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View Full Version : Democrats’ latest idea: gas stamps

09-16-2008, 12:38 AM
By Alexander Bolton
Posted: 09/11/08 07:41 PM [ET]
As the U.S. economy teeters on the brink of recession, Democratic leaders are revisiting an idea born of the Great Depression: gas stamps to help Americans cope with high fuel prices.

The proposal to subsidize fuel costs for lower-income families and individuals would almost certainly be popular with white, working-class voters and could boost Barack Obama’s appeal with that critical voting bloc in this year’s presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers and their leaders say they are serious about including it in a second economic stimulus package expected to move this month. Meanwhile, Republicans ridicule the idea as a return to welfare-state politics, which they say characterized the Democratic Party before Bill Clinton.

“It’s certainly under consideration,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told The Hill on Thursday afternoon. “It would be like food stamps for those people who need help.”

Gas stamps would work like traditional food stamps, which some Americans have collected since the 1930s. They would be used, however, to pay for regular unleaded instead of meat and potatoes.

Under one version of the proposal, a person earning up to $31,200 or a family of four earning up to $63,600 could receive government payments totaling $500 for gas.

Hoyer said he was not ready to discuss details about the proposal because he is focused on passing a comprehensive energy bill Democrats unveiled this week.

read the rest..

09-16-2008, 12:44 AM
By Alexander Bolton
Posted: 09/11/08 07:41 PM [ET]
As the U.S. economy teeters on the brink of recession, Democratic leaders are revisiting an idea born of the Great Depression: gas stamps to help Americans cope with high fuel prices.

The proposal to subsidize fuel costs for lower-income families and individuals would almost certainly be popular with white, working-class voters and could boost Barack Obama’s appeal with that critical voting bloc in this year’s presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers and their leaders say they are serious about including it in a second economic stimulus package expected to move this month. Meanwhile, Republicans ridicule the idea as a return to welfare-state politics, which they say characterized the Democratic Party before Bill Clinton.

“It’s certainly under consideration,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told The Hill on Thursday afternoon. “It would be like food stamps for those people who need help.”

Gas stamps would work like traditional food stamps, which some Americans have collected since the 1930s. They would be used, however, to pay for regular unleaded instead of meat and potatoes.

Under one version of the proposal, a person earning up to $31,200 or a family of four earning up to $63,600 could receive government payments totaling $500 for gas.

Hoyer said he was not ready to discuss details about the proposal because he is focused on passing a comprehensive energy bill Democrats unveiled this week.

read the rest..
I come close, maybe I should vote Democrat?

09-16-2008, 05:43 AM
gas stamps weren't a way of subsidizing gas, they were a way of rationing it during WW2.....there were also sugar stamps and a number of other stamps....

09-16-2008, 09:21 AM
we got gas out the ass and they wanna go back to WW11 rationing. nice call Pelosi. ya moron. :finger3:

09-16-2008, 11:03 AM
If people are that poor shouldn't they sell their SUV with 22" rims and take the bus before we starting giving them stamps?

09-16-2008, 11:17 AM
If people are that poor shouldn't they sell their SUV with 22" rims and take the bus before we starting giving them stamps?

yes I do. but this affects us all. except the rich. its just making things worse. as well as our economy. whats next food rationing????? Pelosi is strangling us all. the dems are flaunting the will of the people. putting their needs ahead of this country. they tried suing OPEC for high production. they said get your own reserves. and now this. where does it end????

09-16-2008, 12:13 PM
namvet. I think you misunderstand the proposal. This has absolutely nothing to do wit rationing gasoline. It is a way of subsidizing poorer citizens to help them cope with the exorbitant cost of gasoline. Nothing prevents anyone from buying MORE gasoline than that covered by their stamps. Nobody will have their gas "rationed" under this proposal.

09-16-2008, 12:23 PM
Man - why don't we all quit work, go on welfare and get everything "free"? REGULAR unleaded only? So - if I use that in my car and my car's engine pops because of detonation, would the Govt replace the engine?

What a crock. Look, if people are poor and can't afford GAS...either they get another job, spend better, or stop driving. Maybe they would be forced to sell their SUV sittin on 22" rimz and get Civics?

This is just another Nanny-State, Socialist-crap idea.

09-16-2008, 12:30 PM
Under one version of the proposal, a person earning up to $31,200 or a family of four earning up to $63,600 could receive government payments totaling $500 for gas.

Gross or Adjusted Taxable Income because under no circumstances would a family of four with an AGI $63,600 be considered poor. I'm not even sure that a Gross income that high should be considered poor unless maybe one lives in one of the area with a extremely high cost of living.

Talk about pandering!


09-16-2008, 12:39 PM
Gross or Adjusted Taxable Income because under no circumstances would a family of four with an AGI $63,600 be considered poor. I'm not even sure that a Gross income that high should be considered poor unless maybe one lives in one of the area with a extremely high cost of living.

Talk about pandering!


..such as most of Western and souther California? New York? 63K/year in a place where the average 2000sq ft home is more than $1M is 'poor'.

09-16-2008, 12:50 PM
namvet. I think you misunderstand the proposal. This has absolutely nothing to do wit rationing gasoline. It is a way of subsidizing poorer citizens to help them cope with the exorbitant cost of gasoline. Nothing prevents anyone from buying MORE gasoline than that covered by their stamps. Nobody will have their gas "rationed" under this proposal.

How exactly is this going to help the middle class??? Taxes will have to go up in order to "give" these stamps to people.

This is just another way for the dems to increase social programs.

As for giving out another stimulus check, it's a BAD idea. The first one was a 145 billion dollar mistake also.

The gov. needs to cut costs, not think of new ways to spend.

09-16-2008, 12:50 PM
seems an alright idea, helping the people to cheaper gas, how many of ya's would say no If the reps said that to help the average American with fuel costs they would help with around $500 a year?

And $60000 a year for a family of 4?! That's nothing, unless the cost of living in America is much cheaper than here, my mum alone earns around $40000 per year, and she basicly just works in an office, nothing fancy, so I can't see how $60000 for 4 people isn't poor.


09-16-2008, 12:51 PM
Why not just have poor people earn what they get, instead of harder-workers giving it to them? People are poor by choice. Cost of living varies wildly. Here in Alabama, I think the median income is about 37k. By that standard I'm a rich bitch. By standards in the Vally of California, I'm poor. Downtown Seattle I 'get by. Sorta.'

We don't have congestion taxes though. :p :D

09-16-2008, 12:53 PM
..such as most of Western and souther California? New York? 63K/year in a place where the average 2000sq ft home is more than $1M is 'poor'.

That is true, but people living in those areas are not going to be living on $63,600 for a family of four... unless they are living in a cardboard box.


09-16-2008, 01:00 PM
seems an alright idea, helping the people to cheaper gas, how many of ya's would say no If the reps said that to help the average American with fuel costs they would help with around $500 a year?

And $60000 a year for a family of 4?! That's nothing, unless the cost of living in America is much cheaper than here, my mum alone earns around $40000 per year, and she basicly just works in an office, nothing fancy, so I can't see how $60000 for 4 people isn't poor.


I support a family of 5 on about $75k a year gross income. No sweat. Own my home... er well, the bank owns it, but I have a corner of it somewhere. Now, true, I don't live in Manhattan or Silicon Valley, but my brother lives in Silicon Valley and I'm pretty sure he makes more than I do even though I have a four year degree and he's never gone to college and his wife works for the government making a very decent salary while she's never been to college either.

The cost of living in those areas are very high, but so are their wages.


09-16-2008, 01:03 PM
seems an alright idea, helping the people to cheaper gas, how many of ya's would say no If the reps said that to help the average American with fuel costs they would help with around $500 a year?

And $60000 a year for a family of 4?! That's nothing, unless the cost of living in America is much cheaper than here, my mum alone earns around $40000 per year, and she basicly just works in an office, nothing fancy, so I can't see how $60000 for 4 people isn't poor.


It depends on where you live in the US. You can live very comfortably on 60,000 a year in most states, and it in no way is considered poor, in fact it's the average. 75% of the US population falls into this catagory.

The problem with the gov. "giving" people $500 a year is the increase in taxes, money has to come from somewhere and usually that somewhere is the middle class.


White: $58,800

Nonwhite or Hispanic: $33,500


is working for someone else: $53,500

is self-employed: $109,000

is retired: $32,900



$355,000 1%
130,600 5
93,800 10
60,800 25
33,400 50

09-16-2008, 01:05 PM
The point is - and I know you don't disagree - 63K /year is misleading unless it's presented in context of cost of living.

The cost of living, incidentally, is NO cheaper here than it was back near Tacoma WA, yet I lost about $4,000/year in pay AND another $3000/year (due to having state income tax now) by taking this job. Chanigng my state withholding to '50' dependants sure helped. Course, I might have to pay taxes at the end of the year.


I suppose I shouldn't say 'no cheaper' - gas is about $.30/gallon cheaper. Otherwise, it's a wash.

09-16-2008, 01:14 PM
How exactly is this going to help the middle class??? .

where did I say ANYTHING about the middle class in that post. I was merely correcting namvet's description of the program as "gas rationing".

09-16-2008, 01:15 PM
The point is - and I know you don't disagree - 63K /year is misleading unless it's presented in context of cost of living.

The cost of living, incidentally, is NO cheaper here than it was back near Tacoma WA, yet I lost about $4,000/year in pay AND another $3000/year (due to having state income tax now) by taking this job. Chanigng my state withholding to '50' dependants sure helped. Course, I might have to pay taxes at the end of the year.

The gov. isn't talking about cost of living. They're talking about household income, and the price they quoted includes 75% of American households. The money will have to come from somewhere.

I understand your point.......it's the reason I don't still live outside Tampa or New Orleans anymore. Yes, we could make more, but I'd have a smaller house with no land and probably be paying for private schools.

09-16-2008, 01:16 PM
Are you people nuts? It's a stupid idea regardless of the income level that would get subsidies.

Not even accounting for the idea that those same democrats would argue for higher gas taxes for everyone, consumers and business alike. It's like they don't even know the effects of their own policies.

09-16-2008, 01:20 PM
where did I say ANYTHING about the middle class in that post. I was merely correcting namvet's description of the program as "gas rationing".

You didn't seem to disagree with the gas stamps in your post. I was simply trying to point out why I think it would be a bad idea for the middle class. You know, those people the dems are always trying to say they care about.

It's a bad idea all around.

09-16-2008, 01:25 PM
You didn't seem to disagree with the gas stamps in your post. I was simply trying to point out why I think it would be a bad idea for the middle class. You know, those people the dems are always trying to say they care about.

It's a bad idea all around.

I disagree.

And, in your opinion, was McCain's gas tax holiday a GOOD idea?

09-16-2008, 01:52 PM
Would people recieving gas stamps have to have their tires certified as being inflated correctly?

Wouldn't handing out gas stamps encourage more useage of gas? In the minds of the leftist that leads to global warming. How can they possibily be promoting an idea that would increase global warming in their minds? A much better idea would be to hand out bikes.

09-16-2008, 02:02 PM
The gov. isn't talking about cost of living. They're talking about household income, and the price they quoted includes 75% of American households. The money will have to come from somewhere.

I understand your point.......it's the reason I don't still live outside Tampa or New Orleans anymore. Yes, we could make more, but I'd have a smaller house with no land and probably be paying for private schools.

It is nothing more than political pandering by the Democratic Party to get Barack Obama elected.

They are offering to buy our votes for $500/household.


09-16-2008, 05:56 PM
Yep, Gotta agree with Immie, All it is is money for votes!!!! Plain and simple...

09-16-2008, 05:59 PM
I disagree.

And, in your opinion, was McCain's gas tax holiday a GOOD idea?

No, it was a stupid idea. He was pandering for votes and so was Hillary at the time.

IMO the stimulus check was a stupid idea also and the congress voting to give another one out is assinine.

In your oppinion where is the gov. going to get the money for a gas stamp, if NOT from raising the taxes?????????? Realize they're talking about 75% of the population getting these stamps.

09-16-2008, 06:13 PM
It is nothing more than political pandering by the Democratic Party to get Barack Obama elected.

They are offering to buy our votes for $500/household.


Just as a side note I thought I'd mention how we do pandering European style, a women ran for an office in parilment in holland a few years ago, she offered man voters 1 blowjob each in return for the promise of a vote, I must follow it up come to think of it, as I never herd the outcome.

09-16-2008, 06:18 PM
If people are that poor shouldn't they sell their SUV with 22" rims and take the bus before we starting giving them stamps?

and their cell phone....and i pod......and air jordans......etc.....

09-16-2008, 06:19 PM
Just as a side note I thought I'd mention how we do pandering European style, a women ran for an office in parilment in holland a few years ago, she offered man voters 1 blowjob each in return for the promise of a vote, I must follow it up come to think of it, as I never herd the outcome.

Really? What do I need to do to register to vote in Holl... er nevermind, I'm married and want to stay that way. :laugh2:


09-16-2008, 06:21 PM
No, it was a stupid idea. He was pandering for votes and so was Hillary at the time.

IMO the stimulus check was a stupid idea also and the congress voting to give another one out is assinine.

In your oppinion where is the gov. going to get the money for a gas stamp, if NOT from raising the taxes?????????? Realize they're talking about 75% of the population getting these stamps.

The stimulus plan was a stupid idea and it too was pandering for votes.

Our great grandchildren will have to pay for that... if the country doesn't collapse first and I pray it doesn't.


red states rule
09-16-2008, 06:23 PM

09-16-2008, 06:26 PM
There is a discrimination factor here, what about people who do not drive? Should the govenment just give them money for the hell of it?

09-16-2008, 06:35 PM
namvet. I think you misunderstand the proposal. This has absolutely nothing to do wit rationing gasoline. It is a way of subsidizing poorer citizens to help them cope with the exorbitant cost of gasoline. Nothing prevents anyone from buying MORE gasoline than that covered by their stamps. Nobody will have their gas "rationed" under this proposal.

I think the posts were refering to why we had gas stamps back in WWII, not why they would be used today. This does have nothing to do with rationing, it is just a way to pander to the electorate and it might just work if they get it through. Look at how excited people were to recieve the "free" check this year.
The best way to fight the rise in gas prices is to increase the supply, move to higher mileage vehicles in a responsible manner, work on alternative fuel vehicles in a responsible manner, and reduce use if possible. Not to further burden the taxpayers with yet another hand out to those who the politicians feel they can sway with such a thing.


09-16-2008, 06:38 PM
move to higher mileage vehicles in a responsible manner, work on alternative fuel vehicles in a responsible manner, and reduce use if possible.

All of which the free market will conform to in a reasonable manner.

red states rule
09-16-2008, 06:38 PM
I think the posts were refering to why we had gas stamps back in WWII, not why they would be used today. This does have nothing to do with rationing, it is just a way to pander to the electorate and it might just work if they get it through. Look at how excited people were to recieve the "free" check this year.
The best way to fight the rise in gas prices is to increase the supply, move to higher mileage vehicles in a responsible manner, work on alternative fuel vehicles in a responsible manner, and reduce use if possible. Not to further burden the taxpayers with yet another hand out to those who the politicians feel they can sway with such a thing.


Without a tax increase, Dems would never consider your idea

red states rule
09-16-2008, 06:56 PM
Seems to me my wallet is the only place where Dems want to drill