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View Full Version : Weird Weather While Driving Stories

09-15-2008, 12:19 PM
I know that Darin ran into some weird weather during his driving for move. Abbey brought weird weather drives to mind on my dogs and cats threads.

I have three stories:

1. August, 1987. My friend and I were heading for the south suburbs. We decided to meet inbetween at a Toys R Us. While heading there, I noticed black clouds in the west, like I'd never seen before. I thought, "Wow, I'm certain those will head South, storms always do." Met my friend and she got in my car. We headed South. Came back about 3 hours later, her car was covered by water to the door handles. Wouldn't start, I drove her home.
In the morning it was still raining, buckets. Those black clouds? They were above me. My friend lived in Wheaton, not as bad. About 7 am, my best friend called me, also lived in Elmhurst, like myself at the time. She was like, "Can you come and help us? My basement and backyard is full of water." My husband and I did, bringing a pump to help. She lived 9 blocks from us, we could only drive 3. Had to walk the rest, going to waist high.

Later that day, went to my nephew's birthday party, getting out on the only open road. We got there, my brother's house had no power. After about a half hour, the state police showed up, told my brother he had to report to work, Elmhurst had been declared a 'disaster.' National Guard was there, all police had to report in, management included. ;)

Within the next few weeks, we'd find that another suburb had built a series of cement berms, which caused Elmhurst to flood with over $3billion worth of damages. My friend, her home was assessed at $90k worth of damages, that State Farm had to pay out, later limited to $10k for same kind of coverage.

2. Taking my daughter and her friends to party at my folks summer home, 1988. Her 7th bd, van full of brothers and friends, beautiful day. Until suddenly ears popped and dark clouds formed. Saw funnel clouds out in the cornfields of IL. One was heading our way, we were on I80. Took car up to 95 mph, until sun broke through. Later asked my brother what would have happened if a cop had been around, his response, "Wouldn't have happened, they passed you."

3. Returning from a trip from FL with my son in my '95 LeBaron convertible. Suddenly went dark and rain in buckets. Funnel clouds all around, (pattern here, I think I'm an attraction to them). Stopped under bridge, tornado went right in front of my car, lifting the roof of my car up, then my car up, 1/2 way off the ground. Blame, the car hit the ground, once the tornado passed, again I went off, over 100 mph, out of that system.