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09-15-2008, 11:42 AM
He never was 'HOPE' or 'Change'


On the stump, Obama moves past hope
By: Carrie Budoff Brown
September 15, 2008 12:21 PM EST

CHICAGO — The “hopemonger” is gone.

Barack Obama sounds more like a man trying to shake a rain cloud these days, dispensing a teeth-clenching, I-get-your-pain stump speech in town after town that offers only snippets of the unbridled optimism that long permeated his campaign pitch.

Beginning in the days before his party's convention, the inspirational has given way to the traditional: attacks on John McCain, a register of policy prescriptions and partisan language with the sting of a needle.

Over the summer, Obama would often simply say that he and McCain “fundamentally disagree” on key issues. In New Hampshire on Saturday, Obama said the Arizona senator “doesn’t get it. He doesn’t know what is going on your lives. He is out of touch with the American people.”

The poetic defenses of hope, the playful jokes about being a distant relative of Vice President Cheney and the glancing attention to policy have been replaced by an emphasis on economic fears — an issue-by-issue argument of why the American dream is slipping away and the Republican ticket has no plan to rescue it. He furrows his brow, wags his finger and broadcasts exasperation at the idea that a 26-year veteran of Washington is co-opting his mantra of change.

The Obama campaign has even replaced the wistful slogan, “Change We Can Believe In,” with the more imperative “Change We Need.”


Abbey Marie
09-15-2008, 11:46 AM
Gov. Palin has redefined Obama's campaign. Come to think of it, we women do something similar in our homes all the time, so we should not be surprised. The hand that rocks the cradle, and all that. :)

09-15-2008, 12:23 PM
The Obambam was just one big slogan..

the people are starting to see just how much of a empty suit he and Joey Biden are..

I just laugh and laugh...and think, here they went and did it again..:laugh2:

09-15-2008, 01:50 PM
Gov. Palin has redefined Obama's campaign. Come to think of it, we women do something similar in our homes all the time, so we should not be surprised. The hand that rocks the cradle, and all that. :)

yeah I know...we're screwed....once you have a woman in the White House men will never get another chance.....