View Full Version : So why hasn't the guy who knocked up Bristol married her yet?

09-15-2008, 10:54 AM
So this girl is now SIX MONTHS preggers, and they even dragooned the kid who dunnit to come along to the Republican National Convention ---- unmarried.

And he hasn't married her yet.

What is he waiting for??? They could have gone quietly to a county clerk's office any time these six months.

Is he never really going to marry her? My co-worker sez this kid made a comment on Facebook that he didn't want children.

Is he waiting to see if it's a Down's Syndrome kid like the last one was and then he'll bail out for sure? Men don't generally hang around when those show up; most mothers of retarded children care for them alone.

Well, seems to me this irresponsible young man had a duty 1) not to get the girl pregnant, and 2) to marry her PROMPTLY when that fact was discovered to him, and at the very least 3) to marry NOW so that he doesn't impede Palin's ambitions to be VP.

I guess he means to wait and let it be a bastard; nice. http://bestsmileys.com/evil/9.gif

I guess a lot of you think it's just wonderful and why should the males bother to marry anyway, just knock up girls freely and then abandon them, but I think it's all pretty awful.

09-15-2008, 10:58 AM
Too stupid for words, so I only laugh..

watching the liberals run off the deep end has been a blast...:dance:

09-15-2008, 11:00 AM
Why do you give a rat's ass? Has nothing to you with YOU.

I guess a lot of you think it's just wonderful and why should the females bother to marry anyway, just get knocked up by boys freely and then abandon the guy - EXCEPT FOR HIS MONEY, but I think it's all pretty awful. Sluts.

Abbey Marie
09-15-2008, 11:02 AM
Perhaps Planned Parenthood and Obama are still trying to convince Bristol to abort that nasty pile of useless cells. In their circles, it's literally never too late, don't you know?

09-15-2008, 11:05 AM
What business is it of yours?

09-15-2008, 11:16 AM
Who's Bridget?

I thought Gov. Palin's daughter was Bristol?

As to why he hasn't married her: 1) its none of my business 2) ask them.


09-15-2008, 11:25 AM

how sad is that..
when you write a post trying to put down someone, and you don't even know their name..


09-15-2008, 11:46 AM
Who's Bridget?

I thought Gov. Palin's daughter was Bristol?

As to why he hasn't married her: 1) its none of my business 2) ask them.



You're right, Bristol, not Bridget.

Okay, so it seems most of you who replied here are in favor of illegitimacy and boys not marrying the girls they knock up. So the black community's values have indeed rapidly metastasized into the general community; so much for marriage?

I think I'm more of a conservative than most of you; I am in favor of families --- heterosexual families! --- and men supporting their families inside of an intact marriage. Men being around being models for the children, their energy making a better life for the family and children than they could have with just the hard-pressed mother taking care of illegitimate children on her own.

This Bristol thing is the end of that ideal, isn't it? Even so-called conservatives now think it's just fine for girls to get pregnant and nobody cares who the guy is, the government is in charge of making him pay up, if they can catch him, if not, who cares, nobody's business. No particular reason he should marry her, who cares.


09-15-2008, 11:52 AM

you got all that out of where???



09-15-2008, 11:58 AM

You're right, Bristol, not Bridget.

Okay, so it seems most of you who replied here are in favor of illegitimacy and boys not marrying the girls they knock up. So the black community's values have indeed rapidly metastasized into the general community; so much for marriage?

I think I'm more of a conservative than most of you; I am in favor of families --- heterosexual families! --- and men supporting their families inside of an intact marriage. Men being around being models for the children, their energy making a better life for the family and children than they could have with just the hard-pressed mother taking care of illegitimate children on her own.

This Bristol thing is the end of that ideal, isn't it? Even so-called conservatives now think it's just fine for girls to get pregnant and nobody cares who the guy is, the government is in charge of making him pay up, if they can catch him, if not, who cares, nobody's business. No particular reason he should marry her, who cares.


Personally I'm all for everyone waiting until marriage to have sex. Then again, we no longer tend to get married at 16 or 17, haven't for nearly a century. I'm a realist, I got married at 25, after college and a few years working. I don't think my kids are virgins, the youngest now 22. I wasn't pregnant before marriage, to the best of my knowledge none of my kids have caused or become pregnant. At the same time, I remember my mom saying, "Only good girls are those pregnant on their wedding day." Her meaning was not about premarital sex per se, but those that didn't get abortions, before they were legal.

09-15-2008, 12:01 PM
I remember my mom saying, "Only good girls are those pregnant on their wedding day." Her meaning was not about premarital sex per se, but those that didn't get abortions, before they were legal.

I'm not quite clear about what she said ----- what was she saying about girls who were pregnant but never did get married, like this Bristol situation that seems to be developing?

09-15-2008, 12:01 PM

You're right, Bristol, not Bridget.

Okay, so it seems most of you who replied here are in favor of illegitimacy and boys not marrying the girls they knock up. So the black community's values have indeed rapidly metastasized into the general community; so much for marriage?

I think I'm more of a conservative than most of you; I am in favor of families --- heterosexual families! --- and men supporting their families inside of an intact marriage. Men being around being models for the children, their energy making a better life for the family and children than they could have with just the hard-pressed mother taking care of illegitimate children on her own.

This Bristol thing is the end of that ideal, isn't it? Even so-called conservatives now think it's just fine for girls to get pregnant and nobody cares who the guy is, the government is in charge of making him pay up, if they can catch him, if not, who cares, nobody's business. No particular reason he should marry her, who cares.


I didn't mean to pick on you about the name or start anything with that.

I don't think you are anywhere near a conservative, yet maybe you would like to make people believe that conservatives are racists who believe as you do. I don't know of a single conservative that espouses eugenics. It seems to me that the people who promote this kind of behavior are all left wing as you are.

Also, it seems to me that it is the (in)tolerant left that is consistantly putting their noses in other people's business not conservatives. I personally think it is sad that Bristol and her beaux haven't married. It is sad that the child may grow up without a father in its home, but it is not up to me to force them to get married. However, it is very good that they have decided to give this child a life rather than snuff its life out before it has even the least bit of joy.

Thank you Bristol for choosing life.


Abbey Marie
09-15-2008, 12:06 PM
Tried to rep you for that, Immie.

09-15-2008, 12:14 PM

You're right, Bristol, not Bridget.

Okay, so it seems most of you who replied here are in favor of illegitimacy and boys not marrying the girls they knock up. So the black community's values have indeed rapidly metastasized into the general community; so much for marriage?

I think I'm more of a conservative than most of you; I am in favor of families --- heterosexual families! --- and men supporting their families inside of an intact marriage. Men being around being models for the children, their energy making a better life for the family and children than they could have with just the hard-pressed mother taking care of illegitimate children on her own.

This Bristol thing is the end of that ideal, isn't it? Even so-called conservatives now think it's just fine for girls to get pregnant and nobody cares who the guy is, the government is in charge of making him pay up, if they can catch him, if not, who cares, nobody's business. No particular reason he should marry her, who cares.


I'm not in favor of it, per se, it's just none of my business. I myself fathered a child out of wedlock, though I do support her financially and continue to be a big part of her life. That, ultimately, is what is most important.

09-15-2008, 12:16 PM
I'm not in favor of it, per se, it's just none of my business. I myself fathered a child out of wedlock, though I do support her financially and continue to be a big part of her life. That, ultimately, is what is most important.

Oh, is it?

09-15-2008, 12:17 PM
Okay, so it seems most of you who replied here are in favor of illegitimacy and boys not marrying the girls they knock up. So the black community's values have indeed rapidly metastasized into the general community; so much for marriage?

Is Barrack Illegitimate? Marrying 'because of a baby' is a recipe for divorce.

I think I'm more of a conservative than most of you; I am in favor of families --- heterosexual families! --- and men supporting their families inside of an intact marriage. Men being around being models for the children, their energy making a better life for the family and children than they could have with just the hard-pressed mother taking care of illegitimate children on her own.

We just leave those decisions up to the individuals. When it's not our business, we leave it alone.

Do you rant against hard-pressed fathers being extorted into poverty so the mother can buy new clothes for the kid every 2 weeks, WHILE living high off the hog consuming 60% of a father's income? A father who is allowed 2 days a month to provide that role model for his kids?

This Bristol thing is the end of that ideal, isn't it? Even so-called conservatives now think it's just fine for girls to get pregnant and nobody cares who the guy is, the government is in charge of making him pay up, if they can catch him, if not, who cares, nobody's business. No particular reason he should marry her, who cares.


www.hop.com your 'conclusions' are crap.

09-15-2008, 12:18 PM
Oh, is it?

Yes, it is.

Abbey Marie
09-15-2008, 12:22 PM
Mundame, do you want me to fix the title?

09-15-2008, 12:27 PM
Mundame, do you want me to fix the title?

That would be so nice of you!!

Thanks, please do.

09-15-2008, 12:31 PM
Is Barrack Illegitimate?

I have long thought so.

I don't believe they actually married at all: I'd have to see a record of their marriage, at least on the Internet, scanned and validated. As far as I can tell, no one has seen that marriage record.

Even if they did go through some form of marriage, the African Muslim was already "married" in some sense to at least three other women and had beaucoup children left back in Kenya. So the marriage could not have been legal here: he was a bigamist, and bigamy invalidates an American marriage.

Possibly all this will be part of an October Surprise.

I hope.

Malicious of me, I know, but there it is.

09-15-2008, 12:35 PM
I have long thought so.

I don't believe they actually married at all: I'd have to see a record of their marriage, at least on the Internet, scanned and validated. As far as I can tell, no one has seen that marriage record.

Even if they did go through some form of marriage, the African Muslim was already "married" in some sense to at least three other women and had beaucoup children left back in Kenya. So the marriage could not have been legal here: he was a bigamist, and bigamy invalidates an American marriage.

Possibly all this will be part of an October Surprise.

I hope.

Malicious of me, I know, but there it is.

I'm not trying to be harsh here, but really feel that it would be a very stupid, "October surprise" as the idea of blaming a child for the parents' mistakes is just wrong from the onset, even if in his 40's.

09-15-2008, 12:40 PM
I'm not trying to be harsh here, but really feel that it would be a very stupid, "October surprise" as the idea of blaming a child for the parents' mistakes is just wrong from the onset, even if in his 40's.

True, Kathianne, it's hardly Obama's fault.

However, it wouldn't surprise me if that comes up.

Although just as McCain can no longer talk about Obama's inexperience, so also the GOP can't easily bring up irregular births or bastardy, because of Palin!

So maybe not, if only for that reason.

09-15-2008, 12:41 PM
Marrying 'because of a baby' is a recipe for divorce.

Divorce never has anything to do with babies. Has to do with irresponsible adults who can't figure out how to treat each other decently.

Do you rant against hard-pressed fathers being extorted into poverty so the mother can buy new clothes for the kid every 2 weeks, WHILE living high off the hog consuming 60% of a father's income? A father who is allowed 2 days a month to provide that role model for his kids?

Maybe a man like that should have arranged his life and thoughts to be a nicer person that a woman would want to stay with. Women are not going to stay with angry, abusive men. Men need to manage to do much better than that and actually raise their children in a real home. If they can't, it's their fault. Women who have children need husbands and will accept a good one.

09-15-2008, 12:41 PM
True, Kathianne, it's hardly Obama's fault.

However, it wouldn't surprise me if that comes up.

Although just as McCain can no longer talk about Obama's inexperience, so also the GOP can't easily bring up irregular births or bastardy, because of Palin!

So maybe not, if only for that reason.

Wrong you are, Obama's inexperience is very relevant as he leads the Dem ticket, Palin is second on Rep. Wrong too on Palin, as that has not only been 'transparent' but in your face.

Abbey Marie
09-15-2008, 12:43 PM
After the left's ravaging of Gov. Palin's choice to have her DS baby, and of Bristol's situation, nothing is left to be off-limits. However, I would feel sooo much better if Obama lost because people rejected his Socialistic philosophies, than because of the circumstances of his birth.

09-15-2008, 12:47 PM
After the left's ravaging of Gov. Palin's choice to have her DS baby, and of Bristol's situation, nothing is left to be off-limits. However, I would feel sooo much better if Obama lost because people rejected his Socialistic philosophies, than because of the circumstances of his birth.

Oh, sure, I agree with you there. And at this point, it does seem that marriage and illegitimacy is pretty much dead out of fashion as any sort of value or problem in America --- anything goes --- so even if Obama's parentage is shown to be irregular, I suppose it would be no more than a titillation for a few days.

Abbey Marie
09-15-2008, 12:50 PM
Oh, sure, I agree with you there. And at this point, it does seem that marriage and illegitimacy is pretty much dead out of fashion as any sort of value or problem in America --- anything goes --- so even if Obama's parentage is shown to be irregular, I suppose it would be no more than a titillation for a few days.

Pregnant, unmarried teen celebs are celebrated on magazine covers. I think that ship has sailed.

09-15-2008, 12:54 PM
I think that ship has sailed.

One of my favorite expressions. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif

Oh, well, who needed men anyway, right? We can pick one to get us pregnant -- they're so obliging about that -- and we can do all the rest.

Of course everyone should be DNA-cataloged at birth, then the government can make the guys pay for any children they've littered around.

09-15-2008, 12:57 PM
One of my favorite expressions. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif

Oh, well, who needed men anyway, right? We can pick one to get us pregnant -- they're so obliging about that -- and we can do all the rest.

Of course everyone should be DNA-cataloged at birth, then the government can make the guys pay for any children they've littered around.

Cute! :laugh2:

And you can exterminate those of us who do not meet your standards from the get go, right? :poke: I think they call that "Maternal Selection" rather than "Natural Selection".


09-15-2008, 01:05 PM
Divorce never has anything to do with babies. Has to do with irresponsible adults who can't figure out how to treat each other decently.

Do you believe folks are MORE likely to remain married or LESS likely if they mary for any other reason than 'pure love and desire' for one-another?

Maybe a man like that should have arranged his life and thoughts to be a nicer person that a woman would want to stay with. Women are not going to stay with angry, abusive men. Men need to manage to do much better than that and actually raise their children in a real home. If they can't, it's their fault. Women who have children need husbands and will accept a good one.

You're a sexist. That's worse than being a racist.

09-15-2008, 01:09 PM
Do you believe folks are MORE likely to remain married or LESS likely if they mary for any other reason than 'pure love and desire' for one-another?

Like what?

You're a sexist. That's worse than being a racist.

If you want a conversation ------

Or a wife -----------------

You are going to have to do oh, so much better than this.

09-15-2008, 01:10 PM
I agree with DMP, marrying because there is a baby is the wrong reason and most likely would lead to divorce.

Although in this situation, since they've aleady stated they're engaged, they are probably waiting until the birth to have the wedding. The better to fit into the wedding dress and go for a honeymoon.

09-15-2008, 01:12 PM
Like what?

Like what what?

If you want a conversation ------

Or a wife -----------------

You are going to have to do oh, so much better than this.

Conversation about what? your sexist and/or racist viewpoints? Why would I want a wife when it's so much better to knock-up some un-suspecting, innocent, and incapable woman, then just leave.

09-15-2008, 01:14 PM
I agree with DMP, marrying because there is a baby is the wrong reason and most likely would lead to divorce.

Although in this situation, since they've aleady stated they're engaged, they are probably waiting until the birth to have the wedding. The better to fit into the wedding dress and go for a honeymoon.

Oh, waiting till it's already BORN, are "they?"

So she fits better into a man-pleasing dress?

And never mind if the kid is born with no name?

I know what I think of that young man, and it's not printable on this family debate forum.

My guess is that he's a total low-life and he'll do a runner.

09-15-2008, 01:15 PM
Why would I want a wife when it's so much better to knock-up some un-suspecting, innocent, and incapable woman, then just leave.

That's what I figured was your policy, from what you've been saying.

09-15-2008, 01:19 PM
That's what I figured was your policy, from what you've been saying.

Yup. Women are completely incapable beings; relying upon the guidance and discipline of a man to raise a child.


09-15-2008, 01:21 PM
Oh, waiting till it's already BORN, are "they?"

So she fits better into a man-pleasing dress?

And never mind if the kid is born with no name?

I know what I think of that young man, and it's not printable on this family debate forum.

My guess is that he's a total low-life and he'll do a runner.

Why is it a man-pleasing dress????? MANY MANY women want to look good on their wedding day and their reasons have little to do with pleasing the man.

The child will have a name, the fathers.

I said they "probably" are waiting, and I would think the decision to wait is being made by both of them. No need to man bash here. Whether THEY decide to marry or not if he takes care of the baby he isn't "doing a runner".

09-15-2008, 01:25 PM
I can't believe one of the mods hasn't moved this out of the 2008 elections thread - this topic has NOTHING to do w/ the 2008 Presidential Race...

09-15-2008, 01:26 PM
Why is it a man-pleasing dress????? MANY MANY women want to look good on their wedding day and their reasons have little to do with pleasing the man.

The child will have a name, the fathers.

I said they "probably" are waiting, and I would think the decision to wait is being made by both of them. No need to man bash here. Whether THEY decide to marry or not if he takes care of the baby he isn't "doing a runner".

You do not know any of this, Trigg, about whether they both want to wait or whether he's got cold feet, and I doubt it all. They could have married anytime in the last six months, and tradition would say they should have ---- but somehow they didn't. Even when it became a huge political issue with big publicity across these 50 states.

A man who abandons a girl and her baby he's gotten on her is doing a runner in my book, and the fact that the government caught up with him and is garnishing his wages is lucky for the taxpayer, but does not improve the worthless bum's character.

09-15-2008, 01:27 PM
I can't believe one of the mods hasn't moved this out of the 2008 elections thread - this topic has NOTHING to do w/ the 2008 Presidential Race...

better than any other thread available.

09-15-2008, 01:28 PM
better than any other thread available.

Uhh.. how about Lounge or Conspiracy theories? :)

09-15-2008, 01:36 PM
You do not know any of this, Trigg, about whether they both want to wait or whether he's got cold feet, and I doubt it all. They could have married anytime in the last six months, and tradition would say they should have ---- but somehow they didn't. Even when it became a huge political issue with big publicity across these 50 states.

A man who abandons a girl and her baby he's gotten on her is doing a runner in my book, and the fact that the government caught up with him and is garnishing his wages is lucky for the taxpayer, but does not improve the worthless bum's character.

No, I don't know why they're waiting. I simply offered an opinion on why they might wait.

As far as it being a political issue, IMO it is a non-issue to most Americans. Tradition may have said they should marry 30 years ago, but it just isn't that way anymore. I don't know anyone who would force their children to marry in this day and age.

There is a big difference between a man who doesn't marry the mother, but still sees the child and supports it and a man who abandons them and has to be FORCED to pay by the gov. At least in my book.

09-15-2008, 01:38 PM
A man who abandons a girl and her baby he's gotten on her is doing a runner in my book, and the fact that the government caught up with him and is garnishing his wages is lucky for the taxpayer, but does not improve the worthless bum's character.

A woman who abandons a man, taking his baby is doing a runner in my book, and the fact that the government caught up with him and is garnishing his wages is lucky for the woman, but does not improve her character as a worthless bum.

09-15-2008, 01:39 PM
Uhh.. how about Lounge or Conspiracy theories? :)

Considering the primary participants in the story and there really isn't a conspiracy, no. Some other mod may disagree.

09-15-2008, 01:40 PM
There is a big difference between a man who doesn't marry the mother, but still sees the child and supports it and a man who abandons them and has to be FORCED to pay by the gov. At least in my book.

My book says, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, what use are either of them? It's a distinction without a difference: both are losers.

A married man who makes a living and raises his children:

THAT's a man.

09-15-2008, 01:45 PM
My book says, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, what use are either of them? It's a distinction without a difference: both are losers.

A married man who makes a living and raises his children:

THAT's a man.

Your leaving the woman out of the whole equation. What if SHE decides not to marry the man?? Is he still a bum?????

NO, he's a man who is taking care of his responsibilities. Unless you think he should kidnap her and marry her anyway.

09-15-2008, 01:50 PM
Your leaving the woman out of the whole equation. What if SHE decides not to marry the man?? Is he still a bum?????

NO, he's a man who is taking care of his responsibilities. Unless you think he should kidnap her and marry her anyway.

Good question.

I'm assuming that a woman will normally marry when she's pregnant if she reasonably can.

She can't, reasonably, if he's abusive, a substance abuser, or a serial philanderer, of course.

So yes, if she decides not to marry him, he's still a bum.

TA-DA!! You knew it would work around to that somehow, didn't you? http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif

09-15-2008, 02:11 PM
Good question.

I'm assuming that a woman will normally marry when she's pregnant if she reasonably can.

She can't, reasonably, if he's abusive, a substance abuser, or a serial philanderer, of course.

So yes, if she decides not to marry him, he's still a bum.

TA-DA!! You knew it would work around to that somehow, didn't you? http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif

You have an illness. What if she doesn't like him? What if she wants to continue to slut around? See what I mean? can you be at least reasonable?

Abbey Marie
09-15-2008, 02:18 PM
I think it is a wise decision all around if they decided to put off the wedding until after the election. Then everyone can give it their full attention. Including the MSM, which I am sure would be so respectful of the situation and so happy for the couple's nuptials, should they take place before the election. ;)

09-15-2008, 02:24 PM
My book says, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, what use are either of them? It's a distinction without a difference: both are losers.

A married man who makes a living and raises his children:

THAT's a man.

Good question.

I'm assuming that a woman will normally marry when she's pregnant if she reasonably can.

She can't, reasonably, if he's abusive, a substance abuser, or a serial philanderer, of course.

So yes, if she decides not to marry him, he's still a bum.

TA-DA!! You knew it would work around to that somehow, didn't you? http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif

You are calling me a bum. Nice.

The mother of my second daughter chose not to marry me. I bought the ring, I proposed, she said no. I actively participate in the raising of our child (her mother and I are still good friends) as well as support said child financially. In the 16 years since our daughter was born, her mother has had two husbands and numerous boyfriends.

My wife and I have been together for 13 years and are going strong.

Who's the "bum?" :fu:

09-15-2008, 02:31 PM
I think it is a wise decision all around if they decided to put off the wedding until after the election. Then everyone can give it their full attention. Including the MSM, which I am sure would be so respectful of the situation and so happy for the couple's nuptials, should they take place before the election. ;)

Yes, well, they couldn't really have a big-deal wedding, I see your point, but they aren't supposed to in these circumstances anyway. A quick run to the county clerk's office on Wednesday morning is about what the situation calls for --------- that would be THIS Wednesday, the situation does not improve by waiting.

It isn't happening and I think that's pretty dubious. Especially considering all the publicity. Consider the politics, Abbey:

This kid could help his not-quite mother-in-law Palin out A LOT by marrying Bristol, but nooooooooooooo............................... somehow it's not happening. The whole country would rejoice!! All women of a certain age would be saying, "Pregnancy! The best reason of all to get married!" and all the other things we say on such occasions. ("The first one takes however long it takes; the rest all take nine months each.")

So I don't have a good feeling that this will ever happen. How many men wait till AFTER and then get married?? That can't be too common, at least not in this country, I wouldn't think. We either do or don't, I think.

09-15-2008, 02:32 PM
Who's the "bum?" :fu:

Always, Always, Always, Always, Always, Always, Always the one with the penis.

I wonder how Midcam would react to a lesbian couple splitting, after one of them got pregnant? Who then could she blame? OBVIOUSLY not the women - perhaps the sperm donor? Maybe the men who failed the ladies throughout their lives thus 'forcing' them to become lesbos?

09-15-2008, 02:34 PM
The mother of my second daughter chose not to marry me. I bought the ring, I proposed, she said no. I actively participate in the raising of our child (her mother and I are still good friends) as well as support said child financially. In the 16 years since our daughter was born, her mother has had two husbands and numerous boyfriends.

Congratulations on your sound marriage and best luck for the future.

I agree, by your telling you did all you honorably could.

Your daughter will always think of you as her responsible father, and she's a lucky young person to have that.

09-15-2008, 02:38 PM
Is this even an election issue?

I know people are foaming at the mouth to pile on Sarah Palin every made up story to damage her. Are the competitors (the real competitors) of the McCain/Palin campaign going to make Bristol's marriage status become an issue?

Imagine Obama saying something like this;

"I come before you to speak about my opponent, well I mean to say my opponent's vice presidential choice. She has, umm, she has, now hold on a minute, she has an unwed pregnant child. This is, umm, this is not what we need in today's society, afterall there are clinics that take care of this sort of thing and in my administration we will even pay for it. You see my vision will overcome such circumstance in a fair way and leave behind the unchanged ways of the past"

09-15-2008, 02:42 PM
Is this even an election issue?

I know people are foaming at the mouth to pile on Sarah Palin every made up story to damage her. Are the competitors (the real competitors) of the McCain/Palin campaign going to make Bristol's marriage status become an issue?

Imagine Obama saying something like this;

"I come before you to speak about my opponent, well I mean to say my opponent's vice presidential choice. She has, umm, she has, now hold on a minute, she has an unwed pregnant child. This is, umm, this is not what we need in today's society, afterall there are clinics that take care of this sort of thing and in my administration we will even pay for it. You see my vision will overcome such circumstance in a fair way and leave behind the unchanged ways of the past"

Aren't you "DP Staff"? Can't you move it? Will you please? I simply followed the link from "New Posts" to get here.


09-15-2008, 02:46 PM
Aren't you "DP Staff"? Can't you move it? Will you please? I simply followed the link from "New Posts" to get here.


You are right, thread moved.

09-15-2008, 02:52 PM
You are right, thread moved.

Muchos Gracias!


09-15-2008, 03:21 PM
You are right, thread moved.

That was really mean, MtnBiker. Killing an active thread because --- because why? Because you don't like the topic, I suppose.

It had a lot more political content than other threads on 2008 elections.

Doggone ------ your MSM--Yurt threads degenerate constantly into bickering, but you leave all those up. This one had a lot of good content and was behaving well, and you trash it into some place no one can see it.

I think that's pretty awful.

09-15-2008, 03:38 PM
That was really mean, MtnBiker. Killing an active thread because --- because why? Because you don't like the topic, I suppose.

It had a lot more political content than other threads on 2008 elections.

Doggone ------ your MSM--Yurt threads degenerate constantly into bickering, but you leave all those up. This one had a lot of good content and was behaving well, and you trash it into some place no one can see it.

I think that's pretty awful.

Why the hell do you think he's killed the thread? The Lounge gets MANY more views than other subforums. If you need specifics, take it to PM before the thread gets closed.

09-15-2008, 03:42 PM
That was really mean, MtnBiker. Killing an active thread because --- because why? Because you don't like the topic, I suppose.

It had a lot more political content than other threads on 2008 elections.

Doggone ------ your MSM--Yurt threads degenerate constantly into bickering, but you leave all those up. This one had a lot of good content and was behaving well, and you trash it into some place no one can see it.

I think that's pretty awful.

The thread as not been closed, it is still open. The marriage of Bristol Palin is not an election issue. And DMP is right, the Lounge has many posts and views nothing was killed.

09-15-2008, 04:34 PM
they are just being good little progressives....why are you so uptight......you need to be more tollerant and accepting of other peoples choices.....

your are pro choice are you not....

So this girl is now SIX MONTHS preggers, and they even dragooned the kid who dunnit to come along to the Republican National Convention ---- unmarried.

And he hasn't married her yet.

What is he waiting for??? They could have gone quietly to a county clerk's office any time these six months.

Is he never really going to marry her? My co-worker sez this kid made a comment on Facebook that he didn't want children.

Is he waiting to see if it's a Down's Syndrome kid like the last one was and then he'll bail out for sure? Men don't generally hang around when those show up; most mothers of retarded children care for them alone.

Well, seems to me this irresponsible young man had a duty 1) not to get the girl pregnant, and 2) to marry her PROMPTLY when that fact was discovered to him, and at the very least 3) to marry NOW so that he doesn't impede Palin's ambitions to be VP.

I guess he means to wait and let it be a bastard; nice. http://bestsmileys.com/evil/9.gif

I guess a lot of you think it's just wonderful and why should the males bother to marry anyway, just knock up girls freely and then abandon them, but I think it's all pretty awful.

09-24-2008, 03:40 PM
Very odd, I was informed that this particular thread was "killed". How can it be killed and yet anyone and everyone can respond?

09-24-2008, 05:45 PM
Very odd, I was informed that this particular thread was "killed". How can it be killed and yet anyone and everyone can respond?

Did Mundame tell you that I killed the thread?

Me? Little old me who know one ever reads anyway, killed this thread?

David... eat your heart out... your battle with Goliath was nothing compared to this. :laugh2: Okay... now that is an exaggeration.


09-24-2008, 06:53 PM
Did Mundame tell you that I killed the thread?

Me? Little old me who know one ever reads anyway, killed this thread?

David... eat your heart out... your battle with Goliath was nothing compared to this. :laugh2: Okay... now that is an exaggeration.


Funny that Mundame whines that the thread was "killed", which it hasn't been, and yet doesn't even post in the very thread that was complained about. I guess all the bitching was just hot air.

09-24-2008, 07:00 PM
Did Mundame tell you that I killed the thread?

Me? Little old me who know one ever reads anyway, killed this thread?

David... eat your heart out... your battle with Goliath was nothing compared to this. :laugh2: Okay... now that is an exaggeration.


Immie, don't think she was saying you, but a mod. I guess the problem was the thread was moved, yet didn't stop the replies. Not dead. On another thread she insinuated that if anyone posted an anti-Palin thread, not mentioning if in the wrong forum, it would be moved. I wasn't aware of past action, asked what the problem was, after seeing she was saying that the mods, save Abbey would do so. I got the response of 'it's not about you.' Not really considering myself a narcissist, I tried pm to see what the problem was. As of now, still don't know, I sent the query last evening.

Have learned since that this thread was moved. Seems that equated with 'killing.' I think Jim's reply make clear that was not the case.

09-24-2008, 09:30 PM
Immie, don't think she was saying you, but a mod. I guess the problem was the thread was moved, yet didn't stop the replies. Not dead. On another thread she insinuated that if anyone posted an anti-Palin thread, not mentioning if in the wrong forum, it would be moved. I wasn't aware of past action, asked what the problem was, after seeing she was saying that the mods, save Abbey would do so. I got the response of 'it's not about you.' Not really considering myself a narcissist, I tried pm to see what the problem was. As of now, still don't know, I sent the query last evening.

Have learned since that this thread was moved. Seems that equated with 'killing.' I think Jim's reply make clear that was not the case.

In the Biden "forced" Copter Landing thread, she accused me of killing it because I had agreed with MM that the thread was misplaced. I'm the bad guy here. She actually had the balls to say that I conspired with MM to get it killed... which is utterly ridiculous.

Well, Immie, since you disagree maybe you ought to try to get some mod to kill this thread like you did last time.

No use arguing if you can talk somebody into suppressing speech in favor of whatever you want to say, right?


09-24-2008, 09:57 PM
they are just being good little progressives....why are you so uptight......you need to be more tollerant and accepting of other peoples choices.....

your are pro choice are you not....

i just thought this one needed a bump...

not surprisingly, no dem is brave enough to step forth and answer

09-24-2008, 10:00 PM
i just thought this one needed a bump...

not surprisingly, no dem is brave enough to step forth and answer

I am totally pro-choice. I think that Bristol remains a posterchild for the failed "abstinence only" policy of her Mom. That is beyond question.

09-24-2008, 10:06 PM
I am totally pro-choice. I think that Bristol remains a posterchild for the failed "abstinence only" policy of her Mom. That is beyond question.

Why is it that the "pro-choice" and "anti-abstinence only" (I'll tell you I don't support "abstinence only" sex-ed but rather something more like abstinence is the best policy) crowd never discuss the guaranteed pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases that their position brings about?

Why is it that the failure of two young people to obey their parents (wow who among us has obeyed everything mom and dad said) is seen as the end of the world or at least a program that tries to teach children to wait for sex?

Why blame those who actually try to help?


09-24-2008, 10:06 PM
I am totally pro-choice. I think that Bristol remains a posterchild for the failed "abstinence only" policy of her Mom. That is beyond question.

it is only beyond question because you refuse to answer the question. when presented with the ultimate FATHER, or parent if you will, question....you refuse to apply the same standards because god is perfect and the same standards do not apply. i guess then we should NEVER strive to be like jesus..... like OCA, a child is a robot and if the child does not obey the parent, the parent is at fault.

09-24-2008, 10:08 PM
Why is it that the "pro-choice" and "anti-abstinence only" (I'll tell you I don't support "abstinence only" sex-ed but rather something more like abstinence is the best policy) crowd never discuss the guaranteed pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases that their position brings about?

Why is it that the failure of two young people to obey their parents (wow who among us has obeyed everything mom and dad said) is seen as the end of the world or at least a program that tries to teach children to wait for sex?

Why blame those who actually try to help?


if you don't support abstinence only education, then why are you defending Sarah Palin who did, and why are you refusing to admit that her own daughter's pregnancy is proof that such a policy is ineffective?

09-24-2008, 10:12 PM
cant anybody just explain to me why their should be sex ed or abstinence only education, with stats and links instead of being all angry and emotional about it?

09-24-2008, 10:15 PM
if you don't support abstinence only education, then why are you defending Sarah Palin who did, and why are you refusing to admit that her own daughter's pregnancy is proof that such a policy is ineffective?

If I did support Gov Palin, it would be because of the two individuals withwhom she is contending for her next job, not because of one policy that she supports.

Why do you continue to insist that teaching kids to "just do it, but safely" is effective at preventing teen pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases?

Do you have even a tiny bit of proof that "abstinence only" programs have not helped more kids than "just do it, everyone else does"?

Maybe abstinence only doesn't stop all teens from having sex... thanks in part to the media that promotes sex 24/7/365... but "Don't Drink and Drive" doesn't stop all drunk driving. Should we stop that program?


09-24-2008, 10:17 PM
If I did support Gov Palin, it would be because of the two individuals withwhom she is contending for her next job, not because of one policy that she supports.

Why do you continue to insist that teaching kids to "just do it, but safely" is effective at preventing teen pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases?

Do you have even a tiny bit of proof that "abstinence only" programs have not helped more kids than "just do it, everyone else does"?

Maybe abstinence only doesn't stop all teens from having sex... thanks in part to the media that promotes sex 24/7/365... but "Don't Drink and Drive" doesn't stop all drunk driving. Should we stop that program?


where have I EVER suggest that "teaching kids to "just do it, but safely" is effective at preventing teen pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases?"

I'll wait

09-24-2008, 10:19 PM
cant anybody just explain to me why their should be sex ed or abstinence only education, with stats and links instead of being all angry and emotional about it?

they should both be taught

09-24-2008, 10:20 PM
cant anybody just explain to me why their should be sex ed or abstinence only education, with stats and links instead of being all angry and emotional about it?

1. stats do not prove anything, that is why they are called - stats, not facts

2. it really comes down to choice. whose choice? the mother? the father?

3. the nuts and bolts of this is real simple: abstinence works 100% of the time, safe sex works 99% of the time, supposedly.

4. if you knew, growing up, that your first grand theft auto was only a slap on the wrist (a "preventive" measure, prophlytactic measure) would you be more likely to think about committing the GTA as compared to your hand will be cut off if you commit GTA?

09-24-2008, 10:20 PM
where have I EVER suggest that "teaching kids to "just do it, but safely" is effective at preventing teen pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases?"

I'll wait

That is your parties platform. Didn't you say you support everything in your parties platform? Hell, Obama even wants to teach it to kindergartners.


09-24-2008, 10:21 PM
That is your parties platform. Didn't you say you support everything in your parties platform? Hell, Obama even wants to teach it to kindergartners.



09-24-2008, 10:21 PM
how could one policy fits all work?

if we had sex ed, would all or most heed that advice?

i.e. use protection effectively

we have a record level of std's, so apparently not

abortions, i think down

childbirth by teens, down

but my point is, abstinence, sex ed, with any policy

each individual teen, will make their own choice

honestly, I am pro life. But on the other hand, I wanna be pragmatic, and be a realist and say look billy, and amanda.

Dont be giving out knob polishings, and pole riding without condoms or youll get smurfs on your private friends.

I dont know, im very mixed on whether it should be straight up sex ed, or abstinence only or some variation, and one kid, proves nothing, well, maybe that one policy doesnt fit all :coffee:

I am totally pro-choice. I think that Bristol remains a posterchild for the failed "abstinence only" policy of her Mom. That is beyond question.

09-24-2008, 10:35 PM
That is your parties platform. Didn't you say you support everything in your parties platform? Hell, Obama even wants to teach it to kindergartners.


he never said that, he couches in terms of: i "mostly" agree with the dem party.

but if anyone had the time or desire, they could pull his posts and see he is all dems, all the way. to my knowledge, he has never once supported a republican politician in anything. wait....i think he said "at first i supported bush" ......

but that was after the fact, there is not post to show and actual correlation, then again, i do not know him long enough, nor have read all his posts, so, i could be wrong.

09-24-2008, 10:41 PM

Google "2008 Democratic Party Platform".


Download the platform. You will find their free style sex education platform on page 50 under "Choice". But then, I am certain you have already read and approved this platform.

Google "Obama sex ed kindergartner" come up with this...

Please Note:

You've requested an ABCNews.com page that does not exist.

If you've reached this page by selecting a bookmark that worked previously, it's likely the file moved to a new location because of our recent redesign. Please update your bookmarks.

If you still can't find the page your looking for, check out our homepage or use the search form

Hmm, seems the Good Senator got to ABC first.


When Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama reaffirmed to Planned Parenthood this week that he believes elements of sex education should begin in kindergarten, Republican Mitt Romney saw an opening -- and he pounced.

"I was governor four years,' said Romney. "I never had one person coming to me and say, 'You know what, governor, I'm concerned about something.' What's that? 'I'm concerned about sex education. I'm concerned my kids aren't learning enough about sex.' I never heard that."


“Sex Ed for Kindergarteners ‘Right Thing to Do,’ Says Obama,” the headline at ABC News’ Political Radar blog, had the desired effect: It got me to click through.

ABC News’ Teddy Davis and Lindsey Ellerson Report: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told Planned Parenthood Tuesday that sex education for kindergarteners, as long as it is “age-appropriate,” is “the right thing to do.”


Is this not your political leader? Is he not the one that sets the policy for your party? Sex education for kindergartners... that is just plain ridiculous! And don't give me that "he said 'age appropriate'" BS.


09-24-2008, 11:00 PM
Google "2008 Democratic Party Platform".


Download the platform. You will find their free style sex education platform on page 50 under "Choice". But then, I am certain you have already read and approved this platform.

Google "Obama sex ed kindergartner" come up with this...

Hmm, seems the Good Senator got to ABC first.




Is this not your political leader? Is he not the one that sets the policy for your party? Sex education for kindergartners... that is just plain ridiculous! And don't give me that "he said 'age appropriate'" BS.


his proposal for educating kindergartners was only to teach them to identify abuse.

"The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right
to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all
efforts to weaken or undermine that right.
The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family
planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed
choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education
help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for
The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring
access to and availability of programs for pre- and post-natal health care, parenting skills,
income support, and caring adoption programs."

nowhere do we advocate "free style sex education. Nowhere do we deny a place for abstinence as a component of our program

09-24-2008, 11:26 PM
his proposal for educating kindergartners was only to teach them to identify abuse.

"The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right
to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all
efforts to weaken or undermine that right.
The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family
planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed
choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education
help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for
The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring
access to and availability of programs for pre- and post-natal health care, parenting skills,
income support, and caring adoption programs."

nowhere do we advocate "free style sex education. Nowhere do we deny a place for abstinence as a component of our program


no where do you deny obama's statements about sex ed in 'the kid garten'

do you know what facts are?

09-25-2008, 07:07 AM

no where do you deny obama's statements about sex ed in 'the kid garten'

do you know what facts are?

do you have a problem with teaching children to identify when they are being molested?

red states rule
09-25-2008, 07:10 AM
do you have a problem with teaching children to identify when they are being molested?

Here is how one Democrat treats childern who are molested

Massachusetts Lawmaker's Pledge to 'Rip Apart' Child Rape Victims at Trial Draws Fury

A Massachusetts politician and defense attorney has touched off a firestorm with his shocking public vow to torment and "rip apart" child rape victims who take the witness stand if the state legislature passed stiff mandatory sentences for child sex offenders.

Rep. James Fagan, a Democrat, made the comments during debate last month on the state House floor.

"I'm gonna rip them apart," Fagan said of young victims during his testimony on the bill. "I'm going to make sure that the rest of their life is ruined, that when they’re 8 years old, they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep; when they’re 19 years old, they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody.”

Click here to watch Fagan's shocking statements on the Massachusetts House floor.

Fagan said as a defense attorney it would be his duty to do that in order to keep his clients free from a "mandatory sentence of those draconian proportions."

Fagan did not respond to repeated requests for comment from FOXNews.com.

His remarks drew the ire of local activists as well as colleagues.


09-25-2008, 07:41 AM
I still find it odd that the twit that complained about this thread being "killed" doesn't reply after it was proven that the accusation was incorrect. Then again, she also likes to point out the low IQ of others, and calls Palin a hillbilly - and the OP is apparently too stupid to locate this thread! :laugh2:

red states rule
09-25-2008, 07:45 AM
I still find it odd that the twit that complained about this thread being "killed" doesn't reply after it was proven that the accusation was incorrect. Then again, she also likes to point out the low IQ of others, and calls Palin a hillbilly - and the OP is apparently too stupid to locate this thread! :laugh2:

As I told her Jim, she has to related to MFM somehow. The posting style, the arrogance, and condescending attitude are so similar

09-25-2008, 07:57 AM
nowhere do we advocate "free style sex education. Nowhere do we deny a place for abstinence as a component of our program

Who was your esteemed leader speaking to when he said, "it's the right thing to do"? Let me give you a clue... PP.

Planned Parenthood believes in free sex for everyone even kids.

Senator Obama was telling them he would support their sex ed proposals even for kindergartners.

Also, your party fully supports PP. Your party endorses PP's plans for abortion and sex education (with only a passing mention of abstinence) without hesitation. Now, tell me what kind of a sex ed plan was Senator Obama endorsing?

And in reference to the platform, they are not going to come out and say, "we are endorsing the Planned Parenthood plan of teaching free sex even to kindergartners". That would be the end of the campaign. Instead they use key phrases such as:

The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family
planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed
choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education
help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for

to let their base know that they will be supporting the plan, without coming out and saying it and driving everyone else away.


09-25-2008, 09:07 AM
how could one policy fits all work?

if we had sex ed, would all or most heed that advice?

i.e. use protection effectively

we have a record level of std's, so apparently not

abortions, i think down

childbirth by teens, down

but my point is, abstinence, sex ed, with any policy

each individual teen, will make their own choice

honestly, I am pro life. But on the other hand, I wanna be pragmatic, and be a realist and say look billy, and amanda.

Dont be giving out knob polishings, and pole riding without condoms or youll get smurfs on your private friends.

I dont know, im very mixed on whether it should be straight up sex ed, or abstinence only or some variation, and one kid, proves nothing, well, maybe that one policy doesnt fit all :coffee:

I don't believe it should be either 'abstinence only' or 'sex ed', but a combination of both, maybe 'abstinence-emphasized education'.

Ultimately, teens will make their own decisions and sometimes mom & dad's teachings or church is no match for a teenage libido.

I would prefer that kids know there are preventative methods out there, but they are NOT guarantees, and there are plenty of people out there who can testify to that. I have a friend on another message board who got pregnant while using foam, a condom, AND the pill at the same time. After her 4th baby, she had her tubes tied. Yet, she still got pregnant again. It was ectopic, so it had to be aborted. So she had to have a 2nd surgery to tie-up the tubes even more. She can attest to birth control methods OTHER than abstinence being no guarantee. She was devistated when she had to abort what would have been her 5th baby. She said as much as she was done having kids, having another would have been fine. Hard, but fine.

I believe that maturing tweens should be informed how their body works and how babies are conceived, and that it can only take one time to get pregnant. Emphasize that if you aren't ready for kids or even the medical & social problems that come with most STD's, then wait for sex. You can't force them to abstain, but you can emphasize the good reasons for doing so.

Kids make mistakes, and some get pregnant. Parents sometimes want to try to 'fix' the problem and act like it didn't happen. Understandable that they want to do that, but that won't erase history. Things have changed, and all you can do is move forward and focus on things that are more important.

09-25-2008, 09:34 AM
I don't believe it should be either 'abstinence only' or 'sex ed', but a combination of both, maybe 'abstinence-emphasized education'.

Ultimately, teens will make their own decisions and sometimes mom & dad's teachings or church is no match for a teenage libido.

I would prefer that kids know there are preventative methods out there, but they are NOT guarantees, and there are plenty of people out there who can testify to that. I have a friend on another message board who got pregnant while using foam, a condom, AND the pill at the same time. After her 4th baby, she had her tubes tied. Yet, she still got pregnant again. It was ectopic, so it had to be aborted. So she had to have a 2nd surgery to tie-up the tubes even more. She can attest to birth control methods OTHER than abstinence being no guarantee. She was devistated when she had to abort what would have been her 5th baby. She said as much as she was done having kids, having another would have been fine. Hard, but fine.

I believe that maturing tweens should be informed how their body works and how babies are conceived, and that it can only take one time to get pregnant. Emphasize that if you aren't ready for kids or even the medical & social problems that come with most STD's, then wait for sex. You can't force them to abstain, but you can emphasize the good reasons for doing so.

Kids make mistakes, and some get pregnant. Parents sometimes want to try to 'fix' the problem and act like it didn't happen. Understandable that they want to do that, but that won't erase history. Things have changed, and all you can do is move forward and focus on things that are more important.

That was very well said and I completely agree.


09-25-2008, 12:04 PM
That was very well said and I completely agree.


I also agree.

09-25-2008, 03:37 PM
That was very well said and I completely agree.


I have the perspective of being the 'mistake' child of a teenage mother. I saw what she and my dad went through, and I think it was the best form of birth control for me and a big enough reason to abstain until I was old enough to take on the consequences.

09-28-2008, 06:04 PM
I am totally pro-choice. I think that Bristol remains a posterchild for the failed "abstinence only" policy of her Mom. That is beyond question.

i see, so when condoms fail and other birth control methods fail, that is evidence that those methods of birth control are examples of failed birth control policies?

you won't answer this, so i won't wait.

09-28-2008, 06:10 PM
i see, so when condoms fail and other birth control methods fail, that is evidence that those methods of birth control are examples of failed birth control policies?

you won't answer this, so i won't wait.

when people engage in sexual intercourse, they leave themselves open to a whole range of outcomes, many of which are unpleasant. Do you have any evidence that Bristol and her main squeeze utilized condoms, or the pill, or the rhythm method, or a cervical shield or ANY form of reasonable precautions. or are we left with the inescapable conclusion that she was a horny underaged bitch in heat who was boned by her equally horny high school boyfriend without consideration for what the consequences might be to either their lives or her mother's political credibility?

If that were MY daughter, I would consider that a personal failure in my parental leadership. I wonder if Sarah feels the same way, or if anyone on the right feels inclined to hold her accountable for that failure in leadership?

09-28-2008, 06:14 PM
not surprisingly you failed to actually address or answer my post. instead you engage in confusion and other bullshit that has nothing to do with my simple question. as i predicted, you will not answer my post.

when people engage in sexual intercourse, they leave themselves open to a whole range of outcomes, many of which are unpleasant. Do you have any evidence that Bristol and her main squeeze utilized condoms, or the pill, or the rhythm method, or a cervical shield or ANY form of reasonable precautions. or are we left with the inescapable conclusion that she was a horny underaged bitch in heat who was boned by her equally horny high school boyfriend without consideration for what the consequences might be to either their lives or her mother's political credibility?

If that were MY daughter, I would consider that a personal failure in my parental leadership. I wonder if Sarah feels the same way, or if anyone on the right feels inclined to hold her accountable for that failure in leadership?

09-28-2008, 06:19 PM
i see, so when condoms fail and other birth control methods fail, that is evidence that those methods of birth control are examples of failed birth control policies?

you won't answer this, so i won't wait.

birth control policies should include an awareness that nothing is foolproof. If anyone thinks that condoms, or shileds, or foam or ANYTHING will absolutely guarantee guilt free, pregnancy free intercourse, they are fooling themselves.

and as is typical for you...you avoid anything resembling a reply to MY points. why am I not surprised?

09-28-2008, 06:34 PM
=manfrommaine;301896]birth control policies should include an awareness that nothing is foolproof. If anyone thinks that condoms, or shileds, or foam or ANYTHING will absolutely guarantee guilt free, pregnancy free intercourse, they are fooling themselves.

wow, almost an answer to my post. very good mfm. you get a star. so you admit that abstinence should be taught. right?

and as is typical for you...you avoid anything resembling a reply to MY points. why am I not surprised?

you're wrong, but then again your hatred for me consumes you and clouds your judgement regarding me. why should i address your points when you do not address mine?

and, i just addressed your point about "joking" after you kept stomping on your keyboard. i even took the time and reviewed the thread so as to give you an HONEST answer. yet you claim i do not reply to your points. are you lying? or do you finally admit that your hatred for me has consumed you?

09-28-2008, 06:56 PM
wow, almost an answer to my post. very good mfm. you get a star. so you admit that abstinence should be taught. right?

you're wrong, but then again your hatred for me consumes you and clouds your judgement regarding me. why should i address your points when you do not address mine?

and, i just addressed your point about "joking" after you kept stomping on your keyboard. i even took the time and reviewed the thread so as to give you an HONEST answer. yet you claim i do not reply to your points. are you lying? or do you finally admit that your hatred for me has consumed you?

your statement that Obama knows NOTHING speaks for itself. I answered your question. Abstinence should certainly be taught as an option. As far as my daughter was concerned, she was made very well aware that abstinence was the only option that her father deemed acceptable. My daughter is 19 years old, a college sophomore honors student and not pregnant. Unlike Sarah Palin, I consider my parenting to be, thus far, a success.

And I don't hate you yurt...you give yourself entirely too much credit. YOU mildly annoy me at times, but that is the extent of your impact on my life....and as I said, I forgive you for all of your insults. I really do.

09-28-2008, 07:04 PM
your statement that Obama knows NOTHING speaks for itself. I answered your question. Abstinence should certainly be taught as an option. As far as my daughter was concerned, she was made very well aware that abstinence was the only option that her father deemed acceptable. My daughter is 19 years old, a college sophomore honors student and not pregnant. Unlike Sarah Palin, I consider my parenting to be, thus far, a success.

And I don't hate you yurt...you give yourself entirely too much credit. YOU mildly annoy me at times, but that is the extent of your impact on my life....and as I said, I forgive you for all of your insults. I really do.

so you don't hate racists?

i've said all i can say to you regarding parenting and a child making a mistake. you apparently want to shit on my grandfather who served in WWII in the navy because his daughter had my brother at 17. my grandfather was the man who pulled me out of my shit faze in highschool. yeah, my parents (not by brothers dad) divorced. no surprise that my grandfather, who did not believe in my mother's lifestyle, made DAMN (he used that word over and over) SURE that my brother and I were taken care of. and when my dad wasn't around, he made damn sure that we had a father presence and that included whoooping my as with a big belt if i "sassed" my mom. what about taht mfm?


09-28-2008, 07:06 PM
so you don't hate racists?

i've said all i can say to you regarding parenting and a child making a mistake. you apparently want to shit on my grandfather who served in WWII in the navy because his daughter had my brother at 17. my grandfather was the man who pulled me out of my shit faze in highschool. yeah, my parents (not by brothers dad) divorced. no surprise that my grandfather, who did not believe in my mother's lifestyle, made DAMN (he used that word over and over) SURE that my brother and I were taken care of. and when my dad wasn't around, he made damn sure that we had a father presence and that included whoooping my as with a big belt if i "sassed" my mom. what about taht mfm?


lucky for you you had your grandfather, eh?


09-28-2008, 07:10 PM
birth control policies should include an awareness that nothing is foolproof. If anyone thinks that condoms, or shileds, or foam or ANYTHING will absolutely guarantee guilt free, pregnancy free intercourse, they are fooling themselves.

and as is typical for you...you avoid anything resembling a reply to MY points. why am I not surprised?

Which is why your daughter may be a slut, but Palin's daughter caught up in the moment with someone she loved. Your daughter may be spreading them for anyone, while maintaining her GPA which you demand. Then again, maybe not.

Speculation is something, no?

09-28-2008, 07:12 PM
Which is why your daughter may be a slut, but Palin's daughter caught up in the moment with someone she loved. Your daughter may be spreading them for anyone, while maintaining her GPA which you demand. Then again, maybe not.

Speculation is something, no?

call my daughter a slut? go fuck yourself, flabbytits. God only KNOWS how many principals you've blown to keep YOUR job....then again, maybe not.

09-28-2008, 07:16 PM
call my daughter a slut? go fuck yourself, flabbytits. God only KNOWS how many principals you've blown to keep YOUR job....then again, maybe not.

Hmm, nothing in my background made me ripe for promiscuity. Now your daughter, with a controlling father? Well enough said. She would have to rise above your child rearing, unlikely. She's most likely friendly. LOL! My guess, it's what you expect from the female of the species. Though it gauls you.

So, how did you treat the women in the ports you stopped in? Different than what you want your wife or daughter to be treated as? Hmmm?

09-28-2008, 07:17 PM
lucky for you you had your grandfather, eh?


wait, according to YOU, my grandfather is a failure. his daughter had a child at 17 and out of wedlock, something he vehemently opposed and made sure she knew that and educated her on that.

09-28-2008, 07:19 PM
wait, according to YOU, my grandfather is a failure. his daughter had a child at 17 and out of wedlock, something he vehemently opposed and made sure she knew that and educated her on that.

we may fail at certain points in our life, but we are always able to redeem ourselves at some later stage... which obviously is the case with your grandfather. I applaud his efforts and their effectiveness.

09-28-2008, 07:23 PM
Hmm, nothing in my background made me ripe for promiscuity. Now your daughter, with a controlling father? Well enough said. She would have to rise above your child rearing, unlikely. She's most likely friendly. LOL! My guess, it's what you expect from the female of the species. Though it gauls you.

So, how did you treat the women in the ports you stopped in? Different than what you want your wife or daughter to be treated as? Hmmm?

my daughter would be laughing her ass off if she could read this...a controlling father? LOL... If she could be here, she would tell you how she had me wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born. My daughter and I are wonderfully close and email/text/speak at least daily. I didn't have much contact with women in foreign ports for most of my career, given the fact that I was married. Why do you ask?

09-28-2008, 07:26 PM
my daughter would be laughing her ass off if she could read this...a controlling father? LOL... If she could be here, she would tell you how she had me wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born. My daughter and I are wonderfully close and email/text/speak at least daily. I didn't have much contact with women in foreign ports for most of my career, given the fact that I was married. Why do you ask?

Uh huh. Your responses to Said1, Stephanie, Abbey, and myself make it clear to the degree of esteem you hold women. My guess, only a guess, your daughter if she truly emails you daily, is in fear of your cutting off finances. She likely hates you, as in all probability your wife.

09-28-2008, 07:27 PM
we may fail at certain points in our life, but we are always able to redeem ourselves at some later stage... which obviously is the case with your grandfather. I applaud his efforts and their effectiveness.

i can't believe you are a parent. blessed are you that your children are perfect. may God shine upon your perfection as a parent.

and bitch, do not ever presume to know or understand my grandfather. got it. good.

09-28-2008, 07:29 PM
Uh huh. Your responses to Said1, Stephanie, Abbey, and myself make it clear to the degree of esteem you hold women. My guess, only a guess, your daughter if she truly emails you daily, is in fear of your cutting off finances. She likely hates you, as in all probability your wife.

flabbytits! what a meanspirited response!!! I hold women in high esteem, but no higher than I hold men.... do you really WANT preferential treatment? Do you really think you need it, let alone deserve it???:lol:

09-28-2008, 07:31 PM
flabbytits! what a meanspirited response!!! I hold women in high esteem, but no higher than I hold men.... do you really WANT preferential treatment? Do you really think you need it, let alone deserve it???:lol:

Says it all. Thank you. Now you know the rest of the story.

09-28-2008, 07:31 PM
i can't believe you are a parent. blessed are you that your children are perfect. may God shine upon your perfection as a parent.

and bitch, do not ever presume to know or understand my grandfather. got it. good.

I would never presume to know or understand anything other than what you have revealed. It sounds to me like he did a great job in instilling values to his grandchildren....and given your success in this world, I am sure he would be proud.

09-28-2008, 07:34 PM
I would never presume to know or understand anything other than what you have revealed. It sounds to me like he did a great job in instilling values to his grandchildren....and given your success in this world, I am sure he would be proud.

you did presume...i can't believe you are denying that. then again, you were blessed with perfect children, blessed are you and now you can bask in your children's perfection. how sad.

you're like those parents who believe their kids are perfect and when they fuck up, they are all of a sudden other people's kids..... i guess mary and joseph must be GOD for raising Jesus....

09-28-2008, 07:38 PM
you did presume...i can't believe you are denying that. then again, you were blessed with perfect children, blessed are you and now you can bask in your children's perfection. how sad.

you're like those parents who believe their kids are perfect and when they fuck up, they are all of a sudden other people's kids..... i guess mary and joseph must be GOD for raising Jesus....

I never presumed anything other than admirable qualities for your grandfather.

I am blessed with great kids....lucky, to a degree, I am sure. My son, who is the choir director at my church, and I, were just interviewed by the local paper because of the uniqueness of our situation. I am quite proud of him...my other two children have yet to make their way out into the world on their own, but I have no doubt they will succeed wonderfully.

09-28-2008, 07:40 PM
Says it all. Thank you. Now you know the rest of the story.

you don't appreciate being called flabbytits? Gosh... I am sorry. I don't appreciate being called numbnuts. If you can't take it, bitch, don't dish it out. THAT is the rest of the fucking story!:laugh2:

09-28-2008, 07:41 PM
you don't appreciate being called flabbytits? Gosh... I am sorry. I don't appreciate being called numbnuts. If you can't take it, bitch, don't dish it out. THAT is the rest of the fucking story!:laugh2:

I said one thing about the name calling? I banned or threatened to for such? Didn't think so. Fuktard.

09-28-2008, 07:45 PM
I said one thing about the name calling? I banned or threatened to for such? Didn't think so. Fuktard.

fine. what is your bitch about this time, then?

09-28-2008, 07:49 PM
I would never presume to know or understand anything other than what you have revealed. It sounds to me like he did a great job in instilling values to his grandchildren....and given your success in this world, I am sure he would be proud.

I never presumed anything other than admirable qualities for your grandfather.

I am blessed with great kids....lucky, to a degree, I am sure. My son, who is the choir director at my church, and I, were just interviewed by the local paper because of the uniqueness of our situation. I am quite proud of him...my other two children have yet to make their way out into the world on their own, but I have no doubt they will succeed wonderfully.

you may fool some people mfm, but you can't fool all of us. i do not even feel sympathy for your life. that is how pathetic you are. you had your chance and you, predictably, blew it.

i would call you and asshole or dickhead, but you have been called that so many times in your life, you are "numb" to it.

grab that big guy......

09-28-2008, 07:51 PM
fine. what is your bitch about this time, then?

I missed my 'bitching'. However, you seem to have a problem. Probably guilt, from being a very poor father and husband, not to mention a poor commanding officer. My guess, you lose as a preacher too. Truly a loser life.

09-28-2008, 07:53 PM
you may fool some people mfm, but you can't fool all of us. i do not even feel sympathy for your life. that is how pathetic you are. you had your chance and you, predictably, blew it.

i would call you and asshole or dickhead, but you have been called that so many times in your life, you are "numb" to it.

grab that big guy......

I honestly stated my opinion that your grandfather had, by your very own description, done a very good job at instilling values into his grandchildren.

I further stated that, given your success in life, he would undoubtedly be pleased....

and you are giving me shit for that opinion? Have I got that right?????

09-28-2008, 07:58 PM
I missed my 'bitching'. However, you seem to have a problem. Probably guilt, from being a very poor father and husband, not to mention a poor commanding officer. My guess, you lose as a preacher too. Truly a loser life.

kathianne...do you honestly think that YOUR opinion - as totally uninformed as it is - of my military career, my parenting, AND/OR my marriage is going to HURT me in any way? I KNOW I was a great boss in the Navy...I KNOW I am a great parent and I just asked my wife if I am doing an OK job as her husband and she came into the den and gave me a kiss and said "yes"...but she is headed off to bed because her work day starts early and mine, the day after Sunday, starts whenever I get up and start writing!

perhaps you should stop with the useless insults, flabbytits!:laugh2:

09-28-2008, 07:59 PM
I honestly stated my opinion that your grandfather had, by your very own description, done a very good job at instilling values into his grandchildren.

I further stated that, given your success in life, he would undoubtedly be pleased....

and you are giving me shit for that opinion? Have I got that right?????

Yurt, MFM LOVES what your grandfather said, stood for, passed on. Get with it man, you are BUDDIES.

09-28-2008, 08:04 PM
Yurt, MFM LOVES what your grandfather said, stood for, passed on. Get with it man, you are BUDDIES.

yurt and I may not be buddies, but I can still honestly admire the work his grandfather did with his grandchildren and acknowledge the obvious success.

09-28-2008, 08:22 PM
my mother raised, for the most part. my dad was not around all the time. that is why my grandfather believed he had liberty to step in and give me a 'father' figure.

what people like mfm ignore, is that my mother, the sinner she seems to be in mfm's mind, raised a man. my grandfather's influence was...maybe once a year... the rest was my mother, nearly all on her own, raising me and a handicapped brother. a 17 year old mother. her father a failure according to mfm and oca.

but, mfm now salutes my grandfather for what he taught the grandchild. what a fuckin phony. as if because i, the child, did not have a kid out of wedlock or so-called early wife pregnancy, that my grandfather DID IN FACT do a good job regarding me.

09-28-2008, 08:27 PM
my mother raised, for the most part. my dad was not around all the time. that is why my grandfather believed he had liberty to step in and give me a 'father' figure.

what people like mfm ignore, is that my mother, the sinner she seems to be in mfm's mind, raised a man. my grandfather's influence was...maybe once a year... the rest was my mother, nearly all on her own, raising me and a handicapped brother. a 17 year old mother. her father a failure according to mfm and oca.

but, mfm now salutes my grandfather for what he taught the grandchild. what a fuckin phony. as if because i, the child, did not have a kid out of wedlock or so-called early wife pregnancy, that my grandfather DID IN FACT do a good job regarding me.

no. I salute your grandfather AND your mother. The results of their childrearing and their influence is apparent.

09-28-2008, 08:37 PM
no. I salute your grandfather AND your mother. The results of their childrearing and their influence is apparent.

so then palin is not a bad parent.....

and dickhead, i catch your last insult.....

09-28-2008, 08:46 PM
so then palin is not a bad parent.....

and dickhead, i catch your last insult.....

that remains to be seen, doesn't it? Let's see if Bristol turns out as well as you have....

and I did not insult you at all. you misread me, to be sure.

09-28-2008, 08:49 PM
that remains to be seen, doesn't it? Let's see if Bristol turns out as well as you have....

and I did not insult you at all. you misread me, to be sure.

We all 'misread' your mean spirited posts. On the other hand, you are intimidated by our responses. Yeah, man up.

09-28-2008, 08:50 PM
We all 'misread' your mean spirited posts. On the other hand, you are intimidated by our responses. Yeah, man up.

ok ...can you show me the insult he was referring to?

09-28-2008, 08:53 PM
ok ...can you show me the insult he was referring to?

Beyond my pay grade.

09-28-2008, 08:59 PM
that remains to be seen, doesn't it? Let's see if Bristol turns out as well as you have....

and I did not insult you at all. you misread me, to be sure.

i don't misread you dickhead. if i did, you would of course offered an explanation as to how your post was not offensive. but of course you did not.

put me back on ignore mfm. you obvioulsy can't handle debating policy with me and you will not answer simple questions. go on, put me back on ignore.... then you can claim victory.

go on now...

do it

09-28-2008, 09:39 PM
i don't misread you dickhead. if i did, you would of course offered an explanation as to how your post was not offensive. but of course you did not.

put me back on ignore mfm. you obvioulsy can't handle debating policy with me and you will not answer simple questions. go on, put me back on ignore.... then you can claim victory.

go on now...

do it

I applauded your grandfather, your mother, and you. Please explain how that is offensive.

09-28-2008, 11:06 PM

You're right, Bristol, not Bridget.

Okay, so it seems most of you who replied here are in favor of illegitimacy and boys not marrying the girls they knock up. So the black community's values have indeed rapidly metastasized into the general community; so much for marriage?

I think I'm more of a conservative than most of you; I am in favor of families --- heterosexual families! --- and men supporting their families inside of an intact marriage. Men being around being models for the children, their energy making a better life for the family and children than they could have with just the hard-pressed mother taking care of illegitimate children on her own.

This Bristol thing is the end of that ideal, isn't it? Even so-called conservatives now think it's just fine for girls to get pregnant and nobody cares who the guy is, the government is in charge of making him pay up, if they can catch him, if not, who cares, nobody's business. No particular reason he should marry her, who cares.


hm, okay, well, personally, I think it's a farce for the cameras at this point, to be honest. Can't have the woman looking like a redneck hick, so it'll drag out until after the election, and then break up, and be swept under the rug.

However, it's none of your damn business, nor is it mine. It is not okay for ANY parent, read ANY parent to abandon their child, but trying to act as though it is all on the guys is a highly hypocritical, and sexist argument. Apparently, you believe that women have no power of their own to make right choices when confronted by the male genitalia, at least so far as you've argued this thread.

This wasn't rape, it was sex, unsafely done, and that's that, but to decide that, obviously, it is automatically the guy's fault is, in truth, sexist as hell. I mean, obviously women don't like sex, I mean, that's why no woman would ever approach a man first, or sleep with a married man, or "slip" on the pill in order to get themselves pregnant.

To be honest, I'm disgusted that it even got brought up in the first place, and if you support Obama so damned much, then why the hell don't you follow his own lead, and keep Palin's family "off limits"?

And it isn't as if the dems are even short of legitimate issues to take her down on, so it makes it even more idiotic, and more of a time waster that you are even bringing this up. Stop hurting your own team, and start finding a legitimate issue.

09-30-2008, 05:29 PM
Aren't mods supposed to set a good example? As in removing themselves from heated discussions and not participating in name calling and insulting posters family members? Regardless of personal opinion, insinuating someone's daughter is promiscuous or 'friendly' LOL. Is not becoming behavior, is it?

09-30-2008, 06:35 PM
Aren't mods supposed to set a good example? As in removing themselves from heated discussions and not participating in name calling and insulting posters family members? Regardless of personal opinion, insinuating someone's daughter is promiscuous or 'friendly' LOL. Is not becoming behavior, is it?

..at the same time, Members aren't to 'call out' a mod like this. While Mods are held to a higher standard, of course, people are still people and goof. Calling out or discussion of one's family is very...dicey. To have a blatant rule saying NO FAMILY MEMBERS ARE TO BE DISCUSSED could cause folk to get in trouble by simply wishing one of our kids a Happy Birthday, etc.

So - what do we do? Jim has stated previously his policy:


Did Kath violate those guidelines? That's for the moderating staff to discuss.

But the deal about Moderates getting into heated discussions isn't so cut and dry. What we ask is staff DO NOT MODERATE in a thread where they are getting pretty intense (unless of spammers, etc, or what have you).

For instance - if I were whooping MFM's arse in a debate (easily possible if he'd actually answer questions), and then I were to ban him from the thread for a heated reply to one of my comments, it'd cause a bit of doubt in other readers. However justified I'd be would be beside the point.

What I've seen lately in the Admin forum is a plea for help. For instance, in the above scenario, MFM starts foul-mouthing my wife. My best course of action would be to ask for help of another Staff member. I might post something like "Hey - can somebody take a look at this? I think MFM crossed the line; Somebody who isn't involved, please look at the thread holistically and make the call. That way, another detached-from-the-situation Mod/Admin can look at everything involved then make the call impartially. That mod/admin may say "Gotcha DMP - but man, you and he were REALLY going back and forth. Not that what he said is good, but because of how HEATED things got, it's not a big-bad-deal." OR, they may say "Yup - that was a completely out of the blue not-called-for slam...I'm on it."

Make any sense?

If you want to have specific dialog about the mods/and procedures, Fire off a PM to the Myself, MtnBiker, or jimnyc. One of us will likely return your PM shortly.

09-30-2008, 07:31 PM
anyone notice that it is MFM at the center of probably 95% of "heated" discussions on this board....

sorry oca, you lost your crown :laugh2:

09-30-2008, 07:43 PM
I applauded your grandfather, your mother, and you. Please explain how that is offensive.

and STILL no explanation from the whiner. why am I not surprised?:laugh2:

red states rule
09-30-2008, 07:45 PM
and STILL no explanation from the whiner. why am I not surprised?:laugh2:

Well, go ahead with your explanation. Nobody is stopping you from having another temper tantrum :laugh2:

09-30-2008, 07:53 PM
..at the same time, Members aren't to 'call out' a mod like this. While Mods are held to a higher standard, of course, people are still people and goof. Calling out or discussion of one's family is very...dicey. To have a blatant rule saying NO FAMILY MEMBERS ARE TO BE DISCUSSED could cause folk to get in trouble by simply wishing one of our kids a Happy Birthday, etc.

So - what do we do? Jim has stated previously his policy:


Did Kath violate those guidelines? That's for the moderating staff to discuss.

But the deal about Moderates getting into heated discussions isn't so cut and dry. What we ask is staff DO NOT MODERATE in a thread where they are getting pretty intense (unless of spammers, etc, or what have you).

For instance - if I were whooping MFM's arse in a debate (easily possible if he'd actually answer questions), and then I were to ban him from the thread for a heated reply to one of my comments, it'd cause a bit of doubt in other readers. However justified I'd be would be beside the point.

What I've seen lately in the Admin forum is a plea for help. For instance, in the above scenario, MFM starts foul-mouthing my wife. My best course of action would be to ask for help of another Staff member. I might post something like "Hey - can somebody take a look at this? I think MFM crossed the line; Somebody who isn't involved, please look at the thread holistically and make the call. That way, another detached-from-the-situation Mod/Admin can look at everything involved then make the call impartially. That mod/admin may say "Gotcha DMP - but man, you and he were REALLY going back and forth. Not that what he said is good, but because of how HEATED things got, it's not a big-bad-deal." OR, they may say "Yup - that was a completely out of the blue not-called-for slam...I'm on it."

Make any sense?

If you want to have specific dialog about the mods/and procedures, Fire off a PM to the Myself, MtnBiker, or jimnyc. One of us will likely return your PM shortly.


I honestly don't care anymore.

It's just a matter of time before 'someone' has another dramatic meltdown anyway. Unless there's an intervention. :laugh2:

09-30-2008, 08:48 PM
Aren't mods supposed to set a good example? As in removing themselves from heated discussions and not participating in name calling and insulting posters family members? Regardless of personal opinion, insinuating someone's daughter is promiscuous or 'friendly' LOL. Is not becoming behavior, is it?

You may well have a point. There were reasons I got so personal. However, you will notice I didn't delete or moderate in any way. I didn't give neg rep, which would have been within my allowed action as a member.

I'd be glad to discuss in pm, but am not going to attempt to justify myself a day or more later. I was responding as a member, not a mod.

09-30-2008, 08:51 PM
you watch that show too :laugh2:


I honestly don't care anymore.

It's just a matter of time before 'someone' has another dramatic meltdown anyway. Unless there's an intervention. :laugh2:

09-30-2008, 08:57 PM

I honestly don't care anymore.

It's just a matter of time before 'someone' has another dramatic meltdown anyway. Unless there's an intervention. :laugh2:

Darin, those that understand, will. Those that don't, won't. As I said, I'll be glad to deal with pm, from any poster. I'll not have a 'meltdown'. In all seriousness, doubt very much MFM will either.

09-30-2008, 09:00 PM
speaking of melts, i could use an arbys melt right about now


Darin, those that understand, will. Those that don't, won't. As I said, I'll be glad to deal with pm, from any poster. I'll not have a 'meltdown'. In all seriousness, doubt very much MFM will either.

09-30-2008, 09:11 PM
Darin, those that understand, will. Those that don't, won't. As I said, I'll be glad to deal with pm, from any poster. I'll not have a 'meltdown'. In all seriousness, doubt very much MFM will either.

I don't melt down much at all. I just tend to swear easily... a quarter of a century with swabbies permanently alters one's speech patterns!:laugh2:

Do forgive me in advance!

09-30-2008, 09:15 PM
I don't melt down much at all. I just tend to swear easily... a quarter of a century with swabbies permanently alters one's speech patterns!:laugh2:

Do forgive me in advance!

I didn't think you would 'meltdown.' Seriously, I'm sorry I brought your daughter into the discussion, while I may have segued right enough to have been on the 'right side' of the issue, it was wrong of me. I have no reason to think, nor do I that she is anything but a great woman.

It's wrong to let things get out of hand on mb, I'm sorry I did.

09-30-2008, 09:19 PM
I didn't think you would 'meltdown.' Seriously, I'm sorry I brought your daughter into the discussion, while I may have segued right enough to have been on the 'right side' of the issue, it was wrong of me. I have no reason to think, nor do I that she is anything but a great woman.

It's wrong to let things get out of hand on mb, I'm sorry I did.

apology gladly and easily accepted.

My daughter, by the way, called me tonight because I had left her a voicemail last night to ask her to sign onto this site just to tell you all what her opinion was of her dad... I told her tonight that I really didn't need to bring her into this and will not do so. Regardless, she was all ready to, and would have been a powerful liberal voice. I just want her to concentrate on her classes now and not spend time defending her dad or liberalism.

09-30-2008, 09:25 PM
apology gladly and easily accepted.

My daughter, by the way, called me tonight because I had left her a voicemail last night to ask her to sign onto this site just to tell you all what her opinion was of her dad... I told her tonight that I really didn't need to bring her into this and will not do so. Regardless, she was all ready to, and would have been a powerful liberal voice. I just want her to concentrate on her classes now and not spend time defending her dad or liberalism.

BTW the apology was to any insults to your daughter, not you. ;) She never deserved such.

09-30-2008, 09:39 PM
BTW the apology was to any insults to your daughter, not you. ;) She never deserved such.

I fully realize that your grace has limits. I accepted the apology on her behalf...but you should realize that I had to forcefully call her off and refocus her on her school work or she would have been here to tell you off in person. and you DID deserve that. ;)

09-30-2008, 10:06 PM
I fully realize that your grace has limits. I accepted the apology on her behalf...but you should realize that I had to forcefully call her off and refocus her on her school work or she would have been here to tell you off in person. and you DID deserve that. ;)

Possibly. Then again...

09-30-2008, 10:18 PM
Possibly. Then again...

you got off easy...trust me.

09-30-2008, 10:24 PM
you got off easy...trust me.

I would never 'trust you.' Not with a boat, certainly not my life or reputation. Sorry, but you are NOT trustworthy.

09-30-2008, 10:26 PM
I would never 'trust you.' Not with a boat, certainly not my life or reputation. Sorry, but you are NOT trustworthy.

oh...you hurt me where I LIVE, sister!:lol:

09-30-2008, 10:27 PM
oh...you hurt me where I LIVE, sister!:lol:

Then again, I never asked you to 'trust me.' I really could not care less about your opinion.

09-30-2008, 10:34 PM
Then again, I never asked you to 'trust me.' I really could not care less about your opinion.

and I actually value yours quite highly.

c'est la vie.

10-01-2008, 08:49 AM
and I actually value yours quite highly.

c'est la vie.

How do you reconcile your claimed faith your nasty comments about imagined shape of body parts, cheering at the thought of personal or relational illness of others, and the possible killing of innocent life based on the whims of the mother?

10-01-2008, 08:35 PM
no. I salute your grandfather AND your mother. The results of their childrearing and their influence is apparent.

I applauded your grandfather, your mother, and you. Please explain how that is offensive.

and STILL no explanation from the whiner. why am I not surprised?

since the preacher decided to keep making this an issue, here is why i knew his "compliment" was a total lie. keep in mind he just said this today and has said virtually identical things in the past, i knew he was lying in his compliment and i knew he would again resort to debasing me with personal insults. to let the matter rest....mfm will convict himself with his own words:

The really scary thing is that you are too fucking stupid to even realize how moronic your dumbass argument is in the first place. You are the classic example of a moron who has a modicum of textbook training. For you to pass yourself off as an attorney at law and an officer of the court with a brain as atrophied as yours is truly laughable.

10-01-2008, 08:39 PM
since the preacher decided to keep making this an issue, here is why i knew his "compliment" was a total lie. keep in mind he just said this today and has said virtually identical things in the past, i knew he was lying in his compliment and i knew he would again resort to debasing me with personal insults. to let the matter rest....mfm will convict himself with his own words:

I had thought you were smarter than your posts today would indicate. The onus is on you, my moronic friend. Sorry... although I am sure that your grandparents and your mother were good people.

10-03-2008, 12:40 AM
The young lady did her best but she got pregnant anyway. Perhaps she wasn't exposed to a proper education? As far as the young man is concerned, he'll probably need that shotgun wedding before he ever commits to anything involving that dysfunctional family!!!!!!!!!!!
