather disrespectful towards one's wedding vows.