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09-14-2008, 05:32 PM
tongue in cheek with the title, but it nearly felt like it...

i got invited to a shin dig in the malibu hills yesterday, the theme being automobiles, oil, electric cars, combustion cars, auto makers....with a movie finishing off the evening. i knew dems would be there in force, 1) it is malibu for pete sake, 2) the title of the film led me to believe that some or many republicans would dismiss it. apparently true or the invites when to known dems, probably more likely. i only got it because of family.

i did not want to dismiss it outright as i have a family member in a high position at one of the companies sponsoring the film, wanted to take the wife to a malibu shin dig (nice place, huge property, wow) and i wanted free food and thought it would be fun to broaden my horizons. i did not engage in open debate there due to the position my family member has, if i had been given free reign, i would have some awesome stories.

i wanted to share that dems are angry. they hate bush, regardless, period. it is not just a passing " i don't like his politics/policies" it is outright fanatical hatred. i know we see it on this board, but i have never seen it in person in such a large crowd. the fuck him, bullshit, fuck that, never stopped. MFM, you would have loved it!! :laugh2: sitting there on the open lawn watching the film, among absolute beautiful nature, and to be in the middle of such seething hate and anger was quite an experience.

in the question/answer part afterward -- when i did ask questions (my wife asked the best questions of the night IMO, she never ceases to amaze me how smart she is and of course she has this sweet, cute demeanor which means she gets away with asking stuff that people would probably kill me over, and then she smiles, that smile ....) i never got a straight answer. shocker. she did not either. big surprise. all the answers were: this will happen in the future, in the future, i know not now, yada yada...

the commitment to obama among these folks is very strong. this election will be interesting as i never detected that the commitment was anything other than = he is not bush

09-14-2008, 06:03 PM
arguing with joe steel reminded me of another experience yesterday...

there is an overwhelming, agreement if you will, among these liberals in the malibu hills, that the people cannot think for themselves. and only absolute blind fools would vote for bush. or mccain. to think anything against liberal ideology is beyond rational. to have an opinion that is not shared by them, means only one thing, you have been brainwashed and must be saved.

09-14-2008, 06:37 PM
I'm glad you posted your dreams in the Lounge, yuk. Otherwise I would've thought you were taking yourself just a bit too seriously!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I know it might be hard for your small mind but arguing with JS even in your dreams is not healthy for you or the conversation.

In the meantime, can I get you something to get that shitty taste out of your mouth?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


09-14-2008, 06:40 PM
When I watched the Charlie Gibson interview with Sarah Palin it was the perfect picture of how most Leftist Elitists look at conservatives. He was looking over his glasses and down his nose at her with such disdain and what seemed like utter contempt that she should even be in his presence.

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 07:36 PM
When I watched the Charlie Gibson interview with Sarah Palin it was the perfect picture of how most Leftist Elitists look at conservatives. He was looking over his glasses and down his nose at her with such disdain and what seemed like utter contempt that she should even be in his presence.

I noticed the same thing. Apparently many others did too, maybe thousands voiced the opionion.

I say that because tis morning I heard a talking head on an ABC news show say..."I'm disappointed in how the production crew filmed my friend Charlie Gibson".

He mentioned the looking over glasses thing..He said Charlie isn't like that at all.

Seems that even the liberal media is even on the defense.

09-14-2008, 08:32 PM
I noticed the same thing. Apparently many others did too, maybe thousands voiced the opionion.

I say that because tis morning I heard a talking head on an ABC news show say..."I'm disappointed in how the production crew filmed my friend Charlie Gibson".

He mentioned the looking over glasses thing..He said Charlie isn't like that at all.

Seems that even the liberal media is even on the defense.

uh, uh, he just did it, just that once, by mistake, yeah, thats it

09-14-2008, 09:21 PM
come on mfm, post in this thread (you have viewed it), you have talked about this thread/my trip numerous times, come on...

don't be comfortable on that blanket, nobody knows who you are here. come on, speak up tough guy.

09-14-2008, 09:26 PM
I can recall asking you to speak up on certain issues and having you refuse to do so. how does it feel? ;)

you went to a party with a bunch of democrats. do you want a medal? do you think that if I went to a party with a bunch of republican klansmen in Mississippi that I would have any right to expect anything other than hatred of Obama?:lol:

09-14-2008, 09:34 PM
manfrommaine;296870]I can recall asking you to speak up on certain issues and having you refuse to do so. how does it feel? ;)

i do not remember and do not understand how that relates to a private party where a family member has asked you to keep your opinions quiet. maybe you can recall.

you went to a party with a bunch of democrats. do you want a medal?

you beg for one almost everyday on this forum. you always bitch about your status amongst "us"

do you think that if I went to a party with a bunch of republican klansmen in Mississippi that I would have any right to expect anything other than hatred of Obama?:lol:

interesting, your only counter was a known racist group. quite different that going to a party in some hills where people are pushing a car that does not (I think does emit some and does effect some) effect the environment.

if all you have is klan......

09-14-2008, 09:39 PM
i do not remember and do not understand how that relates to a private party where a family member has asked you to keep your opinions quiet. maybe you can recall.
if you attended a party on the coattails of a family member and, for that reason, felt compelled to keep silent, that is YOUR business, not mine

you beg for one almost everyday on this forum. you always bitch about your status amongst "us"
I do not "bitch" about anything. I merely note the disparity between conservative and liberal posters here. If I had any problems with y'all, I'd simply go somewhere else
interesting, your only counter was a known racist group. quite different that going to a party in some hills where people are pushing a car that does not (I think does emit some and does effect some) effect the environment.

if all you have is klan......

I don't just have the klan... I know full well that the members of the republican party here in Maine hate Obama for all that he stands for. Kinda like you do.

09-14-2008, 09:42 PM
I don't just have the klan... I know full well that the members of the republican party here in Maine hate Obama for all that he stands for. Kinda like you do.

i click on reply and nothing. yet i saw all your bold words. guess i have to cut and paste....

09-14-2008, 09:50 PM
i click on reply and nothing. yet i saw all your bold words. guess i have to cut and paste....

don't feel compelled, by all means.

09-14-2008, 09:54 PM
don't feel compelled, by all means.

no worries.

but at least you will sleep well knowing i am right.

09-14-2008, 09:56 PM
no worries.

but at least you will sleep well knowing i am right.

I have known you to be right on very few occasions....this is not one of them. I sleep well all the time, btw... I have a tempurpedic mattress. I highly reccomend them!

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 10:03 PM
I can recall asking you to speak up on certain issues and having you refuse to do so. how does it feel? ;)

you went to a party with a bunch of democrats. do you want a medal? do you think that if I went to a party with a bunch of republican klansmen in Mississippi that I would have any right to expect anything other than hatred of Obama?:lol:

You might be surprised to learn most Klansman are democraps. I'm in the South, I know.

09-14-2008, 10:07 PM
You might be surprised to learn most Klansman are democraps. I'm in the South, I know.

my guess is that they won't be voting for their party's nominee this year...ya think?:lol:

09-14-2008, 10:11 PM
You, P, are a fuckin' liar and a stupid one to boot!!!!!!!!! I am also in and from the South and I certainly know!!!!!!!!

You might be surprised to learn most Klansman are democraps. I'm in the South, I know.

Tell me one single ideology as professed by the Klansmen that would in any way attract any Democrat? They, Klansmen, do have a rather warped sense of religion and that doesn't count. I will assure you there are no Southern Klansmen that also call themselves Democrats except maybe liars like you and a few others around here.


Mr. P
09-14-2008, 10:25 PM
You, P, are a fuckin' liar and a stupid one to boot!!!!!!!!! I am also in and from the South and I certainly know!!!!!!!!

Tell me one single ideology as professed by the Klansmen that would in any way attract any Democrat? They, Klansmen, do have a rather warped sense of religion and that doesn't count. I will assure you there are no Southern Klansmen that also call themselves Democrats except maybe liars like you and a few others around here.



09-14-2008, 10:26 PM

bigger letters do not improve your arguments.

09-14-2008, 10:35 PM
Forgive him, mfm. He has been arguing with an idiot as large as himself and picking up his ugly habits and techniques!!!!!!!!!

bigger letters do not improve your arguments.

I would not dignify his response further than that.


09-14-2008, 10:40 PM
I have known you to be right on very few occasions....this is not one of them. I sleep well all the time, btw... I have a tempurpedic mattress. I highly reccomend them!

old school, i have individual wrap coils... i would explain, but i may cause you to faint....

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 10:44 PM
bigger letters do not improve your arguments.

Goggle James R. Venable, he lived down the street form me..very much a democrap..you have my word.

How about...these democrap KKK members:

Harry S. Truman?

Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black?

Or KKK Senator Robert Byrd?

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 10:47 PM
Forgive him, mfm. He has been arguing with an idiot as large as himself and picking up his ugly habits and techniques!!!!!!!!!

I would not dignify his response further than that.


:laugh2::laugh2: So was that you or MFM? :laugh2::laugh2:

09-14-2008, 10:58 PM
I didn't mean either, dumbo.

:laugh2::laugh2: So was that you or MFM? :laugh2::laugh2:

But, if that's all you got please take your pick. Maiden's Choice!!!!!!!!!!!


Mr. P
09-14-2008, 11:04 PM
I didn't mean either, dumbo.

But, if that's all you got please take your pick. Maiden's Choice!!!!!!!!!!!



09-14-2008, 11:08 PM
Goggle James R. Venable, he lived down the street form me..very much a democrap..you have my word.

How about...these democrap KKK members:

Harry S. Truman?

Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black?

Or KKK Senator Robert Byrd?

got anything besides ancient history/old news?

I didn't think so.

Mr. P
09-14-2008, 11:18 PM
got anything besides ancient history/old news?

I didn't think so.

The Klan is old news and for the most part dead..why did you bring it up?

09-14-2008, 11:29 PM
The Klan is old news and for the most part dead..why did you bring it up?

as an example of a group that would not be particularly excited about the candidacy of Barack Obama. Can you follow the discussion, or will I need to continue to go back and bring you up to speed periodically?

09-14-2008, 11:32 PM
so no one cares about the movie?

09-14-2008, 11:35 PM
so no one cares about the movie?
if you didn't care enough to give us the name of the film, why would you expect us to care about it?

09-14-2008, 11:39 PM
if you didn't care enough to give us the name of the film, why would you expect us to care about it?

so you don't care?

09-14-2008, 11:51 PM
yuk, your post wasn't about the film anyway. It was a cheapshot slam at California liberals at best and a total fabrication on your part at worst. Either way, the film really doesn't matter, don't you know?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


09-14-2008, 11:55 PM
yuk, your post wasn't about the film anyway. It was a cheapshot slam at California liberals at best and a total fabrication on your part at worst. Either way, the film really doesn't matter, don't you know?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


of course, because you say so...

btw, do you know who killed the electric car?

09-15-2008, 12:05 AM
You don't have to believe anything just because I said it, yuk. But I maintain my statement.

of course, because you say so...

btw, do you know who killed the electric car?

There are a couple threads in here somewhere about the electric car, yuk. If you have new or more interesting information I don't think the management would mind you starting another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-15-2008, 12:18 AM
of course, because you say so...

btw, do you know who killed the electric car?


psydeshow, i thought you know everything

09-15-2008, 12:23 AM
Whoever told you that, yuk, must've been kin to you.


psydeshow, i thought you know everything

I certainly never said or implied anything of the sort!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I buy you a beer?!?!?!??!????!?!?!?!?!?!?


09-15-2008, 05:47 AM
so you don't care?

I have no idea. I might care very much about the movie...or I might not... it really all depends on what the movie IS. YOu have yet to tell us that. Understand?

09-15-2008, 12:28 PM
I have no idea. I might care very much about the movie...or I might not... it really all depends on what the movie IS. YOu have yet to tell us that. Understand?

i have told you the name of the movie