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09-15-2008, 03:23 PM
The Atlantic apologizes for choice of photographer and her site. Really nonsense, the Atlantic knew her politics, which meshed with their own. What they probably didn't recognize, she is an 'artiste' with the lack of control most take as a given. She went well over the shark, in fact, she left the pool:


Atlantic Monthly Editor to Offer Apology to McCain for Photog’s Doctored Pics
by FOXNews.com
Monday, September 15, 2008

Freelance photographer Jill Greenberg took photos of John McCain for The Atlantic Monthly but then doctored them for her own Web site.

The editor of The Atlantic Monthly said Monday he is sending a letter of apology to John McCain after a woman the magazine hired to photograph the Republican presidential nominee posted manipulated pictures from the photo shoot on her Web site.

Photographer Jill Greenberg, who is vehemently anti-Republican and expressed glee that the photos would stir up conservative ire, took pictures of McCain for the cover of The Atlantic’s October issue.

During the shoot, she took several other backlit pictures, which she then doctored and posted to her site. In one photo, she added blood oozing from McCain’s shark-toothed mouth and labeled it with the caption “I am a bloodthirsty warmongerer.” In another, a caption over McCain’s head says, “I will have my girl kill Roe v. Wade,” an obvious reference to his running mate Sarah Palin’s anti-abortion positions.

Editor James Bennet said Greenberg behaved improperly and will not be paid for the session. He said the magazine is also considering a lawsuit....

09-15-2008, 03:32 PM
Atlantic is middle of the road to conservative. Harper's is the only MSM magazine that leans left and it is a great magazine.

The picture wasn't that bad, considering FlipFlops age it could have been worse.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

09-15-2008, 03:52 PM
Okay, so what is the issue?

She took photos of John McCain that she shot for Atlantic Monthly.

She sold those photos to Atlantic Monthly.

While taking those photos, she took some other photos of John McCain, doctored them up and put them on her own website, which I would assume does not tie her into Atlantic Monthly.

What is the big deal? I'm sure anyone can find a photo of John McCain on the internet, doctor it up and post it on a website.

I'm sorry, what does Atlantic Monthly have to apologize for? Seems to me that if anyone should apologize it should be Jill Greenberg and I don't see that happening. Who is even going to see the photos except for maybe Ms Greenberg's fans?

Did Ms. Greenberg only get the opportunity to take those photos because she flashed a press bag handed to her by Atlantic Monthly?


09-15-2008, 03:54 PM
her website is titled manipulator

09-15-2008, 03:57 PM
her website is titled manipulator

What? Not something inconspicuous like, "commondreams"?


09-15-2008, 03:58 PM
What? Not something inconspicuous like, "commondreams"?


nope and she takes amazing pics and manipulates them to make them look even better

take a look at the site, very good work IMO

09-15-2008, 04:00 PM
nope and she takes amazing pics and manipulates them to make them look even better

take a look at the site, very good work IMO

Will I get accused of being a left wing sympathizer if I do? :laugh2:

Oh wait!!! That's already happened so what the heck?


09-15-2008, 04:02 PM
nope and she takes amazing pics and manipulates them to make them look even better

take a look at the site, very good work IMO

I'm not sure what you guys are missing? Defecating on the candidates head.

09-15-2008, 04:02 PM
Will I get accused of being a left wing sympathizer if I do? :laugh2:

Oh wait!!! That's already happened so what the heck?


who cares, i happen to like photo stuff, tis why i like sitarro and dmp's pics so much, they take great photos

you left wing sympathizer :laugh2:

09-15-2008, 04:06 PM
I'm not sure what you guys are missing? Defecating on the candidates head.

i did not see that photo on her site

do you suggest she does not have the right to manipulate mccain's photo? was that in the contract with atlanta? if so, it is a contract issue. i have seen worse cartoons.

09-15-2008, 04:07 PM
the magazine used a very respectful photo from the shoot for their cover.

more faux outrage over minutia

09-15-2008, 04:17 PM
I'm not sure what you guys are missing? Defecating on the candidates head.

i did not see that photo on her site

do you suggest she does not have the right to manipulate mccain's photo? was that in the contract with atlanta? if so, it is a contract issue. i have seen worse cartoons.

I didn't see the photo either, but there were too many photos and I am not keen on looking through all those pictures. I got bored real quick.


09-15-2008, 04:19 PM
I didn't see the photo either, but there were too many photos and I am not keen on looking through all those pictures. I got bored real quick.


you can click immediately on mccain, and see all her photos, doctored and not of mccain

and yes, i have the day off

09-15-2008, 04:24 PM

09-15-2008, 04:32 PM

Okay, that was pretty disgusting.

I have to admit that. Still I don't see why Atlantic Monthly should apologize. That wasn't included in their magazine was it?


09-15-2008, 04:36 PM
didn't see the monkey poo

still doesn't change my POV

09-15-2008, 04:42 PM
from the article

Editor James Bennet said Greenberg behaved improperly and will not be paid for the session. He said the magazine is also considering a lawsuit.

“She has violated the terms of our agreement with her, of our contract with her so we’re taking steps. So we’re looking into what steps we can see to do something about that,” Bennet told FOX News, adding that he is “already drafting a letter of apology” to McCain.

09-15-2008, 04:44 PM
from the article

Editor James Bennet said Greenberg behaved improperly and will not be paid for the session. He said the magazine is also considering a lawsuit.

“She has violated the terms of our agreement with her, of our contract with her so we’re taking steps. So we’re looking into what steps we can see to do something about that,” Bennet told FOX News, adding that he is “already drafting a letter of apology” to McCain.

do you like showing me up :laugh2:

nice one!

09-15-2008, 04:56 PM
do you like showing me up :laugh2:

nice one!

do i like it....................dude i live for it....:poke:

09-15-2008, 05:14 PM
do i like it....................dude i live for it....:poke:

someday manu, someday

09-15-2008, 05:20 PM
from the article

Editor James Bennet said Greenberg behaved improperly and will not be paid for the session. He said the magazine is also considering a lawsuit.

“She has violated the terms of our agreement with her, of our contract with her so we’re taking steps. So we’re looking into what steps we can see to do something about that,” Bennet told FOX News, adding that he is “already drafting a letter of apology” to McCain.
Someone who could follow, thank you.

09-15-2008, 05:23 PM
Okay, that was pretty disgusting.

I have to admit that. Still I don't see why Atlantic Monthly should apologize. That wasn't included in their magazine was it?


No. Though they were hoodwinked by the photographer. Not only with outtakes, but hope they would take the underlit photo for cover. Luckily for them, they chose a more flattering photo over suggestions. At the same time, no doubt, there were no 'flattering' photos offered or taken.

09-15-2008, 05:29 PM
No. Though they were hoodwinked by the photographer. Not only with outtakes, but hope they would take the underlit photo for cover. Luckily for them, they chose a more flattering photo over suggestions. At the same time, no doubt, there were no 'flattering' photos offered or taken.

With a mug like his, how can you possibly think she could possibly take a flattering photo? :D


09-15-2008, 06:00 PM
and if a pic of you looking like this smeared all over the news????

09-15-2008, 07:06 PM
Atlantic Magazine Might Sue McCain-Smearing Photographer

The photographer that viciously smeared John McCain at her website might be facing a lawsuit for violating the terms of agreement in her contract with The Atlantic magazine.

source (source)

09-15-2008, 07:12 PM
and if a pic of you looking like this smeared all over the news????

you point?

09-15-2008, 07:51 PM
With a mug like his, how can you possibly think she could possibly take a flattering photo? :D


I guess when the guy says the economy is "sound" on a day like today, he's got to stir up faux outrage about SOMETHING, doesn't he?