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09-15-2008, 02:21 PM
An excellent comment on the lack of depth in American Politics today and especially on the republican side.

"...does your polity truly intend to suspend all disbelief, all debate, all thought, because of a well-groomed moose-killer?"

A letter to America: You Cannot be Serious by Ian Bell


"...Ms Palin is a symbol of deep American introversion, of the fact that you have ceased to take yourselves seriously and, more important, don't much care who knows it. Arguments over the relationship between the wider world and your choices have become irrelevant. You have detached yourself, finally, from the global community. This is isolationism as never before conceived. "American" in my life has been lingua franca, for better or ill. Now you talk to yourself.

And you talk, my friends, in the sort of gibberish that once you spurned. It's not about Ms Palin, as such. It is about the process that creates a candidate-grin manipulated to serve darkness, ignorance, fear, a war economy, and the flaunting of stupidity.

Nice going."

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

09-15-2008, 02:42 PM
OODA loop

09-15-2008, 02:49 PM

It's been said that dreams are our roadmaps to the future. If so, where are we headed? Common Dreams is a national non-profit citizens' organization working to bring progressive Americans together to promote progressive visions for America's future. We are committed to being on the cutting-edge of using the internet as a political organizing tool - and creating new models for internet activism.

Moving forward; advancing.
Proceeding in steps; continuing steadily by increments: progressive change.
Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods: a progressive politician; progressive business leadership.
A person who actively favors or strives for progress toward better conditions, as in society or government.

Progressive = liberal

I don't suppose you consider this to be a fair minded news source, do you?


09-15-2008, 03:03 PM
An excellent comment on the lack of depth in American Politics today and especially on the republican side.

"...does your polity truly intend to suspend all disbelief, all debate, all thought, because of a well-groomed moose-killer?"

A letter to America: You Cannot be Serious by Ian Bell


"...Ms Palin is a symbol of deep American introversion, of the fact that you have ceased to take yourselves seriously and, more important, don't much care who knows it. Arguments over the relationship between the wider world and your choices have become irrelevant. You have detached yourself, finally, from the global community. This is isolationism as never before conceived. "American" in my life has been lingua franca, for better or ill. Now you talk to yourself.

Yes, I suppose that is what is going on, and I think that's what happened with Bush: at least his reelection. We thumb our noses at the world (me first!! and proud of it) and I'm not honestly sure why we should not ------ always assuming we do NOT make the mistake the Germans made, of being rabid mad dogs goosestepping into so many other nations that finally, the world united against them in an all-out effort to defeat them permanently. Because the world IS bigger than we are, and I don't want the bombing of Dresden carried out against us and with nuclear bombs.

But if we do not interfere with other countries (a pathetic hope with war against Pakistan possible this very week as well as the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) then I don't see why we shouldn't indulge in isolationism.

The more isolation the better. Up with isolation!

The problem with Palin is not isolationism, I would say. The problem is simply stupidity. Look at Bush: he turned out to be stupid. Who knew?? I didn't. But his stupidity and tendency to go to sleep for two years in the middle of a war has been a disaster for this country. We cannot afford another stupid president.

Of course, that's probably what we'll get ---- I've really lost hope at this point.

09-15-2008, 04:00 PM
obama is a liar (http://www.audacityofhypocrisy.com/?p=62)

09-15-2008, 04:27 PM
im sorry. i just couldnt read the letter. it's literally putting me to sleep.

09-15-2008, 04:28 PM
midcan, I'm sure you think there are a lot of excellent comments at communistdreams.org (http://www.commondreams.org/).

09-15-2008, 04:59 PM
"...does your polity truly intend to suspend all disbelief, all debate, all thought, because of a well-groomed community organiser?"

09-15-2008, 05:36 PM
"...does your polity truly intend to suspend all disbelief, all debate, all thought, because of a well-groomed community organiser?"

awesome, what is it?

09-15-2008, 06:06 PM
Ah yes, another fine example of the Democrat's mantra: If you don't agree with our point of view, well, you're wrong. you're uninformed, and you're an idiot.

09-15-2008, 06:09 PM
"A letter to America - You Can't Be Serious"

You're wrong.....we are....

09-15-2008, 06:26 PM
I don't suppose you consider this to be a fair minded news source, do you?


Shooting the messenger is as old as society, it doesn't address the issue. Sticking your head in the sand as most of replies did is no answer either. What I found most annoying about the Palin selection was the cynicism it showed towards our country. Someone else agreed which means many agreed.

Someday a child will ask why did you allow them to destroy the earth. A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against Polar bears and the natural beauty of our nation.

09-15-2008, 06:38 PM
Shooting the messenger is as old as society, it doesn't address the issue. Sticking your head in the sand as most of replies did is no answer either. What I found most annoying about the Palin selection was the cynicism it showed towards our country. Someone else agreed which means many agreed.

You put the letter out as if it had any bearing on reality. It doesn't. Simply one more piece of smear campaigning. Nothing more than that. It is not even worth the time it took to open the page.

More hateful lies to spread by the left while the right spreads it own lies. Truth isn't a matter for discussion in a political campaign from either side, though it should be.


09-15-2008, 07:32 PM
Shooting the messenger is as old as society, it doesn't address the issue. Sticking your head in the sand as most of replies did is no answer either. What I found most annoying about the Palin selection was the cynicism it showed towards our country. Someone else agreed which means many agreed.

Someday a child will ask why did you allow them to destroy the earth. A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against Polar bears and the natural beauty of our nation.

what was the issue again?
we've been saying your alls pick of the Obambam has been a real JOKE by the Democrats, and a you've got to be kidding me...but unfortunately we are stuck with him, so you're stuck with Palin.....

commondreams..give me a break.:slap:

09-15-2008, 07:40 PM
An excellent comment on the lack of depth in American Politics today and especially on the republican side.

"...does your polity truly intend to suspend all disbelief, all debate, all thought, because of a well-groomed moose-killer?"

A letter to America: You Cannot be Serious by Ian Bell


"...Ms Palin is a symbol of deep American introversion, of the fact that you have ceased to take yourselves seriously and, more important, don't much care who knows it. Arguments over the relationship between the wider world and your choices have become irrelevant. You have detached yourself, finally, from the global community. This is isolationism as never before conceived. "American" in my life has been lingua franca, for better or ill. Now you talk to yourself.

And you talk, my friends, in the sort of gibberish that once you spurned. It's not about Ms Palin, as such. It is about the process that creates a candidate-grin manipulated to serve darkness, ignorance, fear, a war economy, and the flaunting of stupidity.

Nice going."

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

Get the hell out with the 'common dreams' links, it really sucks, especially after the Left discounts anything from the right of the NYT. Suck it up.

09-15-2008, 08:06 PM
Ah yes, another fine example of the Democrat's mantra: If you don't agree with our point of view, well, you're wrong. you're uninformed, and you're an idiot.

the best one was when my mom said ...."if you would just think it through you would be a liberal".....this coming from a woman that thinks syrian was a documentary...

09-15-2008, 08:24 PM
Ah yes, another fine example of the Democrat's mantra: If you don't agree with our point of view, well, you're wrong. you're uninformed, and you're an idiot.

Yeah, so they say. Truth is, there are reasons the majority of Americans regularly disregard that party, 'great platform and all.' It's that they really haven't a clue and look down upon most of Americans. They do not recognize the inherent goodness and brotherhood within, even those that claim to want to spread that type of message.

Why? Because they believe, (believes that represent change, you can believe in), that it takes the government to make things 'good.' Most believe that government is the opposite of good, a necessary evil

Mr. P
09-15-2008, 09:01 PM
"A letter to America - You Can't Be Serious"

You're wrong.....we are....

Just what I was thinking...along with that...it's time for AMERICA to reply with..:fu:
Works for me.

09-16-2008, 04:14 AM
It's a good article. You should read it with an open mind. He's not an America hater.

09-16-2008, 05:59 AM
It's a good article. You should read it with an open mind. He's not an America hater.

No, he is a conservative hater. :lol:

If all America walked in step with someone like Obama, he'd love us.


09-16-2008, 06:42 AM
No Immie he said he's not that keen on Obama either. He's just concerned that Americans are being fed a line by everyone. I'm sorry if this sounds arrogant and pompous and like a foreigner is sticking his nose in a purely American affair. And I apologise for that in advance. In my experience - and I'm not sucking up - Americans are generally very tolerant about foreign opinion in their politics. Well you have to be if you're the most influential nation on Earth, the rest of us are very interested as to what you're up to because it will affect us. Can I tell you how things are going in Upper Volta?
Nope. Reason - whatever they're up to won't affect me.

What he was on about was the puerile nature of the political debate in the US right now. Palin is the saviour of the GOP. Come on, you have to admit that's pretty damn wild. The rest of us see your president or your vp in the absence or illness or whatever of the president, as having their finger on the button. The least we expect is competence. But this sheila is banging on about doing over Russia? She is an idiot. The only reason she is on the ticket is for domestic - and mainly GOP - politics. That disqualifies McCain immediately. The so-called "maverick" of the GOP would sell his soul to get into the oval office, so he acceded to hooking up with Sarah Palin who might just yet turn out to be akin to a nutcase.

That's what the bloke is on about.

09-16-2008, 07:40 AM
No Immie he said he's not that keen on Obama either. He's just concerned that Americans are being fed a line by everyone. I'm sorry if this sounds arrogant and pompous and like a foreigner is sticking his nose in a purely American affair. And I apologise for that in advance. In my experience - and I'm not sucking up - Americans are generally very tolerant about foreign opinion in their politics. Well you have to be if you're the most influential nation on Earth, the rest of us are very interested as to what you're up to because it will affect us. Can I tell you how things are going in Upper Volta?
Nope. Reason - whatever they're up to won't affect me.

What he was on about was the puerile nature of the political debate in the US right now. Palin is the saviour of the GOP. Come on, you have to admit that's pretty damn wild. The rest of us see your president or your vp in the absence or illness or whatever of the president, as having their finger on the button. The least we expect is competence. But this sheila is banging on about doing over Russia? She is an idiot. The only reason she is on the ticket is for domestic - and mainly GOP - politics. That disqualifies McCain immediately. The so-called "maverick" of the GOP would sell his soul to get into the oval office, so he acceded to hooking up with Sarah Palin who might just yet turn out to be akin to a nutcase.

That's what the bloke is on about.

I didn't read it as being from a someone from another country. I didn't care that he was from the UK. It didn't matter. It read like a put down of conservatives.

Palin is the savior of the GOP for this election. Basically, until he chose Gov. Palin, John McCain's campaign was dead in the water. His selection of her put gale force winds behind his sails and got it moving. That doesn't mean they're going to win, but for now the GOP has a shot.

Personally, I believe she is as competant as anyone else in the country to lead America. I don't believe anyone is ready for that job when they take it over. It is an awful lot of responsibility, but I think she is as ready as anyone else, and much more so than any of those theives in Washington including John McCain.

As for John McCain selling his soul, well, everyone of our Senators, Congressmen and Governors have sold their souls to get where they are today. It is the nature of the business. Barack Obama is no different in that respect.

I've said it from the beginning of this campaign, regardless of who wins in November, America is screwed. I still say it. But, picking on Gov Palin as if she is the only one in the picture that is wrong for America is just ridiculous if you ask me.


09-16-2008, 08:08 AM
Immie, please don't take this the wrong way.

If McCain and Pain win it wil be a triumph of appearance over substance.

It's time for me to admit that perhaps Obama wasn't the best candidate for the Democrats. I admit to not being overly impressed with rhetoric, I want to hear policy.

If I were an American it would be a vote for Obama and Biden because the other two were just wrong. Not all that keen on Obama, Biden seems okay, but the other two are just too flakey for me. That's if I were an American.

I'm not. I get to comment without effect.

09-16-2008, 08:25 AM
You cannot be serious




09-16-2008, 08:27 AM
Immie, please don't take this the wrong way.

If McCain and Pain win it wil be a triumph of appearance over substance.

It's time for me to admit that perhaps Obama wasn't the best candidate for the Democrats. I admit to not being overly impressed with rhetoric, I want to hear policy.

If I were an American it would be a vote for Obama and Biden because the other two were just wrong. Not all that keen on Obama, Biden seems okay, but the other two are just too flakey for me. That's if I were an American.

I'm not. I get to comment without effect.

I don't take it wrong from you.

However, I strongly disagree with you and remember... it is my income Obama wants to confiscate! :laugh2:


09-16-2008, 11:13 AM
If McCain and Pain win it wil be a triumph of appearance over substance.

It's time for me to admit that perhaps Obama wasn't the best candidate for the Democrats. I admit to not being overly impressed with rhetoric, I want to hear policy.

If I were an American it would be a vote for Obama and Biden because the other two were just wrong. Not all that keen on Obama, Biden seems okay, but the other two are just too flakey for me. That's if I were an American.

I'm not. I get to comment without effect.

McCain needed to pick someone very conservative, he has gone against republicans in the past and wasn't being supported by the base. He was usually touted by the MSM and dems as a "reasonable" republican, someone they could work with. Instead of just listening to what the dems are saying about him now, look at what he's done, and what the used to say about him, before he started running against them.

McCain wasn't my first choice and I'm not sure Palin was a good choice either. However since I strongly disagree with everything that comes out of Obama's mouth I'll be voting against him.

A friend of mine was over last weekend, she's a dem, we both agreed that Hillary would have gotten things done in Washington. Neither of us think Obama will be able to do anything. Which is fine with me since I disagree with him.